Wednesday, May 18, 2005
IGN + Nintendo = Marketing
Did you wonder why IGN doesn't register ""?
Did you wonder why Nintendo doesn't show anything?
Did you wonder why Nintendo on was amazing?
It is a great show. IGN has a great exclusive. IGN has all the answers to all your questions. Uh, Matt?
Did you see revolution's pad? not yet? it will be a revolution system
Nintendo is just following too many steps:
1- Talk about "Revolution" on a mistery way.
2- Unimpressed all nintendo fans
3- Boom! Did you are unimpressed? and now?
To can create a great boom, Nintendo needs to create a poor boom to can counterattack again and impress all their nintendo fans.
You'll find out why doesn't IGN talk about Revolution on his "territory" like, for example, PS3
On the other hand, Metroid Prime 3 was revealed with GC's engine so you can think another thing...
19th is the great day for all you.
Unlike all you, I'm waiting to see the great boom! The mistery will be revealed and it is on the Revolution's controller pad.
See you...
posted by osoko tanaka at 6:12 AM 19 comments
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Your questions...are answered
Maybe are you wondering who am I. Who is Osoko Tanaka?
Why does he know too much?
I'm just from Japan and I was working with Nintendo. I've done Revolution, with
another people who also worked with Nintendo's Revolution project.
It's confidential. My information is it. My information is too important and
it can hurt Nintendo if it arrives too far.
By the way. my decicion to talk about it was personal and it continues to being it.
But, I'm sure, too sure that Nintendo hasn't revealed the most important secret
on Revolution yet. And if you are patient, you should wait until 19th.
I know what will be Nintendo's planning on this E3.
For IBM and Ati, Revolution is too important to show to everyone how is its technology.
And remember each word that I'm saying to you. "See you after Nintendo's conference" means
I knew what will happen.
If you still trust in me, and in Nintendo, you should be patient.
posted by osoko tanaka at 3:33 PM 32 comments
Firstly, I'm gonna say you "Revolution is better than Xbox 360". Yeah, you will be IMPRESSED about it. Technically, of course.
¿What is the Revolution?
Not! The question hasn't good done. The GOOD question is:
¿Where is the revolution?
¿Are you aware of what Nintendo can do with this Pad? The screen of it is...awesome.
Technically, Revolution is better than Xbox 360 ¿Why? Read de thext things:
-GPU's Revolution: Ati technology with 16MB eDram... and a lot of GREAT things... (Xbox 360 has 10Mb eDRAM).
-CPU: 150-200 GFlops... I'M SURE (Xbox 360 --> 115GFlops)
Retro Game ONLY FOR Revolution
Capcom WILL ANNOUNCE a game for Revolution (Exclusive Game and NEW game)
SEGA GAMES.... AWESOME! will use ALL features of the PAD.
And...the best of all... Will see... EXCLUSIVE Konami's GAME (Do you remember when Hideo Koijima has said that he is working in a NEW project?)
See you.... after Nintendo's Conference...
posted by osoko tanaka at 5:20 AM 19 comments
Monday, May 16, 2005
Do you remember when I talked about Retro Studios?
Unlike all people who only want to think I'm liying. I'm gonna give you one reason to see that my words aren't false.
Do you remember when I talked about Retro Studios?
See the next URL --->
So You'll see that Retro Studios has said the next thing a few minutes ago "We are now working hard on a NEW project that will be announced soon" (games)
So I'm gonna say again two words: Hallo Killer (Not, it won't be Metroid Prime 3)
I've seen 10 seconds of this new game and the only word that I can describe it is: AWESOME!
See you before Nintendo's conference. I'll announce a great news...
I'm gonna give you another reason:
Click here to see a pic which will do reference to "Revolution on this E3"
P.D: Revolutionary System
posted by osoko tanaka at 5:56 AM 13 comments
Sunday, May 15, 2005
Revolution Logo and controller pad
Do you really think Revolution won't be on this E3?
You wrong...
So now, I'm gonna talk about "Revolution logo" to show you how it can be.
But don't be sure it will be the final design. It's just a logo...when Nintendo thought call to the system..."Revolution"...
It is one of the two designs that Nintendo has on his offices.
And now, I'm gonna tell you guy how can be the pad:
Yes, it is one of the x (x = I don't remember how many) prototipes which Nintendo has designed with...K...I (I can't tell you the full name)
I'm sure that Nintendo won't change too much the final design. I couldn't see the final design of the controller, but I remembered a memorable quote from Nintendo... "It's revolutionary, it can be with our concept(...)"
Yeah, Revolution is VERY VERY VERY sleek... to have an internal (and great) thing...
Guys, Nintendo have Revolution on the 100% to can show it on this E3. Don't be worried about if Nintendo will show Revolution. I promise you that Nintendo has pride, and it doesn't leave that Sony or Microsoft win this E3... Revolution will eclipse this E3
I don't want to talk about design of Revolution because... It will be a great surprise for all you
P.D: We will see the new age of a new second partie... (Who has said... Halo Killer?)
See you before Nintendo's conference.
posted by osoko tanaka at 2:30 PM 14 comments
more about Revolution
Welcome back.
Despite my english (I'm from Japan), I wanna continue talking about Revolution but, in this case, about Retro and Revolution and about graphics.
I've seen the best game that you'd never seen. 10 seconds, 10 seconds of a game which can change the world of video games. I'm not talking about "video fake" of Nintendo On, I'm talking about another thing, THE game.
This game has taken its toll on me.
"video fake" of Nintendo On is, obviously, a fake, a great fake. Let me tell you Revolution is still more impressive than it.
I don't know if this game will be on the E3. Nintendo have not answered to my question(...)
But I can tell you guys that it could change video games's concept. A great step.
Revolution's graphics are unbelievable better than Xbox 360. Time is an important factor.
So, I'm gonna talk about "Broadway"
well, we guess that we know Revolution will have 4 cores, 2,5Ghz each one.
I can't talk about the CPU. But I'm sure, after to see it, that it'll be too potential.
Bill gates, don't laugh about Revolution. You're doomed.
Sorry, I couldn't have access for GPU information. I promise you I wish to have information about GPU.
See you later before E3...
P.D: IGN ,when will you show your information? uh, Matt
posted by osoko tanaka at 5:09 AM 4 comments
Saturday, May 14, 2005
So...Do you want to know what is Revolution?
So...Do you want to know what is Revolution? it sounds cool, doesn't it?
Let me tell you guy that I prefer to call it "RS". Yeah, cuz it'll be the beginning of a new age where you'll can do anything in... Any moment? Don't u believe in me?
I have so many data about RS and there is a great site web which also knows about it: IGN
get away from me if you think I'm lying to you. get out. if it isn't the case...continue reading...
Yeah, let me show you how much it knows:
If you're surffering on the internet with "Mozilla Firefox", you should do the next thing, uh:
-Write on Mozilla "". You'll chek out it exists.
-Write on Mozilla "". You'll check out it exists.
-Write on Mozilla "". You'll find out one thing...IT DOESN'T EXIST!
But... Please, try to write the next url: ---> The page is loading...IS LOADING...Hype? No, at all. It isn't hype.
Matt knows too many things(...) and I also know too many things...
Do you remember Aries?
Is a great user who have too many information about RS but...Not all information
all you need to know about RS is that it'll be a revolutionary system. Why?
Read the next things:
Nintendo, will hit all rivals with its upcoming revolutionary system because..."rs can read DVD's and HD-DVD's"
HD-DVDs is a technology which can arrives until 45GB...Zelda's next game will use almost this capacity(...)
Do you remember the pic about "HD-DVD RS"? it can be true? let me tell you that the pic is true!
So...Would you like to know what is the revolution?
Imagine that you can be in a room chat with all people who you know...imagine that you are plaging real aRPG...called...Z...a Imagine that you can choose and you've the chance to create a choose a world...WHERE YOU'LL be inside...
see you later guys...I'll be right back...
posted by osoko tanaka at 4:03 PM 8 comments