Ultra Street Fighter IV

Find ich jetzt aber scheiße!
Dann teilt sich das Online lager und sowas ist immer mist.

naja, cs 1.6 is ja auch nicht mit cs source compatible.

bissel übertrieben dargestelltt jetzt.

gib einfach zu viele änderungen.

sind ja nicht nur neue kämpfer und stages.

gibt 2 ultras, ne neue/andere focus attack und es wird auch viel am balancing gepfeilt.
attack geändert, demage erhöht usw.

imo könnt man das auch alles per dlc machen, aber zumindest, dass sf 4 und ssf4 nicht kompatible sind ist schin gerechtfertigt.

btw.: arceade release kommt garantiert! der muss einfach kommen.
Der Artikel aus der Famitsu, übersetzt von einem User von SRK:

Here's my translation of the Famitsuu article. Probably a few mistakes here and there as there were a few nuances of the text that I couldn't really understand, but whatever. Enjoy.

Lots of new pictures

As we reported earlier, the followup to "Street Fighter IV", "Super Street Fighter IV", will be released in Spring 2010 for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Today, we'll be looking at the new screenshots and illustrations we have received, as well as an interview with producer Yoshinori Ono.

The producer of SSF4, Yoshinori Ono. He has been involved in the Street Fighter series since "Zero", where he did sound design.

Will Juri's beautiful kicks revolutionize fighting?!

This is Juri, the Street Fighter series' first Taekwondo practitioner. Speedy and spectacular kicks is the trademark of Taekwondo, so Juri's moves are mostly based on kicks. Her Focus Attack and special moves all seem to come from those beautiful leg techniques as well. You can also see moves clad in a purple aura... is this the result of her "Feng Shui Engine"!?

[Ono's comment: secrets behind the new characters, part 1]
Actually, this is the first Korean character in the history of Capcom fighting games. When we were making the arcade version of SF4, the CEO of Capcom Korea said "Aren't there any Korean characters?". At that time, I just said "well, we have a location test this week (laughs)", and that was the end of it. Later, at the Korean SBO qualifiers, Korean players and fans would tell me "Why are there still no Korean characters? Games like KOF and Tekken have them", and well, that's true. Not only that, at the same event a Korean games journalist sent us a petition from Korean fans. Since the design philosophy for Super SF4 is "listen the voices of our fans", with this kind of support from our Korean fans, I felt that we had to include a Korean character. That's how Juri was born. By making her a Taekwondo character, we hope that players who use Taekwondo characters in other fighing games can enjoy the addition of Juri to SF4's roster. However, even if her moves feel similar, this is SF4, so it's not just about pushing the right buttons, but rather reading the opponent to win. So with that in mind, we didn't want to create a character that goes against what fans of the series are expecting. In my mind, she's kind of like a Fei Long-esque Viper. Right now, if you hit with one attack, you can basically string together attacks for as long as you want, so she's way too strong. This is no good of course, but that's why we're still tuning it. Another of Juri's trademarks is, well, she's kinda sexy (laughs). When you connect with her Ultra Combo, she stabs her left foot into her opponent's back and lifts them up, and the way she then slowly caresses their face, that's hot. We've never had a character who does things like that in Street Fighter before. We're creating her to be a really "exciting" character (laughs).

Super easy to play, Super strategic

With their incredibly destructive force and spectacular visuals, the "Ultra Combo" took fights to a new level in SF4. Are those Ultra Combos going through a big change!? The Focus Attack and other systems of SF4 may also evolve. With the addition of new fighting systems, the battles will be more intense than ever.

Changes to the Revenge Gauge?
The Revenge Gauge, needed to unleash the Ultra Combos, has been redesigned. There's a character on the gauge! C-could this really mean... !?

Existing characters are powered up, too

The 25 existing characters awaiting the new challengers will be rebalanced. With this, the game will be even deeper than the last one.

Those two men join the fight

The last two fighters from the SF2 series, Dee Jay and T.Hawk, will finally join the fight! These two have got some tricky and exciting moves. How will they fare on this new stage?!

Dee Jay
Jamaican Kickboxer. A colourful fighter who's also a million-selling musician. With tricky normals, charge based projectiles and anti-air attacks, you won't get far trying to attack him from the air.

T. Hawk
Hero of the Thunderfoot tribe. Vega killed his fathered and took his holy land from him. A gentle man who loves animals, he is determined to reclaim his holy land. The trademarks of his fighting style are his long reach and his ability to perform his Mexican Typhoon and other powerful throws from out of nowhere.

[Ono's comment: secrets behind the new characters, part 2]
Finally, we've been able to include the two characters we had to leave out last time, and with that the characters from the SF2 series are all accounted for. But actually, when we released SF4, people seemed to be a lot less disappointed than I had expected. Even though we at Capcom were bracing ourselves for comments like "Why the hell aren't those two in the game!?" (laughs). But when you see them in motion, they are both really fun characters. When using Dee Jay, people aren't used to the way he moves, so it's pretty easy to win. You know like, "that sliding kick is broken!". Dee Jay and T.Hawk were the most technical characters in SF2, so their gameplay will be very deep this time around as well. They are tricky and complicated characters, so I think of them as characters for advanced players who are well accustomed to the previous game. I think this is the perfect timing for these two to join the fray. Although it wasn't really planned like this (laughs).

All about Super Street Fighter IV: "Super" Interview

Development is finally underway on SSF4. We've attacked Super Producer Yoshinori Ono with our questions. This off-the-record stuff is a must-read for all SF4 fans.

-When we first saw the title of the followup to SF4, we were quite surprised that it's called "Super" and not "Dash".

Ono: Originally, when we decided to start working on an update to SF4, we were planning on calling it "SF4'". However, since the original "SF2'" was called "Champion Edition" overseas, we felt "Dash" wouldn't have the same impact. Well, "Super" it is then! Some of the staff felt "Super" sounded really old fashioned, but we kept discussing it; "Super was the most exciting, wasn't it? After "Dash" and "Turbo", don't you remember the excitement for "Super"?", and so on.

-Yeah, I remember the excitement about "Super". New characters were added and a lot of changes were made.

Ono: That's right. The gameplay changed, 4 new characters were added, the graphics were improved... it was really exciting, wasn't it? With this game, we went back and forth about what the title should be, but since we're not stopping at mere balance tweaks, but also adding a lot of stuff, we felt that "Super" conveys this idea better than something like "SF4-2".

-I see. To fans of the series, "Dash" sounds like nothing more than balance tweaks. But "Super" seems like it would have more new content. Can you tell us more about this new content?

Ono: With this game we are focusing on the things we have heard the most requests for from fans, so you can expect a lot of great things. In the arcades, people are holding a lot of team tournaments and such. I think that kind of excitement really unites the fans across the world. Speaking of which, we want to revisit the online mode in the home version. The arcade experience is really the best, so we're trying to recreate that experience in people's homes.

-It sounds like you're bringing back something that's familiar to arcade fans...

Ono: Last time, there were some things that old SF2 fans really wanted to see, but we weren't able to include. This time, the development team can really feel those fans breathing down their necks saying "You guys better include it this time!" (laughs).

-Please give us a concrete example!

Ono: I can't give any specifics yet, but maybe there'll be things like... rolling objects falling down from above, and such.

-Could it be...!

Ono: If someone asks if this stuff is necessary for a fighting tool like SF4, well, no, it's not necessary. But you can think of it as the one teacher you would hope to see at your class reunion.

-We've seen 3 new characters now, but how many newcomers will there be in total?

Ono: There will definitely be 8 new characters. We will introduce newcomers and bring back old characters for a total of at least 8.

-At least 8?! Are there any more original characters like Juri?

Ono: Maybe (laughs).

-How many of the new characters will be brand new?

Ono: Well, if I tell you that, you'll have nothing to write about (laughs). But we're trying to pick the most popular characters that we can.

-Please give a hint to our readers!

Ono: Since we're developing this game completely based on fan input, maybe we will include the character that's most requested on our official blog.

-Finally, please give a message for our readers.

Ono: I'm almost tired of saying it, but thank you so much for making your voices heard! It's thanks to the countless requests from fans that we could make SF4, and because the requests keep on coming, now we're here again making Super SF4. Even though our development time is limited, we really want to answer the fans' hopes and expectations. We want to keep the price for the game low as well, but if it ends up being not very different, I'm sorry (laughs). Finally, to the arcade fans who supported us the most, I'm sorry that I can't give a conclusive answer. It'll be my homework for next time.




OP auf der 1. Seite aktualisiert, neue Bilder + Link zum Famitsu-Interview.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Also wenns nen Tournament Mode gibt wie auf dem SNES dann wäre das echt was feines :happy2: Bin auch mal auf den Preis gespannt. 30 Euro und ich wäre theoretisch dabei.
"Changes to the Revenge Gauge?
The Revenge Gauge, needed to unleash the Ultra Combos, has been redesigned. There's a character on the gauge! C-could this really mean... !?"

was soll'n das heißen?
"Changes to the Revenge Gauge?
The Revenge Gauge, needed to unleash the Ultra Combos, has been redesigned. There's a character on the gauge! C-could this really mean... !?"

was soll'n das heißen?

Das Revenge-Meter hat jetzt eine römische I bzw. II in der Mitte. Unklar ist allerdings, ob man vor dem Kampf den Ultra-Move auswählen kann (ala Alpha 3 oder 3rdStrike) oder ob es von anderen Faktoren abhängig ist, welche Zahl dort warum und wann erscheint.

Die vorher lautgewordenen Gerüchte bestätigen lediglich, dass es zwei Ultras pro Charakter geben wird, verneinen aber die Möglichkeit, diese vor dem Kampf auszuwählen...
naja, hoffentlich muss man die ultras nicht wieder (wie in sf4 die farben und die personal
actions) in nem ultra harten survival oder time trial freispielen ... :ugly:
naja, hoffentlich muss man die ultras nicht wieder (wie in sf4 die farben und die personal
actions) in nem ultra harten survival oder time trial freispielen ... :ugly:

gegen Survival oder Time Trial hätte ich nichts - nur auf die Charakter-Challenges kann ich verzichten, die spiele ich ganz sicher nicht nochmal durch :ugly:
Für den lulz am morgen:

Capcom bumps up Juri's bust!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New Ono Interview - tons of new info:


This was taken from SRK, sorry if old:

Latest interview from Ono.

1) New openings and endings, the street fighter team are “man enough” to admit the quality wasn’t there the first time around, and has promised they will be improved.

2) Different or changed rival/pre-match dialog.

3) Along with new Ultras and tweaks, older characters will be getting new specials or normals.

4) Indestructible will be gone. Ono has “learned his lesson”

5) As the final boss, people who hate Seth, will hate him even more now. He will be harder but not, “unfair hard.”

6) New stages will certainly be added, but certain older ones will receive new elements or details.

7) No fighters will be locked, everyone will be accessible from the start.

8 ) No form of World Tour mode from Alpha 3 planned anytime soon. If enough people request it for a sequel, it's possible.

9) Frame data has been changed on certain character's FA, to better balance out certain things. The FA system will NOT see any major changes.

OP aktualisiert.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
:lol: @ Seth

Das mit den neuen Movies finde ich gut.
Aber das gleich alle freigeschaltet sind :hmm:


Dich interessiert doch eh nur Honda :p
:lol: @ Seth

Das mit den neuen Movies finde ich gut.
Aber das gleich alle freigeschaltet sind :hmm:


Dich interessiert doch eh nur Honda :p

Ich find's gut, dass man keine Charaktere freischalten muss. Erstens weiss man eh schon langer voher, wer drin ist. Zweitens halte ich die schwachsinnige Story kein zweites Mal aus, bin erleichtert den Arcade-Mode nicht mehr 25x spielen zu müssen, um Seth freizuschalten :)
:lol: @ Seth

Das mit den neuen Movies finde ich gut.
Aber das gleich alle freigeschaltet sind :hmm:


Dich interessiert doch eh nur Honda :p

mich interessiert nur super turbo aber ein bisschen sf4 mashen geht schon klar egal mit wem. aber da ich kein ssf4 kaufen werd wirds wohl darauf hinauslaufen dass ich nachwievor bei honda bleib :p
Für den lulz am morgen:

Capcom bumps up Juri's bust!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New Ono Interview - tons of new info:


This was taken from SRK, sorry if old:

Latest interview from Ono.

1) New openings and endings, the street fighter team are “man enough” to admit the quality wasn’t there the first time around, and has promised they will be improved.

2) Different or changed rival/pre-match dialog.

3) Along with new Ultras and tweaks, older characters will be getting new specials or normals.

4) Indestructible will be gone. Ono has “learned his lesson”

5) As the final boss, people who hate Seth, will hate him even more now. He will be harder but not, “unfair hard.”

6) New stages will certainly be added, but certain older ones will receive new elements or details.

7) No fighters will be locked, everyone will be accessible from the start.

8 ) No form of World Tour mode from Alpha 3 planned anytime soon. If enough people request it for a sequel, it's possible.

9) Frame data has been changed on certain character's FA, to better balance out certain things. The FA system will NOT see any major changes.

OP aktualisiert.

klingt ganz gut.

neue story, aber das war klar, war ja meist so.

dass die kämpfer frei sind ist auch gut.
druchspielen werd ichs trotzdem nochmal mit allen.

aber was meint er mit: Indestructible will be gone.??
aso, ja.
stimmt. hät ich eig wissen müssen.^^

ich hasse das lied.
wenn ich inline gegner gesucht habt, hab ich immer sobald der gesang eingesetzt hat nen eigen raum aufgemacht!!
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