2. Grand Theft Auto IV

ok, danke dir.
irgendwas stimmt da aber nicht. deine quelle beruht sicht auf gamasutra und gibt diese als quelle an, aber in dem artikel von gamasutra habe ich nichts über grafische unterschiede gelesen

Wie gesagt, sollte nur als News dienen. Wie das Spiel am Ende aussehen wird werden wir am 29.4 wissen, vorher kann man viel schreiben und behaupten, ich denke beide Versionen werden eh identisch aussehen.
mtv schrieb:
'Grand Theft Auto IV' Hands-On: Less Like A Video Game Than Ever Before

Our gaming expert got two hours with the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of the highly anticipated game.

Once the call commenced, the goal was to walk Niko through a crowd of people, looking and listening for someone talking on their cell phone. We heard him first and eventually stood face to face, with Niko's and the blackmailer's phones to their ears, their voices echoing through the phones and the virtual thin air. The blackmailer almost ran. Niko's gun stopped him. And then Niko ran from the cops. Mission just about complete.

While we followed the rules of these missions, it became clear that Rockstar has tried to make "GTA IV" feel like less of a video game, a change that will likely excite fans and further horrify the series' critics. Shooting a policeman, a criminal or a civilian will cause them to tumble with convincing physics. Shot people look hurt. Cars handle more realistically and more distinctly, depending on the type, making driving feel more true to life. The improved physics and animation make the game feel more real, the player's actions more fraught with consequence. We stole a car, tried to evade police and fishtailed through an innocent crowd. Our car was damaged. The cops swarmed. And so while trying to drive up a hill, our vehicle simply stalled. The police won that one. When we stole a motorcycle in another mission, we were arrested immediately, without a shot being fired.

"GTA IV" has been designed with the intention to strip away a lot of its predecessors' video-gameness. Extra guns and health packs don't float a few inches above the ground, waiting to be walked through. They lie on flat surfaces, waiting to be picked up. A Rockstar rep told MTV News that the developers didn't even want those found items to glow, as they do now, because that's not realistic. But a concession was made so players could more easily identify what they could and should try to grab in this world.

"GTA IV" felt less like a video game because there is no "Mission Complete" graphical flourish as there had been in old games, just a brief instrumental riff to indicate a job's successful finish. Icons in the upper-right corner of the screen still display the player's equipped weapon and money, but they are reduced in size, subdued to blacks, grays and whites, doing as little as possible to distract the player's eyes.

In its missions, the game feels less like a game and more like interactive drama. It's a playable crime story, doing what it feels it should. Get in a car and the GPS system maps you to a destination — and, if you're in the right car or turn the option on in the game's pause menu, it talks you there as well. There's less getting lost, less struggling with the controls, less frustration, at least as judged by a two-hour session.

When the game still feels like a game, however, is when the rules aren't followed. That's the way that so many people play "GTA," when the games become a glorified "Pac-Man," a sandbox for mayhem or interactive Keystone Cops-style slapstick, pick your metaphor. The Rockstar rep had suggested the missions but humored our dalliances, which broke any illusions of this being completely hard-boiled fiction. We spotted an old roller-coaster and sprinted to its crest, then tumbled down its steepest drop. We sprinted on foot uncommonly fast, tiring less quickly than "San Andreas"' protagonist CJ, feeling like a bit of a superman. We took a helicopter for a joyride, in this case, in the PS3 build, traversing the city with haste, thrusting with the R2 button, rudder-turning with L1 and R1. The scenery was viewable from an optional in-cockpit, first-person view, the densely detailed Liberty City rolling by so quickly underneath that it's little wonder that the private jets parked at the game's airport are not usable. They'd be too fast for this game's amount of real estate. Mostly we used the helicopter to land on skyscrapers and in busy intersections, the rotor blades magically hurting no one — not the least of whom Niko, despite what would probably be classified as hard landings. This is not the way a real world would work, and that's a good thing.

Off its rails, the game can be cartoonish. We stood Niko at the foot of Liberty City's Statue of Happiness and fired a rocket-propelled grenade at the statue, sending tourists fleeing and denting the statue not a bit. A tourist had dropped a jug of milk and a loaf of bread. A policeman, sensing cause for alarm, approached and dodged a few shots of the RPG right in his direction. He had a gut but was nimble, and he had a backup fleet of choppers and, across the waterway, armored vans and SWAT teams to back him up, an imbalanced cartoon dynamic of cops vs. robber that saw justice again prevail.

As absurd as some of the moments in our session with the game could be, though, it was clear that "GTA IV" presents a more convincing world than its predecessors did. It presents a place less riddled with imperfect game design and awkward controls, replaced with improved technology and handling. The game lets the content — not the struggle to maneuver through that content — arrest the player's attention. It's a realer "GTA." Is it also a game? Of course. Is it still "just" a game? That depends on your perspective and what your hopes are for how something like this might impact those who play it.

"GTA IV" will be released for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 on April 29.

(On a more personal note to Rockstar: Our subways in the real New York City aren't dingy and graffiti-covered anymore. And the building where this story was filed houses MTV, not Music Entertainment TV, aka Me TV. What exactly is "GTA IV" trying to imply?)



und hier noch 2 neue Screens von Gamersyde:


Zuletzt bearbeitet:
GTA schwankt grafisch so dermaßen, weil GTA das darf! GTA = Chuck Norrises Videospiel reinkarnation :o

Wow, das Spiel kommt ja echt schon bald auf den Markt. Wie die Zeit verfliegt. :o
kanns gar nicht glauben
finde schade dass die abstände zwischen den teilen immer größer werden
gtasa->gtaiv hat ca 4 jahre gedauert :(
ich kann doch nach GTA IV nicht wieder 4 jahre auf das nächste teil warten
GTA schwankt grafisch so dermaßen, weil GTA das darf! GTA = Chuck Norrises Videospiel reinkarnation :o
Ich find die 2 pics eigentlich recht ok.

Das Läuten, das du manchmal hörst, kommt nicht vom Kirchturm. Es sind die Eier von Chuck Norris, die aneinanderschlagen wenn er nackt über eine Wiese läuft.

Chuck Norris sucht keine Ostereier - er findet sie.

Wegen der Menschen gibt es Siedlungen - wegen Chuck Norris gibt es Friedhöfe.

Chuck Norris isst zu jeder Mahlzeit Steaks, nur in den meisten Fällen vergisst er das Rind vorher zu töten.

Hinter jedem erfolgreichen Mann steht eine Frau. Hinter jedem toten Mann, steht Chuck Norris.
erstmal leider eine schlechte nachricht für boxler:
Es ist nicht mehr lange bis zum GTA IV Release, und jetzt wurde bestätigt das die Xbox 360 Version nicht "code-free" ist. Das bedeutet, dass eine importierte Version aus den USA/Japan nicht auf einer europäischen Konsole laufen wird.

Zwar haben die Entwickler die freie Wahl sich zu entscheiden ob die Games einen Regionalcode haben oder nicht, aber Rockstar geht weiterhin den Weg den sie auch mit "Tischtennis" und "Bully" eingeschlagen haben.

Bei der PlayStation 3 Version von GTA IV, wird es wie bei den anderen Spielen keinen Regionalcode geben.
dann der bericht von mtv, in einer kurzen zusammenfassung und auf deutsch
> Die Waffen und Health Packs liegen nun realistisch auf dem Boden, und schweben nicht mehr in der Luft.
> Mission complete wird nach beenden einer Mission nicht mehr erscheinen, stattdessen bekommt man eine Nachricht als SMS auf dem Handy
> Die Waffenanzeige wird nun viel kleiner sein, und nicht mehr so deutlich zu sehen sein wie in den alten teilen. Man solle sich laut Rockstar so besser auf das Spiel konzentrieren können, weil man die Anzeige leichter übersieht.
> Mit den tasten R2 & L2 hebt bzw. senkt man einen Hubschrauber, mit R1 & L1 dreht man ihn.
Ich hoffe man kann bei der PS3 Version die Steuerung so umstellen, dass man mit R1 schießt. Die beiden analogen Shoulderbuttons sind leider schrott :(
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