2. Sony TGS Sammelthread

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@Darji: Links funzen bei mir net.

Zur TGS: Wundert mich schon, dass es zu Heavenly Sword bis auf die paar Bilder kein neues Material gab. Ich hoffe, da kommt noch was.
hmm laut Gamespot wird es im Oktober noch mal ne Sony Pk im Amistaat geben. Das soll Kaz Hirai gesagt haben. Ein PS Meeting soll ja auch noch in Japan abgehalten werden. Hmm Sony macht es wohl wie Nintendo.
is der unterschied zwischen der teureren und der günstigen variante der PS3 jez nur noch die größere festplatte und die verchromte frontblende?
Wolski schrieb:
is der unterschied zwischen der teureren und der günstigen variante der PS3 jez nur noch die größere festplatte und die verchromte frontblende?

Die teurere Version hat noch Wi-Fi und die Slots für Speicherkarten.
Tja... wirklich viel spricht dannn nicht mehr für diese Version. Sony hätte besser daran getan, gleich nur eine gescheite Version rauszubringen und die möglichst günstig.
frames60 schrieb:
Tja... wirklich viel spricht dannn nicht mehr für diese Version. Sony hätte besser daran getan, gleich nur eine gescheite Version rauszubringen und die möglichst günstig.


bis auf die größere Festplatte und die Wifi conection sehe ich jetzt auch keinen großen unterschied mehr.
ich finds gut das die "kleine" ps3 nun doch fast komplett ist. jetzt werde ich früher als gedacht eine ps3 mein eigen nennen als bisher vermutet....
hier mal die top 8 der grafisch besten tgs titel,nach meinung der gamepro


Ridge Racer 7 (PS3)

If the Ridge Racer series ever needed a boost, it's right now, and Ridge Racer 7 is like a giant shot of nitrous to the franchise. Running on the show floor, we got to play a single course on the show floor running right off of a PS3 debug unit. And, to our complete surprise, Ridge Racer 7 was playing in full 1080p definition at an astonishing 60 frames per second.

While the gameplay basic driving gameplay in RR7 doesn't really do anything too different from RR6, the graphics are the driving force in this latest edition exclusively for the PS3. With some of the most vibrant colors, amazing real-time shadows and gorgeous reflections, RR7 shines in almost every visual aspect. And the car models just look great.

There were rumors that most games would not make 1080p for launch, but TGS is proving that theory wrong, and Ridge Racer 7 is leading the pack in style.


2. Virtua Tennis 3 (PS3)

The rebirth of the Virtua Tennis franchise was great, but the launch of the popular tennis series on the PS3 is just what the tennis doctor ordered. Virtua Tennis 3 was also running in 1080p resolution, making it really shine. The detail and colors on the tennis court were great, but the facial textures on the characters during animations in between points were exceptional.

Sega is apparently working diligently to make Virtua Tennis a visual treat for the PS3, and if the entire game looks this good at launch, it's a must have.


3. Lost Planet: Extreme Condition (Xbox 360)

Not originally impressed by Capcom's Lost Planet, the latest showing of the game blew us away ... literally. The explosions and destruction in this third-person shooter by the creators of Onimusha and Dead Rising are wonderfully detailed and extraordinary. The smoky, red-orange grenade and barrel blasts leave nothing to the imagination.

And the enemies are something else, too. These creatures are creepy and extraordinarily fun to rip through with a variety of delicious firepower.


4. MotorStorm (PS3)

Sony's off-road racer was one of the most impressive trailers from E3 in 2005, but it's long absence had many wondering where the heck it raced off to. But MotorStorm is back with a vengeance and it easily makes our list of best-looking games at TGS.

In the trailer last year, critics speculated that the trailer wasn't actually in game footage, but last the Sony event last night proved the video was actually for real. MotorStorm is an ATV-style off-road race with some truly incredible particle effects, mapping, and physics that looks to be one of the most promising PS3 titles, not only in terms of graphics, but gameplay as well.


5. Lair (PS3)

We had heard about Sony's Lair for the PS3, but TGS was the first time we got to experience it first hand. And what an experience it was.

Lair utilizes the motion-tilting function of the PS3 controller to fly an insanely cool looking dragon, over some breathtaking ocean water, through the air while simultaneously spewing out fireballs at pesky enemies. It plays even better than it sounds.


6. DOAX2 (Xbox 360)

Itagaki's Team Ninja is back with the second installment of the DOAX series, and this time it's not just about volleyball. Sure, the volleyball looks impressive, too, but the real beauty of the game are the ladies of Dead or Alive and the gorgeous water effects in the beach jet skiing mode.

Tecmo has proven the Dead or Alive franchise to be one of the most technically impressive on the Xbox 360, and DOAX2 will continue in the same fashion, pushing the 360 to new limits.


7. Resistance: Fall of Man (PS3)

The creators of Ratchet & Clank go militaristic this first-party FPS for the PS3. It's kind of like Call of Duty fused with Halo-like aliens with a touch of Ratchet & Clank weapon creativity.

Resistance was one of the few games first shown for the PS3 that didn't look like a tech demo, and Insomniac games obviously benefited from its great working relationship with SCEA, probably getting access to PS3 development tools well before most other studios. And it definitely shows.


8. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (PS3)

Okay, so MGS4 wasn't actually playable at TGS, but an insanely awesome trailer debuted on the first day of the show to a crowd of jaw-dropped, drooling fans. The trailer showed a Snake utilizing a stealth camouflage ability to hide from some seriously mean biomechanical creatures out to make breakfast our of our hero.

Like the rest of the crowd, we were left wanting so much more.

ps3 = 6x
xbox360 = 2x
wii = 0x (sorry das konnt ich mir nicht verkneifen*g* :P )
Echt geil. Besonders der Speed und die hohe Framerate. Man merkt richtig wie unglaublich smooth alles läuft! :)

Hier noch zwei schöne Bilder zu GT Premium

was mich übrigens sehr gefreut hat, weil es bisher ja nicht sicher war, ist die tatsache, daß spiele wie GT oder F1 forcefeedback-wheels unterstützen :)


gratulation zum sony kds-55 a2000. wenigstens mit deinem fernseher hast du ne geniale entscheidung getroffen :D
Ich mach hier dicht bis ich aufgeräumt hab...

Leb wohl Risinger... geh zu Giga, zu deinesgleichen.
neue Screens zu FFXIII vonder TGS. HAt eigentlich schon jemand das 3 minütige Video dazu gefunden?



Darji schrieb:
neue Screens zu FFXIII vonder TGS. HAt eigentlich schon jemand das 3 minütige Video dazu gefunden?

Gabs da denn überhaupt ein Video? Soviel ich weiss, wurden nur diese 3 Screenshots veröffentlicht. Kommt ja wohl eh erst Frühjahr 2008 in Japan und frühestens Winter 2008 bei uns raus.
Ja es gab eine Version des alten Videos nur diesmal halt 3 min.

hier mal ne Zusammenfassung:

In the previous trailer, though, her enemies were exclusively human; now, she's shown fighting against a number of monsters, as well.

In the first instance, the enemy that appears is a massive demon, looking somewhat like the Balrog from the Lord of the Rings movies, save that it glows blue and swings a massive sword that leaves energy trails behind it. The guards in the large city that's under assault manage to summon their own defenses, as they activate a blue energy field through which leap a few battle wolves, which quickly coalesce from pure energy into solid matter to take on the monster. The woman isn't bereft of tricks of her own, however; immediately preceding the precious few seconds of battle footage (which appear to be identical to the E3 trailer), she drops a grenade on a group of enemies and then slices through it with her sword, causing them all to go flying.

Afterwards, a bit of footage appears in which the woman directly engages another large monster, which somewhat reveals the Ifrit summon from Final Fantasy X, but in a bit of a bluish hue. This didn't appear to be battle footage, though, as everything moved around a bit too much for it to be anything other than a cutscene.

Lastly, the brief trailer is wound down by the appearance of a mechanized, flying manta ray-esque creature, which landed on one of the railway trains that are seen zooming through these trailers, and then ground it to a halt by pressing it against the track. It stayed there for a moment, causing the woman to leap up from the train and see what all the fuss was about. As in the previous trailer, this one ended as she held her sword out toward the beast and posed for the camera.
Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
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