shan schrieb:
ALLE Konsolen down???? Hat es in einem März noch nie gegeben.
Ich zitiere einfach mal:
"I know the focus is on HW numbers, and to a great extent, rightfully so, but I think it's worthwhile to throw this perspective in here.
1) HW sales are up 69% vs last year, and almost double on the console side. They are higher this March than anytime in the history of the industry. $599, $399, $250 and DS, PSP, & PS2 continue to soak up record amounts of $$$$. There is a concept of conservation of energy that applies here. There is a finite amount of money out there and folks are preferring to spread it around (and away from the PS3), vs previous generations.
2) SW sales are insane as well.
Here's the breakdown vs last year.
March 2006 March 2007 CHG
Video Games $818M $1.1B 33%
Video Games Hardware $219M $370M 69%
Console Hardware $133M $257M 93%
Portable Game Hardware $85M $114M 33%
Video Games Software $501M $574M 15%
Console Software $391M $437M 12%
Portable Game Software $110M $137M 25%
Video Game Accessories $98M $145M 48%"