Story & campaign progression
Achievement: Park Ranger
"Alan Wake has been broken into episodes, similar to a TV-series structure. The End of a episode is a good calm spot to reward the player with an achievement without spoiling or disturbing anything else going on in the game. This particular achievement is rewarded after an episode where the player has spent considerable time in the Elderwood National Park, an area of the gameworld we highlighted during E3 2009."
Difficult Achievements
Achievement: Gunless Wonder
"Player has to complete a certain section of the game without firing a single bullet, just utilizing his light-based weapons and environment only."
Achievement: Meet the Deadline
"Writers, like game developers, have deadlines to meet. In this one, player has to get through a certain section of the game under a strict time limit."
Leveraging advanced techniques & mechanics
Achievement: Two for the Price of One
"This particular achievement is awarded if a player manages to destroy two enemies with a single blast from his shotgun. This is something that might happen by accident if the player is lucky or something he can choose to go after by trying to setup combat situations where this is more likely to occur."
Achievement: Collateral Carnage
"To receive this one, the player has to use his wits more than his weapons. He needs to collect enough indirect kills, using the dynamic situation and the environment to his advantage."
Achievement: Back! Back, I Say!
"If a player manages to save himself by using a handflare to drive off the enemies when they almost got him, he will receive this achievement."
Utilizing entire inventory
Achievement: It's Not Just a Typewriter Brand
"I'm not sure if GamePro readers associate the name Remington more with shotguns or typewriters, but the brand exists in both categories. Wake believes a manuscript he wrote is coming true. So in essence he created his own predicament with a typewriter and now he has to solve it with a shotgun. To achieve this one players have to prefer their shotgun over other powerful weapons and choose to go in for the close kills with it."
Exploration Achievements
Achievement: Bright Falls Aficionado
"Players who are interested in Bright Falls as a location have the opportunity to dig in deeper to the colorful past and present of the quirky small town. By exploring the gameworld, they'll be able to get a much richer understanding of the place and we reward them with this achievement to boot."
Achievement: Damn Good Cup of Coffee
"Now, the naming of this one is an homage to one of our influences for the game and a good example of those pop cultural references we love to put in our games. I can't tell you yet how you will receive this one, other than it will be related to exploring the gameworld's every nook and cranny."
Achievement: Collector's Edition
"We've already revealed that Wake's lost manuscript is at the heart of this whole mystery player is trying to solve. Throughout the gameworld, players will find pages of this lost novel. Some are easy to find and others hard. Some will be key to understanding the story while others fill in gaps, add color and round out the overall story experience for those players who really get into the story. By collecting every single manuscript in the gameworld - and there's quite a few-- you'll be rewarded with this one."