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Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora – Fazit:
Ihr seht schon: Ich mag die Welt mehr, als ich erwartet hatte. In dieser Dichte hat sich noch nie jemand Gedanken insbesondere um die Pilz- und Pflanzenleben einer fremden Welt gemacht. Dafür gebührt Massive Applaus. Auch das bekannte Far-Cry-Gameplay funktioniert vor diesem Hintergrund ziemlich anständig. Insbesondere im Koop kann man hier seinen Spaß haben. Und doch kommt das Spiel im Ganzen in meinen Augen nicht so wahnsinnig lohnend zusammen, was ich irgendwie bedauerlich finde.
Die mechanische Seite von Frontiers of Pandora, die überall zutage tritt, sich in jedem Aspekt dieses imposanten Erlebnisses breitmacht, steht im harten Kontrast zur wundervoll organischen und vor Leben nur so sprühenden Umgebung. Es sind zwei Seiten, die nicht zusammenpassen, nicht zusammengehören – die Filme machen das zu einer zentralen Botschaft. Eine bedauerliche Ironie, dass auch das Erleben dieser bemerkenswerten Spielwelt letzten Endes darunter leidet.
Betrifft allerdings doch nicht nur Ubisoft Spiele. Ich mag Open World Spiele, aber benötige auch mal eine Pause davon.tja, die Ubiformel ist halt doch immer wieder "more of the same". Daran MUSS Ubi endlich mal was ändern.
The launch of Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora™ is just around the corner. To make sure you'll have the best start on Pandora, we've gathered some helpful information before you start your adventure!
Day 1 Patch and Offline Mode
The Day 1 patch is mandatory to start playing the game, therefore a one-time internet connection is required. After that, you will be able to play the game offline and enjoy the Western Frontier without an internet connection. If you want to team up in co-op, an internet connection is required.
Xbox Players Will Receive 2 Discs
Xbox players will receive two discs. In the North, Central and South America territories, the Collector's Edition and Gold Edition will have the second disc in a white envelope within the case, so make sure you don't miss it.
2-Player Co-Op
Cross-platform 2-player co-op will be available after you've finished the quest "The Aranahe Clan". Once you complete the quest, you will be able to connect with your co-op buddy, explore the Western Frontier, and take on the RDA together.
In co-op, one player acts as the host (the one inviting to the session), and the other is the guest (the one accepting the invitation). The world will reflect the host's progress as the co-op session begins.
Quests and activities you complete in co-op do not need to be replayed solo. The players will keep all progression gained during the co-op session, including gear, items, and collectibles.
When it comes to difficulty during co-op, the game will respect each player's individual settings on how much damage you take and how much damage you deal. It will also take into account each player's Combat Strength (a unified measurement of your equipment and skills). In instances where the difficulty is relative to the player's Combat Strength, the game will adapt its difficultly level to reflect the host, the one who started the co-op session by sending an invitation.
Equipping Gear, Visuals, and Cosmetics
All slots for gear, visuals and cosmetics will be unlocked by playing the game. If you purchased a cosmetic pack or received one by pre-ordering the game, playing the Gold or Ultimate Edition, or on a specific platform, these pieces will be visible in the game, and you will be able to equip them once you organically unlock the corresponding gear slot in your inventory via gameplay.
The Day 1 patch is mandatory to start playing the game, therefore a one-time internet connection is required. After that, you will be able to play the game offline and enjoy the Western Frontier without an internet connection.
Ich mag die Ubisoft-Formel, ich mag Avatar, es scheint hervorragend auszusehen und Pandora klasse einzufangen... ich freu mich auf das Spiel![]()
Einfach mal selber spielen.![]()
60FPS Modus mal wieder stiefmütterlich behandelt. Wann raffen es die Hersteller mal, dass 60FPS mittlerweile für die meisten Zocker am wichtigsten ist.Digital Foundry Tech Review
spiel ist jetzt schon auf amazon für 60 statt 80 euro zu haben![]()