L14: Freak
eine Intressante Nachricht für alle die denken Ps3 sei besser als die xbox360.. entwickler kommt zu wort
armes DG3 1 jahr später und trotzdem xbox360 unterlegen ^^
PS3 Vs Xbox 360 - A Game Developer's View
der rest ist Hier <------
nicht nur 0 games sondern auch technich ne Gurke
arme sonytrolle ^^
This is waiting ^^

PS3 Vs Xbox 360 - A Game Developer's View
Being a video game developer (I develop for both, Playstation 3 and XBOX 360) people ask me almost daily which platform I think is better. These are my personal feelings, in no way does this reflect my employer.
Short answer: XBOX 360.
Performance: On paper<----, the PS3 is more powerful.[/b] [rofl] In reality, its quite inferior to the 360. Without getting into too many details, the three general-purpose CPUs the xbox360 has are currently FAR easier to take advantage of than the SPUs on the PS3. I suspect a few years down the road some high budget, first party PS3 exclusive titles will come out that really take advantage of the SPUs and do things the XBOX 360 cant, but I dont think the console is worth buying based on this speculation (for some it will be though, we'll have to wait and see how these games turn out).
Graphics: The XBOX 360 is a clear winner. The GPU is more powerful. It has more powerful fillrate, and far more pixel and vertex processing horsepower. Part of the reason is their choice of memory, and architecture of pixel and vertex procesing. I cant get into details but the same vertex shader will run much slower on the PS3 than the XBOX 360. The 360 also has a clever new way rendering high definition anti aliased back buffers. To accomplish the same effect on PS3 is prohibitively expensive. For this reason I think many games will have no choice but to run in non-HD resolutions on the PS3 version, use a lower quality anti aliasing technique, or do back buffer upscaling. The end result in all cases is going to be noticeably worse image quality.
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nicht nur 0 games sondern auch technich ne Gurke

arme sonytrolle ^^