Predictably, both the original Zelda and Zelda II look just as you remember them. The classic game actually holds up better than its sequel. The graphics of each game are clearly primitive in nature, but there remains a certain charm to them for nostalgic reasons. That said, if you remember these games looking gorgeous, as we thought we did, then like us you're in for a surprise because they're not.
The Nintendo 64 Zelda titles still impress. The presentation of Ocarina of Time is remarkable even by today's standards. The same can be said of Majora's Mask, with its comparatively darker, eerier style. Sadly, Nintendo has done little more than emulate these games on GameCube. Both run at below 30 frames per second despite the fact that, with a little extra time and effort they could have been made to run at a solid 60 frames on this far-more-powerful console. Meanwhile, Majora's Mask, like Ocarina of Time before it, has been given a slight boost in resolution, but it won't be a noticeable one to most. All said and done, though, these are still not only pretty, but pioneering adventure games and it's fantastic to have them both on one GameCube disc.