PS4/Vita/Switch/PC Catherine (Atlus)

endlich neue infos :D

catherine wird auch auf der TGS gezeigt da atlus keinen eigenen stand hat wird es auf der Konami booth und Microsoft booth gezeigt

es wird aber nicht spielbar sein sondern atlus zeigt "nur" einen neuen trailer
Der Autor hat den Text habe auch recht amüsant geschrieben, musste bei der einen Textstelle und folgendem Bild durchaus schmunzeln...:awesome:

Screenshots show Katherine and Vincent having a serious conversation at the coffee shop. Katherine indicates that she might be... pregnant!
Here's a screenshot showing how it might have happened:

So what will happen between Vincent, Catherine (with a C) and Katherine (with a K)? It actually depends on your actions. Catherine (that's the name of the game -- with a C) will have multiple endings.
Kann mir nun schon 3 Endings ausmalen :>
Hoffe die Endings sind überraschend und nicht so 08/15 Crap.
Aber bezweifel ich mal x:
Hier etwas zur Story^^

Auch wenn das Spiel nach der Person Catherine heißt, will Entwickler Atlus den Spieler nochmals verwirren und baut eine zweite Figur ein die Katherine heißt, diese ist jedoch die Freundin von Hauptprotagonist Vincent.

Katherine ist 32 Jahre Alt und Arbeit im Management einer Kleidungs Firma. Sie und Vincent waren schon als Kinder Freunde, wurden aber nach der High School getrennt. Während einem Klassentreffen fünf Jahre vor dem Spielgeschehen stießen beide aneinander und haben das Daten angefangen. Sie kennen sich sehr gut und sie weiß auch wie viele Zuckerwürfel Vincent in seinem Kaffee will. Auf einem Bild wird vermutet das sie von Vincent ein Kind erwartet und Schwanger ist.

Nun stellt sich die Frage wie Vincent und Catherine (mit C) aneinander trafen, nun es kam irgendwie zu einem One-Night-Stand während ihm und Catherine als er mit Katherine noch Dates hatte. Doch Catherine weiß nichts von seiner festen Freundin und erzählt ihm das er sie lieber nicht Austricken sollte.

Nach dem One-Night-Stand fingen die Träume bei Vincent an und Gerüchten zufolge haben Leute in seinem Ort träume in denen sie runterfallen und nicht direkt aufwachen sondern sterben. Vincent sieht in seinen Träumen Schafe, Gigantische Hände und böse Kreaturen die in angreifen. Da mehrere Enden bestätigt wurden kann man mit verschiedenen Entscheidungen rechnen die man während dem Spiel treffen muss.
Catherine sogut wie fertig , befindet sich nurnoch in der fine tuning phase

Here's a big surprise from the Catherine development blog. Character designer Shigenori Soejima revealed today that the game is currently in its final tuning phases!
This little revelation about the game's development progress was just one of a number of interesting points Soejima made in his first post at the game's blog.
You might recall that initial Famitsu advertisement which showed Catherine eating a slice of pizza. Soejima admitted that as he made that illustration, he was worried that it might be too much for an advertisement.
Soejima considers Catherine a challenge for him in many respects. It's his and his team's first HD development effort. It's in a new game genre that's not an RPG. It's also aimed towards adults, although he noted here that this is just in terms of story and it's not the case that young players won't be able to play the game.
Wrote Soejima, "As I play again the resulting work (it's presently undergoing final tuning!), I feel that it's not just a challenging title for us, but that it's quite the ambitious work."
He also discussed a bit about his work on the art side of the game. "You can probably tell this just by looking at it, but it's a bit... actually, it's quite erotic. It's very much different from the pure (?) Persona. But this is a necessity. It's an element that cannot be done away with if you want to realistically portray adult love. If you omit it because it's a consumer game, it's unnatural. So, we are challenging the limits. ... There, my excuse has come to an end. (laughs.)"
During the character creation process for Catherine, Soejima has been placing his attention on "reality." He says that all the characters, even those outside of Catherine and Vincent, have personal qualities, and there will be some characters who will make you think that there are similar types of people in the real world.
"Rather than the 'it would be nice if you could have this' type of ideal that you see in love games, this game will let you sample the sweet and rough areas of male and female relationships through a horror taste."
The latest issue of Japanese magazine, Famitsu, has the lowdown on some new information about Atlus' upcoming PS3 and Xbox 360 title, Catherine. Created by the same team as the Persona series, Catherine has gained a lot of attention for a unique look and premise. Finally, Atlus has shared the first details about the gameplay for the title, picture emails, and some story elements.
Vincent isn't the only one suffering from these terrifying nightmares. It turns out that three of his guy friends are also having the same dreams. There is Johnny, Toby, and Orlando. All of which are friends with Vincent for many years and have a narrow-minded view on love and marriage.
As for gameplay, you have witnessed Vincent running away from monsters in an odd world during the trailers, but now you can make sense of what is going on a bit more. According to Famitsu, the action part of the game will take place in this nightmare world were Vincent has to run from mysterious creatures. You'll have to avoid monsters, obstacles, and other obstructions to get by, but if you fall off the level or get captured by the monster, it's game over. The level design looks to be a mix of 2.5D and 3D.
There will also be a phone email system in place, which was revealed in the last trailer. Emails will serve as a means to communicate with Katherine and Catherine, but Catherine is one to send "naughty" pictures to Vincent. How big of an impact this element will play remains to be known, but it could be interesting.
A new monster is also revealed. You can view it in the slideshow and as you can see, it's an odd creation. This is what will chase you in your nightmares throughout the game. The creature has muscular arms, but appears to be a female body or a joint body of a man and woman -- hard to tell.
Details are slowly being revealed on Catherine as the title creeps towards a Fall release in Japan.


Wieso muss ausgerechnet das Spiel von Atlus für die HD-Konsolen erscheinen?
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