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Na irgendwann schleicht sich schon bissl die Routine ein, ist halt seit Monaten immer das selbe Spiel in den USA.Vischnu schrieb:warum so tot? sonst ist hier doch immer die hölle los wenn die usa zahlen anstehen? :-?
finley schrieb:Vielleicht owned die PS3 ja dieses mal alle weg. Wer weiß das schon.![]()
Vischnu schrieb:warum so tot? sonst ist hier doch immer die hölle los wenn die usa zahlen anstehen? :-?
NPD: Video Game Industry Up Almost 50% in May
In what should come as little shock to you by now, Nintendo dominated the U.S. video game industry for another month. Pokemon led the software charts and the DS topped all hardware, followed by the Wii. Get the details...
Following an April in which software sales were slightly down, in May the video game industry in the U.S. bounced back nicely. Console software was up 31 percent to more than $274 million, and total video game industry sales soared 49 percent to $815.5 million. Year-to-date, video game sales have reached $5 billion, a 47 percent increase over last year's $3.4 billion. A record breaking year would almost seem guaranteed for 2007.
Console hardware was a real driver of growth in May as sales climbed 79 percent to $221.4 million. Overall in hardware, the Nintendo DS (at this point, not surprisingly) took top honors... again. Nintendo sold through 423K units during the month. This was followed by Wii, PSP, PS2, Xbox 360, and then PS3. Unfortunately, NPD could not provide a complete hardware sales breakdown as of press time, but directionally it is interesting to see the PSP outselling the PS2, 360 and PS3.
On the software side, Nintendo's Pokemon Diamond for the DS once again led all titles. The game sold an additional 331.2K units, bringing total sales of Pokemon Diamond and Pearl in the U.S. to well over 2 million thus far. Diamond and Pearl have already sold over 5 million copies in Japan, and the entire Pokemon franchise has sold over 155 million.
Here's the complete top ten list (ranked by units), as provided by NPD.
1. Pokemon DiamondDSNintendo
2. Mario Party 8WiiNintendo
3. Spider-Man 3PS2Activision
4. Pokemon PearlDSNintendo
5. Wii Play w/remoteWiiNintendo
6. Forza Motorsport 2Xbox 360Microsoft
7. Guitar Hero II w/guitarXbox 360Activision
8. Spider-Man 3Xbox 360Activision
9. Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium WarsXbox 360Electronic Arts
10. Guitar Hero II w/guitarPS2Activision
Sasuke schrieb:Forza 2 hatte ich eigentlich etwas stärker eingeschätzt :suprised:
DS > Wii > PSP > PS2 > 360 > PS3
finley schrieb:wann kommen endlich die hardwarezahlen
Art Teitlebaum schrieb:Er hat ja schon gepostet, aber er wartet bis die offiziellen Zahlen freigegeben wurden.
finley schrieb:und wie sind da die zahlen?
Art Teitlebaum schrieb:Er hat eben bislang nur das Ranking ohne Zahlen gepostet. Siehe Spitz' Posting über uns.
finley schrieb:Ich will auch mal ins Bett :tired2: