Gigglepoo schrieb:
I applaud Sony's approach right now. MS may be willing to pay for exclusive 3rd party content right now because their 1st party lineup is not big enough to carry them. But Sony and Nintendo are different. They obviously need 3rd parties to survive, but only to complement their games. Sony has proven they are one of the best publishers in the world. Though they lost Harmonix, every other team is still intact from last generation. They are banking on Ratchet and Soccom to move systems. Other than Final Fantasy, there is no 3rd party franchise Sony would be willing to shell out massive cash to keep exclusive.
If you think Microsoft is having to pay for these games, you're kidding yourself. These companies are developing on more than one SKU because they won't make any ****ing money on the PS3 from software sales. Think, then type. This has nothing to do with first-party stable sizes. Sony didn't win last gen because of their first party -- and they won't win this one on the strength of just their first party, either.
Sony's approach right now? It's called laying down and dying. Hold your applause, please.