Virtua Fighter Quest Release Termin !!!

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VF Quest ungewiss?

In the latest issue of Japanese gaming magazine Dorimaga, SEGA president Hisao Oguchi made a dramatic comment, stating that the company will no longer rely so heavily on established characters such as Sonic the Hedgehog and Virtua Fighter.

Instead Oguchi says that SEGA will put more effort into building new franchises, using its wealth of characters not yet properly exploited.

As you may remember this is a direct climb-down from the last strategy briefing given by the Japanese gaming giant, which clearly stated that great efforts would be put into strengthening the position of both Sonic and Virtua Fighter over and above everything else.

SEGA, eh? You just can’t beat it for providing a constant stream of interesting, not to mention comical news, along with some cracking games. Anyway, we digress.

As to whether this spells a priority decrease for the mythical GameCube RPG Virtua Fighter Quest remains to be seen, though the rumour vultures are circling over the game which has yet to be seen in any form.

Oguchi also stated that the firm is looking to bolster operations outside of Japan, with both Europe and the US poised to get more attention from SEGA. It is thought that the company may well roll-out SEGA Toys and full online merchandise shopping, at least in the US, though nothing concrete was revealed. In the latest issue of Japanese gaming magazine Dorimaga, SEGA president Hisao Oguchi made a dramatic comment, stating that the company will no longer rely so heavily on established characters such as Sonic the Hedgehog and Virtua Fighter.

Instead Oguchi says that SEGA will put more effort into building new franchises, using its wealth of characters not yet properly exploited.

As you may remember this is a direct climb-down from the last strategy briefing given by the Japanese gaming giant, which clearly stated that great efforts would be put into strengthening the position of both Sonic and Virtua Fighter over and above everything else.

SEGA, eh? You just can’t beat it for providing a constant stream of interesting, not to mention comical news, along with some cracking games. Anyway, we digress.

As to whether this spells a priority decrease for the mythical GameCube RPG Virtua Fighter Quest remains to be seen, though the rumour vultures are circling over the game which has yet to be seen in any form.

Oguchi also stated that the firm is looking to bolster operations outside of Japan, with both Europe and the US poised to get more attention from SEGA. It is thought that the company may well roll-out SEGA Toys and full online merchandise shopping, at least in the US, though nothing concrete was revealed.

Virtua Fighter Qwest" -- still more -- next month -- a information disclosure start

Virtua Fighter Qwest

For [ which is developed in commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the Virtua Fighter series ] game cubes "Virtua Fighter Qwest." Although it was this ì long wrapped in the veil of a mystery since the announcement in March, last year, it turns out that the information begins to be exhibited still more also by the end of next month.

Not a waging-war fighting game but the view of the world which has built in series thinks story nature as important as it is, and, as for this "VF Qwest", development is furthered by making an adventure element and the element of RPG into the game incorporated in plenty.

That it is clear now should say that it is carried by DORIMAGA put on the market on December 12. Or [ in the DORIMAGA paper of sale, the next number preliminary announcement of "being considerably surprised" is carried this week ] .

Laut wird Virtua Fighter Quest am 12.12.2003 in der neuen Dorimaga Ausgabe enthüllt.

wäre sehr sehr lecker, der titel hat ein enormes potential. *vorfreu* :D
Offizieller Virtua Fighter CG Trailer!

Bereits Anfang Dezember präsentierte Sega erstes bewegtes Material zu Virtua Fighter Cyber Generation: Judgement Six No Yabou (wir berichteten), welches zuvor als Virtua Fighter Quest bekannt war, vor der versammelten Fachpresse Japans. Doch erst jetzt wurde der Trailer des für GameCube und PlayStation 2 erscheinenden Spiels allen frei zugänglich auf der offiziellen Seite online gestellt.

Einige werden die abgefilmte Version des Trailers wohl schon gesehen haben, bevor wir ihn leider wieder entfernen mussten. Nun können wir euch das erste Video von Sega-AM2s vielversprechendem Action-RPG Mix endlich in unverminderter Qualität liefern:

Virtua Fighter Cyber Generation Trailer (MPEG | 29.4 MB)

Anfangs war ich geschockt darüber, was SEGA aus dem RPG gemacht hat. Mitlerweile bin ich drüber weg und muss sagen die Story hört sich ja wirklich gut an.

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