Ich sehe schon die News von Xboxdynasty hier morgen posten.
Streamer decken fake SSD auf: PS5 SSD lädt 60s

Streamer decken fake SSD auf: PS5 SSD lädt 60s

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Ich sehe schon die News von Xboxdynasty hier morgen posten.
Streamer decken fake SSD auf: PS5 SSD lädt 60s
Hierzu wird es doch immer gepredigt, dass sowas wie Wärme, Lautstärke und Verarbeitung keine Technik sind ?Oh, also Innenleben einer Konsole nicht mehr wichtig. Weitermachen im Technikthread![]()
LeStream : "Xbox Series X is hot"
at 05:49:45
Full quote : "I don't know if we can talk about this but, we have the Series X here and the Series X is hot, it is hot. It makes 0 noise but on the other hand it gives off heat, it's violent. I mean it's violent... yeah, yeah it's violent. You can warm up thanks to the Series X, clearly. From a sound point of view it's good but from a heat point of view, it's something."
Other one adds : "It will send out air, a small air diffuser."
Interesting note : "yeah, we're not allowed to show new generation games, disappointing."
|OT| - Next-Gen PS5 & XSX |OT| Console tEch threaD
Jesus FUCK !!! Here i'm sat waiting 30 minutes or more to move Red Dead 2 from my internal to my external on my PS4
Muss man wohl schon aufpassen bei der Brandblasenbox.![]()
Ist das jetzt die dritte oder vierte Quelle?![]()
"There is one small little thing, I'm kinda hesitant to bring it up because I know people are going to get mad at me, but I'm going to mention it anyway, I have a sneaking suspicion that a variant of the Infinity Cache is in the PS5, now the reason I say that is because when I was asking my sources, a couple of them accurate, the same sources told me that the PS5 was running incredibly quiet, very cool and they gave me all the breakdown of the PS5 testing procedures from Sony thats turned out to be accurate, they told me that the cooling solution was very different, very unique and they gave me other insights and lo and behold we started to see patents for that.....but one hint they gave me was that cache coherency on the PS5 is incredibly important and this is one of the reasons we see cache scrubbers...when I asked my source why does it look there is some sort of stacked memory on the PS5, are we looking at 3D stacked memory? they told me and I quote "think PS Vita". So I don't know if that is the case that there some type of chunk of cache or if it some type of Infinity Cache, I am still pretty dam confident in my information that PS5 has custom RDNA 2 features, or more specifically it's built on RDNA 2 with custom features which are NOT seen on RDNA 2 silicon...we'll just have to wait and see."
Sexy, ne offene Series X.Die zweite
LeStream : "Xbox Series X is hot"
Lol. They surely learned their lesson from that RROD back in the day. There's literally no way MS didn't properly care about
Was für eine Fehlkonstruktion
Paul from RedGamingTech
HuiPS5 NBA 2k21 Material
Dank RT wieder 30fps NBA Games?(eher die Replay immer noch)
Aber sonst![]()
Eventuell hat MS da noch ein wenig zutun mit der Lüftersteuerung, deswegen werden eventuell auch nur BC Games gezeigt und keine next Gen Spiele, die mehr Abwärme erzeugen könnten...Red ring of death 2 confirmed? Dann wird das auch stimmen das die konsole nach 2 stunden betriebszeit sich selber ausschaltet ?
Der Thread hier ist mittlerweile zum inhaltlichen Bodensatz des Forums verkommenWie sie sich gegenseitig irgendeine frei erfundene Gülle einreden, um die Series X in ein schlechtes Licht zu rücken.![]()
Interesting note : "yeah, we're not allowed to show new generation games, disappointing."