You guys just made the last three days worth it.
For those wondering about third-party stuff, it's coming later this morning/tomorrow. I can't speak for all the outlets, but we were completely bum rushed by how much stuff was there. I'm sure you'll see impressions and info popping up in a few hours. I never did end up reformatting may computer to properly attack a lot of this stuff, but I can't stay up to enjoy the spaz-out.
If I may, I'd encourage you guys to really throw your thanks at the video folks that had to go to the event; the guys at GameTrailers/GameVideos/IGN/GameSpot and everyone that had to deal with video stuff absolutely busted ass to get this stuff up for you and no, this isn't the end. So give 'em some luv -- they're up right now editing and encoding and compressing all so you guys can hopefully get the same kind of rush we got when we saw this stuff -- and likely an even bigger one because you're aren't all jaded and worried about posting this shit like we were.
There was a lot of shit to cover over the course of three days, and since I'm a lazy **** all my stuff is going up tomorrow, but if ever you needed an example of just how hard the editorial folks in the industry work, you need only look at the big sites... and, if you feel like getting a second opinion, us smaller guys wouldn't really mind it either.
Enjoy the mediagasm and bear in mind that there is still E3 in a couple months... Also, check out any impressions of Buzz that may have gone up. I think it's going to be more popular than most think. Also, keep an eye out over the next day or two for a bunch of us editors re-dubbing some lines for God of War II. It was a lot of fun, and I think you might actually be impressed by how funny some of the performances were.