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Icon Games Entertainment brings track building fun and race excitement to Nintendo's Wii console.

For immediate release

Icon Games Entertainment today announced that they are in the final stages of development of their unique Wii track construction game and third Wii title Build’n Race.

Build’n Race is a game of high-speed stunt racing through some of the most reflex testing track designs - jumps, ramps, raised hairpin turns, half-pipes and a multitude of other challenges await the player all within beautifully realised environments.

Track creation tools allow the player to easily build courses using hundreds of different construction blocks, which can then be played in single and multiplayer game modes. Varied game modes and race events include Solo Race, Time Trial, Championship, Race Challenge and Time Challenge and game events such as Speed Lap, Style Race, Lap Knockout, and Tournament. Compete against up to 3 other players in split-screen Multiplayer racing on the game’s in-built tracks as well as the player’s own circuits.

Icon Games Entertainment is now seeking a publishing partner to bring Build’n Race to the PAL audience.




Press Release

Shaun White Snowboarding Bilder (Wii-Version)

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Suda51 wants to use MotionPlus in No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle

“I would like to use Wii MotionPlus for No More Heroes 2 if I could…I haven’t even touched Wii MotionPlus yet so I am not aware with how it works so that’s why I am not sure yet.” - Suda51

I kind of expected the game to take advantage of the MotionPlus. I am just surprised to hear that Suda hasn’t had a chance to get some hands-on time with the accessory yet.

A few more details for No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle

Earlier today, we posted the Rising Star press release, which lists a bunch of games heading to Europe, including some titles we didn’t know were leaving Japan. Make sure to check that out here. Equally important, the press release has a blurb about No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle, and it lets us into the game world a bit more.

Taking place three years after the end of the first title, No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle sees hero Travis Touchdown embark on a mission of revenge following the murder of his best friend. Featuring improvements to the game engine and graphics, Suda51 also promises a far busier Santa Destroy, much darker tone and also a few surprises to come.

How does all that sound to you? I am a little bit worried that the original game’s humor is going to be a bit lost in this sequel. I certainly hope not…that was a big part of building up Travis as a character, and such a cool one at that.

No More Heroes 2 a darker game than its predecessor

Coming from a press release from Rising Star earlier this morning, the company has revealed a number of new details, including a confirmation that No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle will be a darker game than its predecessor. As is already known, series hero Travis Touchdown will be involved in taking part in revenge following the death of his best friend. Rising Star additionally verified that the No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle will take place three years after the events of the first title and will support an overall darker tone than its precursor. Lastly, Rising Star promises enhancements to the game engine and graphics, a busier Santa Destroy city, and a few other surprises that have yet to be revealed.

Rekord: Über 194.000 Besucher auf der Tokyo Game Show / Monster Hunter 3 beliebtestes Spiel

Die CESA und MainichiNewspaper geben bekannt, dass die Tokyo Game Show (09.10.08 - 12.10.08) von insgesamt 194.288 Menschen besucht wurde. Das ist die höchste Besucherzahl seit Bestehen der Messe:

09.10.08: 27.305
10.10.08: 24.178
11.10.08: 71.639
12.10.08: 71.166

TOTAL: 194.288 Besucher

Zum Vergleich die Tokyo Game Show-Besucherzahlen der letzten Jahre im Überblick (die Messe findet seit 2002 nur noch einmal pro Jahr statt):

TGS 2008: 194.288 Besucher
TGS 2007: 193.040 Besucher
TGS 2006: 192.411 Besucher
TGS 2005: 176.056 Besucher
TGS 2004: 160.096 Besucher
TGS 2003: 150.089 Besucher
TGS 2002: 134.042 Besucher
TGS 2001 Herbst: 129.626 Besucher
TGS 2001 Frühjahr: 118.080 Besucher
TGS 2000 Herbst: 137.400 Besucher
TGS 2000 Frühjahr: 131.707 Besucher
TGS 1999 Herbst: 163.866 Besucher
TGS 1999 Frühjahr: 163.448 Besucher
TGS 1998 Herbst: 156.455 Besucher
TGS 1998 Frühjahr: 147.913 Besucher
TGS 1997 Herbst: 140.630 Besucher

Beliebtester Titel unter den Besuchern war Capcoms Monster Hunter 3 (Wii).

Nintendo stellt Linsenreiniger vor

Nintendo hat einen Linsenreiniger für Wii vorgestellt. Damit sollen sich Dreck und Rauchpartikel von der Linse des Laufwerks entfernen lassen, so dass die Disk einwandfrei gelesen wird. Preis: Yen 800. Release: Mitte Oktober 2008 (Japan).

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