Ultra Street Fighter IV

Naja hatte halt Momentum und sein Gegner war einfach überfordert würd ich sagen.
das würd ich aber auch sagen :D bin nun auch wieder bei yang gelandet. oni ist zwar geil und macht
spaß aber er ist so behäbig leider, zumindest wenn ich ihn spiele :ugly:
wenn mal wer lust hat, ich wär dabei. bin jetzt hoffentlich eh wieder öfter on.
Wenn du Lust hast können wir vll heute Abend mal zocken? Hab in letzter Zeit nur noch Marvel gespielt, bin also sehr leichte Beute :P
Wenn du Lust hast können wir vll heute Abend mal zocken? Hab in letzter Zeit nur noch Marvel gespielt, bin also sehr leichte Beute :P
leichte beute bin ich doch auch, weisste doch. ähm ja bock schon, nur weiß ich nicht, ob ich nicht unterwegs bin und das bayern spiel gucke. falls ich doch da bin, guck ich mal ob du online bist :)
Ihr habt schon erfahren das die Videos die auf Youtube hochgeladen werden nur eine Auflösung von 240p haben oder?

Und wir hatten immer die Wii verarscht wegen den 480p :rofl3: :v:
Wie jetzt? Alle Vids von Gameplays werden nur 240p sein? O_o

Toll. :uglyclap: >_>
Die Changes von Rose in AE 2012 gefallen mir :happy4:

• Soul Spark meter gain returned to 20 -> 30.

• Soul Satellite's (Ultra 2) startup frames reduced from 7 to 5.

• Soul Piede (Toward + Hard Kick) changed to Vanilla properties.

• Close Standing Medium Kick is +4 on hit, making it easier to combo into Crouching Light Punch, as well as making it possible to combo into Crouching Medium Punch.

• Fixed some bug with Crouching Medium Kick counterhits.
AE2012 Changes pt2:


• Dan got a ton of changes.

• Pushback from his close standing Standing Hard Kick has been shortened.

• Close Medium Punch now starts up in 5 frames. This was 6 in Arcade Edition.

• Crouching Hard Kick now starts up in 10 frames. This was 11 in Arcade Edition.

• The combo cl.HK, cl.MP, cr.MP xx EX Dankukyaku is now possible.

• Reduced the height limit on Air EX Dankukyaku (Dan Kicks), a.k.a., how high you needed to be before you could do it.

• Hard Kick Dankukyaku now deals 130 damage instead of 120.


• Fixed an incorrect scaling with counterhit Crane crouching Light Punch.

• Increase the active frames of Crane crouching Hard Kick by 5.

• The final hit of MK Gekiro builds 10 more meter than before.

• Also the final hit of all Gekiros now perform untechable knockdowns.

• EX Jyasen now has three different versions. Activated with (LP + MP, LP + HP, MP + HP). The distance each travels and the damage each deals varies.

• Iffy translation: For EX Jyasen, from when the striking portion is active until it ends Gen is completely invulnerable.

• Iffy translation: Regular Jyasen now has 4 frames less recovery.

• Mantis Ultra 2 (Shitenketsu) has reduced startup from 9 to 7 frames.


• Fixed the hitbox on the EX Hurricane Kick. cr.LK cr.LP cr.HP xx EX Hurricane will always work now.

• EX Fireball damage increased. Level 1 release now does 120, Level 2 release does 130.


• Tanden Stream damage reduced to 340.

• The damage from Seth's cr.HP into Ultra 1 has been altered in terms of overall damage distribution.

• Angled jumping HP now has four more active frames. Overall frame data in terms of startup and recovery were not changed.

• Neutral jump medium kick now has lower body invincibility.

• Sometimes when hitting someone with Seth's jumping Hard Kick, recoil would prevent Seth from comboing into Crouching Light or Medium Punch. This has been fixed.


• Hard Kick Spiral Arrow's hit properties are back to how they were in SSF4 console (Note: In AE when you combo into Hard Kick Spiral Arrow, sometimes Cammy will go under your opponent and switch... which is especially bad when you've successfully pushed him into the corner).


• Crouching Hard Punch returned to Super status where you could use it as an anti-air.

• All Tornado Throws do 10+ more damage. Light: 160, Medium: 180, Hard/EX: 200

• This is an iffy translation: You might be able to FADC the second hit of Change of Direction now. And that dashing forward afterwards and doing a cr.HP into Ultra works just as fine as if you had FADCed from the first hit.


• If you use Ultra 2 as an anti-air, you get a bit more damage than before, 236.

El Fuerte

• Invincibility returned on Tortilla.

• Reduced charge time on EX Quesadilla Bomb.

• EX Quesadilla Bomb on counter-hit does a wallbounce.

• Fixed the fact that some characters fell out of his RSF (Run Stop Fierce) loop due to recoil.


• Demon Flip Punch attack no longer an overhead (Note: This was one of the few buffs in AE I think), so you can now block low for that.

• Forward throw now has 2 more recovery frames.

• When you cancel a teleport into U2, the damage has been increased to 421.

Fei Long

• Recovery frames for the second hit of Rekkas (Light, Medium and Hard) have been changed. On block:
Light: -8
Medium: -10
Hard: -12

• Second hit Rekkas have less pushback now, so it's easier to punish on block.

• For light and medium Rekka Kens, the second hit does half as much chip damage.

• Flame Kick's damage has been revised.
Light: 120 -> 110 Medium: 140 -> 120 Hard: 160 -> 150 EX: 200 -> 190

• If you FADC a Flame Kick (any version) after the first hit, on block it is now -1.

• Hard Kick Chicken Wing's damage has been revised. It is now 35+35+30 for a total of 100.

• They've modified the hitboxes of all Chicken Wings in a way that they're less likely to cross-up (Translator's note: but still possible). Apparently previously you could perform "half a loop combo" against certain characters by doing close standing MP -> EX Chicken Wing. That won't be possible anymore.

• For both close standing and far standing LP, hitstun has been decreased by 1 frame. On hit it is now +5, so you can't combo into certain moves now.

• Crouching MP's damage has been reduced from 65 to 55.

• Damage for his overhead (Torward + MK) has been increased from 60 to 70.


• Soul Spark meter gain returned to 20 -> 30.

• Soul Satellite's (Ultra 2) startup frames reduced from 7 to 5.

• Soul Piede (Toward + Hard Kick) changed to Vanilla properties.

• Close Standing Medium Kick is +4 on hit, making it easier to combo into Crouching Light Punch, as well as making it possible to combo into Crouching Medium Punch.

• Fixed some bug with Crouching Medium Kick counterhits.
alter wie haben die denn fei generft :lol:
also yang können sie ruhig buffen, so stark ist der nun auch nicht ...

@ quent: sf3 lass ich aus, sorry.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Die Rose Änderungen sind nett aber ich will die von Dudley wissen :/

@Machito wieso das den? Das beste SF auslassen also sowas tztz :alt:
Die Rose Änderungen sind nett aber ich will die von Dudley wissen :/

@Machito wieso das den? Das beste SF auslassen also sowas tztz :alt:
ja das passt nicht so in meinen zeitplan, keine lust dass das auch so ein zeitfresser wird und
das würde es ;) außerdem macht mich die optik nicht an.

hast du gerad lust auf nen paar runden AE??
Ich fass nochmal alle AE2012 Änderungen zusammen:

-U2 Metsu Shoryuken hitbox increased, easier to lock-on for full animation (better as an anti-air in general)

-With a counter-hit Shakunetsu Hadouken (red fireball) you can combo into U2 Metsu Shoryuken with full animation. Try using it in combination with crouching MK (TL note: make your opponent block cr.MK, and if they try to focus absorb your regular fireball, if you do an EX it will hit as counter-hit).

For this to combo in this particular scenario, you will need to EX/Red Fireball -> FADC -> U2 Metsu Shoryuken.
HOWEVER, if you score a counter-hit with EX fireball at close range, an FADC is not required for U2 to combo.

-(In-air) Hurricane Kick's brake frames are shortened by 3. I'm not exactly sure what Ayano is talking about here... but he says basically you can use this changed property to alter your jump trajectory.

-Solar Plexus: damage is now changed to 40+60 for a total of 100.

-Close standing HK on a crouching opponent, on counter-hit, is comboable into sweep. This works regardless of which character your opponent is.

He's pretty good now, so there aren't many changes here. Slight buffs.

-Target Combo: hitbox has been made bigger (towards the lower part) so that you can catch crouching opponents more easily. You can also now delay the second hit of the TC.

-EX Shoryuken's damage is now 80+30+30 for a total of 190 damage. Should give you a better risk/reward return.

Chun Li
Minor changes here, done to make Chun a more stable character apparently.

-(In air) down+MK can now be down with down-forward+MK. However, down-back+MK will NOT work.

-Back+MK on counter-hit gives you +3 frame advantage (did it used to be +1, like with LP and LK on counter-hit??)

-After back+MK, the MK follow-up is easier to hit-confirm into (probably means the input window is extended).

-Crouching HK's stun value has been increased to 150.

-U2 Kikousho's start-up has been changed to 9 frames. It should be easier to anti-air/combo into now.

-Apparently in SSF4 AE, when you manage to land U1 against very specific characters there was some sort of bug that didn't allow the whole UC1 to connect properly. This has been fixed.


-LP headbutts are back to the way they were in SSF4 console, which is to say invincibility (on the upper half of Honda's body) has been restored. However, when you hit your opponent with LP headbutt during its invincibility frames, damage is reduced slightly, to 100.

-MP headbutt has been given lower-body invincibility in a way similar to SSF4 AE's LP headbutt. Ayano notes that for players who've properly researched strategies on how to take advantage of AE's LP headbutt lower-body invincibility, your efforts have not been in vain.

In general, Blanka's Rolling Attacks (not sure what they're called in English, but it's the forward roll) have been given a brand new twist.

-Firstly, all Rolling Attacks have increased damage, by an additional 10. As a result,

Weak: 110
Medium: 120
Heavy: 130
EX: 120

-Furthermore, heavy and EX rolling attacks now knockdown if, and only if, you manage to land it within the first 2 attack frames (basically, the frames during which they are FADC-able).

So for instance, when you perform the following combo:
Crouching LK, crouching LK, standing LP, heavy Rolling Attack...
... You will score a knockdown.

-Furthermore, if you manage to land an EX Rolling Attack within the first 2 active frames, this will put your opponent in a juggle state to be hit by pursuit-property moves. So try and FADC out of that and add damage.
(EDIT: not sure what you might be able to combo with though. Not really a Blanka player here.)

-The charged version of Rock Crusher (Blanka's overhead... I think you can hold down the button to delay the start-up) will give you a +5 frame advantage on hit.

So combos like Rock Crusher -> crouching MK -> heavy Rolling Attack are now possible.

The changes here revolve primarily around damage.

-Weak SPD's stun value has been changed to 150.

-The damage for EX Banishing Fist (AKA green hand) has been changed to 90+50 for a total of 140. Stun has also been adjusted to 100+50 for a total of 150.

-Crouching LP's hitbox six has been altered. Previously when you do a jump-in and follow-up with a crouching LP, sometimes it whiffs on certain crouching characters. This has now been fixed.
Edit: I mis-translated this part earlier.
Kudos to Arc-rail for spotting the error.

-Crouching HK now lowers the height of Zangief's vulnerability hitbox (TL's note: in a fashion similar to Akuma's cr.MK). During this animation you will not be able to dodge certain attacks.

Has to do with changes that were made from SSF4 console to AE. They've been redone over for the sake of better balance.

-In AE, when you hit Guile while he's doing his Sonic Boom, it's considered a counter-hit. This has been abolished.

-Air throws have been changed to 3-frame start-up (TL's note: down from 4-frame).

-Spinning Backfist's damage has been revised to 100.

-Reverse Spin Kick has throw-invulnerability.from the 6th frame to the last active frame.
Edit: Reverse Spin Kick info was previously mistranslated. Whoever translated it earlier was correct.

-Yoga Inferno's damage is now 75x2+60x3 for a total of 330.

-EX Yoga Blast's damage is now 90+50. So basically the first hit gives 20 more damage, while the second hit gives 20 less. So if you trade hits with your opponent this will give you slightly more damage.

-Standing LP now has 4 active frames instead of 3. However, the overall frame length for this move has not been changed. (TL's note: this either means start-up has been reduced by 1 frame, or recovery has been reduced by 1 frame).

-Dhalsim's vulnerability hitboxes on medium/heavy Yoga Blast has been made smaller, so he's harder to hit during these moves now.

In addition, HK Yoga Blast will now put your opponent in a state of juggle.

In AE, Boxer's changes mostly revolved around damage nerfs. This has been revised in the rebalance.

-Buffalo Head's damage is now as follows,
Medium: 120
Heavy: 140
EX: 150
Which were the values for SSF4 console.

-U2 Dirty Bull's damage has been increased to 399. However, it takes longer to recover from the special U2 animation on hit.

-This is a minor change but Dash Swing Blow's properties on hit has been changed in a manner that ensures the following combo,
Dash Swing Blow -> crouching MP,
will connect on all characters on hit (TL note: did this whiff on certain characters in AE?)

-The lower part of Close standing HP's hitbox has been enlarged, so that it will no longer whiff on certain crouching characters up-close.

Slight changes to make him easier to use.

-Crouching HK (slide)'s damage has been increased to 110, which was the value for SSF4 console version.

-Cosmic Heel's frame disadvantage on block has been reduced by 1. So when blocked, the maximum frame disadvantage for Cosmis Heel is now shortened to -3.

-Sky High Claw now knocks down grounded opponents too.

-If U1 Bloody High Claw hits on the way up (flying towards the wall), the hitboxes for the remainder of the Ultra have been increased greatly so that they will always connect.

-U2 Splendid Claw's start-up has been revised to 8 frames.

He's already pretty good in AE. So there's only one change here:

-After Angry Charge, the damage for Sagat's weak, medium and EX (but not heavy) gets 10 additional damage on top of what it currently is in AE.

Ayano notes that they basically want to keep Dictator the same as it is now in AE. So only one change here.

-Double Knee Press's stun value has been changed to 100+50 for a total of 150 - for all versions of this move.

Furthermore, the frame advantage for the first hit of Double Knee Press has been increased by 1. So if you do the move and FADC on the first hit, the maximum frame advantage possible is now +5.

Damage nerfs and some small changes.

-Medium Thunder Knuckle's damage has been changed from 120 to 110.

-EX Thunder Knuckle's start-up has been reduced to 25 frames. Also, on hit with this move the frame advantage is 2 frames longer than it currently is in AE. The changes here should make it easier for Viper players to catch backdashes with EX Thunder Knuckle and punish accordingly.

-EX Seismo Hammer's damage has been decreased from 120 to 100.

-U1 Burst Time's maximum damage has been reduced to 441. On the plus side, the hitbox for U1 has been increased such that it's now easier to combo from (in-air) Burning Kick, HP Thunder Knuckle, etc.

-U2 Burning Dance's maximum damage has been INCREASED to 410.
Edit: Made a mistake on this (originally wrote decreased).
Kudos to Theautophobia for catching the error and providing additional info: increased from 380 to 410.

Tomorrow another 13 characters' changes will be revealed.

Quelle: SRK

Part 2:


• The blog states Gouken has received the largest adjustments so far.

• Gouken's Denjin Hadouken (Ultra 2) has received many changes. It takes less time for Gouken to charge the Denjin Hadouken to full power.

• Denjin Hadouken's travel speed doubled. Also, 45 more damage added to all the "levels" of Denjin Hadouken charges.

• All of Gouken's Running Palms got altered. Hitbox size on Light Running Palm increased. Medium Palm Strike has been changed to be the same as Light Palm Strike in SSF4. Hard Palm Strike has been changed to be the same as Medium Palm Strike was in Super.

• Gouken's counters have a larger counter-box, so it will be easier to intercept attacks. Stun for each counter increased from 150 to 200.

• Active frames on cr.HP increased.

• The character-specific problem with cl.MP, cr.HP xx EX Running Palm not connecting has been fixed.

T. Hawk

• During Crouching Hard Kick, T. Hawk's head is invincible, so he can duck under things such as Sagat's High Tiger shots.

• The body press command normal (down + HP) can now be used during a neutral jump.

• Thrust Peak (Down-Torward + LP) has less frame disadvantage on hit.

• Medium Tomahawk Buster is now airborne at the beginning, which means the move is throw invincible.

• Condor Spire's command got changed for simplicity, but the blog does not say what was changed about the motion.


• Dan got a ton of changes.

• Pushback from his close standing Standing Hard Kick has been shortened.

• Close Medium Punch now starts up in 5 frames. This was 6 in Arcade Edition.

• Crouching Hard Kick now starts up in 10 frames. This was 11 in Arcade Edition.

• The combo cl.HK, cl.MP, cr.MP xx EX Dankukyaku is now possible.

• Reduced the height limit on Air EX Dankukyaku (Dan Kicks), a.k.a., how high you needed to be before you could do it.

• Hard Kick Dankukyaku now deals 130 damage instead of 120.


• Fixed an incorrect scaling with counterhit Crane crouching Light Punch.

• Increase the active frames of Crane crouching Hard Kick by 5.

• The final hit of MK Gekiro builds 10 more meter than before.

• Also the final hit of all Gekiros now perform untechable knockdowns.

• EX Jyasen now has three different versions. Activated with (LP + MP, LP + HP, MP + HP). The distance each travels and the damage each deals varies.

• Iffy translation: For EX Jyasen, from when the striking portion is active until it ends Gen is completely invulnerable.

• Iffy translation: Regular Jyasen now has 4 frames less recovery.

• Mantis Ultra 2 (Shitenketsu) has reduced startup from 9 to 7 frames.


• Fixed the hitbox on the EX Hurricane Kick. cr.LK cr.LP cr.HP xx EX Hurricane will always work now.

• EX Fireball damage increased. Level 1 release now does 120, Level 2 release does 130.


• Tanden Stream damage reduced to 340.

• The damage from Seth's cr.HP into Ultra 1 has been altered in terms of overall damage distribution.

• Angled jumping HP now has four more active frames. Overall frame data in terms of startup and recovery were not changed.

• Neutral jump medium kick now has lower body invincibility.

• Sometimes when hitting someone with Seth's jumping Hard Kick, recoil would prevent Seth from comboing into Crouching Light or Medium Punch. This has been fixed.


• Hard Kick Spiral Arrow's hit properties are back to how they were in SSF4 console (Note: In AE when you combo into Hard Kick Spiral Arrow, sometimes Cammy will go under your opponent and switch... which is especially bad when you've successfully pushed him into the corner).


• Crouching Hard Punch returned to Super status where you could use it as an anti-air.

• All Tornado Throws do 10+ more damage. Light: 160, Medium: 180, Hard/EX: 200

• This is an iffy translation: You might be able to FADC the second hit of Change of Direction now. And that dashing forward afterwards and doing a cr.HP into Ultra works just as fine as if you had FADCed from the first hit.


• If you use Ultra 2 as an anti-air, you get a bit more damage than before, 236.

El Fuerte

• Invincibility returned on Tortilla.

• Reduced charge time on EX Quesadilla Bomb.

• EX Quesadilla Bomb on counter-hit does a wallbounce.

• Fixed the fact that some characters fell out of his RSF (Run Stop Fierce) loop due to recoil.


• Demon Flip Punch attack no longer an overhead (Note: This was one of the few buffs in AE I think), so you can now block low for that.

• Forward throw now has 2 more recovery frames.

• When you cancel a teleport into U2, the damage has been increased to 421.

Fei Long

• Recovery frames for the second hit of Rekkas (Light, Medium and Hard) have been changed. On block:
Light: -8
Medium: -10
Hard: -12

• Second hit Rekkas have less pushback now, so it's easier to punish on block.

• For light and medium Rekka Kens, the second hit does half as much chip damage.

• Flame Kick's damage has been revised.
Light: 120 -> 110 Medium: 140 -> 120 Hard: 160 -> 150 EX: 200 -> 190

• If you FADC a Flame Kick (any version) after the first hit, on block it is now -1.

• Hard Kick Chicken Wing's damage has been revised. It is now 35+35+30 for a total of 100.

• They've modified the hitboxes of all Chicken Wings in a way that they're less likely to cross-up (Translator's note: but still possible). Apparently previously you could perform "half a loop combo" against certain characters by doing close standing MP -> EX Chicken Wing. That won't be possible anymore.

• For both close standing and far standing LP, hitstun has been decreased by 1 frame. On hit it is now +5, so you can't combo into certain moves now.

• Crouching MP's damage has been reduced from 65 to 55.

• Damage for his overhead (Torward + MK) has been increased from 60 to 70.


• Soul Spark meter gain returned to 20 -> 30.

• Soul Satellite's (Ultra 2) startup frames reduced from 7 to 5.

• Soul Piede (Toward + Hard Kick) changed to Vanilla properties.

• Close Standing Medium Kick is +4 on hit, making it easier to combo into Crouching Light Punch, as well as making it possible to combo into Crouching Medium Punch.

• Fixed some bug with Crouching Medium Kick counterhits.


• Hakan gets oiled from the start of the match.

• Neutral Jump Light Kick hitbox is bigger.

• Neutral Jump Light Punch is active 8 frames.

• Neutral Jump Medium Punch is active 4 frames.

• Jumping Light Punch is active 8 frames.

• Crouching Hard Punch now hits twice.

• Toward + Medium Punch has a smaller vulnerability area.

• Hakan now slides when you do Guard Position (Command Crouch) from a dash; applies to both forward and back dashes.

• Oil Slide does more stun; if you input Oil Shower follow-up, the slide does 100 stun. If you do the Body Press follow-up, 150 stun total during the press. This means you won't miss your combo chances if you stun an opponent with the slide.

• Oil Dive's trajectory and reach revised, buffing Hard Kick and EX.

• Medium and Hard Oil Dive, when whiffing a crouching opponent, will go past your opponent to make punishing him harder. • Light Kick Oil Dive has a faster startup, Medium Kick has the old LK startup, Hard Kick has the old MK startup.

• Dive won't whiff against shorter characters if they're standing.

• Hakan's Super activates faster, has an improved grab hitbox and, like Oil Dive, Medium and Hard versions can pass over crouching opponents. LK and MK Oil Spin (Super) have a faster startup.


• Close Standing Medium Punch is now at -4 frame disadvantage.

• Close Standing Medium Kick is +2 on hit, and +3 on block.

• Adon's focus attack's hitbox size was increased so that it won't whiff on certain characters while crouching.

• All versions of Rising Jaguar got a horizontal hitbox increase on their first hits. This will prevent accidental cross-unders after an FADC of Rising Jaguar.

• Also, there is now one extra frame in Rising Jaguar where it can be FADCed.

• Ultra 1 hitbox adjusted so that it's less likely to whiff against standing opponents at close range.

Evil Ryu

• Health and stun both increased to 900.

• Far Standing Hard Kick has a bigger hitbox.

• Sweep starts up in 6 frames now.

• Target Combo's standing Hard Punch will knock the opponent down and away on counter-hit. Also the damage on this move was buffed.

• You can now cancel the Hop Kick into a Hurricane Kick. This includes EX.

• One more frame of invincibility on Medium dragon punch.

• Hard Axe Kick now has 26 frames of startup and can be comboed into. Damage and stun on the move has been reduced to 150 and 130.

• Landing the Axe Kick as part of an aerial juggle causes an untechable knockdown.

• Raging Demon damage increased by 20.

• The amount of time to charge Ultra 1 to full power has been decreased. As an example, you can now land a fully charged Ultra 1 after a Level 2 Focus crumple. A combo example; EX Hadouken -> Level 2 FA crumple -> Full Ultra 1 animation.


• Dudley's standing Hard Kick is now +7 on counter-hit. The blog notes that if you land a counter-hit standing Hard Kick and cancel into Light Ducking, you'll still be at +4.

• Dudley's neutral jump Light Punch got a hitbox size buff.

• Neutral Jump Hard Punch startup changed to 6 frames, and the hitbox was extended in size.

• Angled jumping Light and Medium Punch have had their active times lengthened.

• Dudley's Level 1 Focus Attack has an extra frame of blockstun, when it's guarded. This means that if you dash forward after a Level 1 Focus Attack is guarded, Dudley is now at -3.

• Short Swing Blow has had its hurtbox on Dudley's lower body reduced.

• EX Thunderbolt does not flash yellow until it comes down from the sky.

• Thunderbolts will now strike more hits on airborne opponents.

• You can now Super Cancel Dudley's rose toss taunt. This also means that you can FADC it.

• Dudley's Ultra 1 will now strike more hits against an airborne opponent. [Translator's note: The blog might be talking about making Dudley's Ultra 1 and Ibuki's Ultra 2 so that they juggle non-cinematic like Yun and Yang's do.]


• Stamina from 950 to 1000.

• First hit of EX Goshoryuken causes untechable knockdown.

• Previously for EX Hurricane there were situations where not every hit would connect. That has been fixed.

• Light Kick Demon Slash now has an additional hitbox on the lower side, so it's easier to hit thinner/crouching opponents.

• Raging Demon's damage increased from 350 to 370 regardless if it's ground or air.

• With Ultra 1, when you aim it upwards, it's 9 frames on start-up. Full invincibility from startup to the second active frame.


• Faster dash during Feng Shui Engine (Ultra 1), further reach.

• Close Medium Kick 2nd hit has a larger hitbox, less likely to whiff when the 1st hits.

• Focus Attack hitbox revised, will hit smaller characters, when crouching, etc.

• Fuhajin (Fireball) kick attack damage to 50.

• Senpusha (Pinwheel): LK is has 5 frame extra advantage on first hit; MK, HK have 5 frame extra advantage on 1st, 2nd hit; EX has 5 frame extra advantage on 2nd hit.

• Senpusha -> FADC -> Kaisen Dankairaku (Ultra 2) now possible.

• EX Senpusha has an extra frame of invincibility during Feng Shui Engine for the first hit.

• EX Shikusen (dive kick) trajectory can be changed by the kick buttons used during Feng Shui.

• LK+MK: Same trajectory as before; MK+HK: Same as normal MK version, LK+HK: Same as normal HK version; LK+MK+HK has the same trajectory as before.

• Juri now gains 1/3 meter during Feng Shui Engine, improved from no meter gain.


• Bonsho Kick (Toward + Hard Kick) is now +1 on hit, -3 on block and +5 on counter-hit. It also has a different movement trajectory, will hit crouching opponents more easily.

• Hammer Kick (Toward + Medium Kick) startup time reduced by one frame, it now starts up in 25 frames.

• Tsujigoe (Command Jump) is throw-invincible until Ibuki is airborne, from activation until 12 frames and has a smaller hurtbox, making low attacks are easier to dodge; can Super cancel from an earlier timing than before.

• At point-blank range you can Tsujigoe to dodge a throw and hit the opponent with Kasumi Suzaku (Super).

• Yoroi Toshi's (Ultra 1) fireball release after a whiffed grab will now combo into full hits if it lands on an airborne opponent.

• Yoroi Toshi's fireball will also fully connect against a backdashing opponent, if your spacing is correct.

• Ibuki's Ultra 2 has been altered so that it juggles airborne opponents. The blog had a hard time explaining this one, but basically after a Level 2 Focus Attack, and allowing the opponent to crumple, all hits of Ultra 2 will still land. This might be the non-cinematic juggle like Yang and Yun can do.


• From 1000 to 950 health (back to SSF4 value).

• Fukiage (Upwards Punch) damage for LP, MP, HP reduced by 10, it does 90 damage now. EX went from 140 to 120

• EX Karakusa (Grab and Choke) has less range.

• Standing Hard Kick has a lower extended hitbox.

• Target Combo 1's Standing Medium Kick can be cancelled, like the normal version.

• Tanden Renki (Super Combo) is 3 seconds longer.

• Neutral j.MP has a forward extended hitbox, hurtbox.

• Hayate (Dash Punch) have improved properties on charge.

• Hayate changes: Light Punch Lv3, Lv4 and Medium Punch Lv4 have further forward movement, all Lv4 strengths are -2 on guard

• All Lv5 strengths are armor break, further forward movement, from 170 to 190 damage.

• Can tell when you reach Lv5 charge timing by Makoto's voice.


• Target Combo 2 130 damage, -7 on second attack.

• Standing Light Kick's startup increased to 5 frames, but has the original startup time during Sei'ei Enbu (Yang's Super). This move had a 3 frame startup in AE.

• Crouching Light Kick's damage reduced from 30 to 20. Upward hurtbox extended.

• cr.MP from 80 to 70 damage, 60 during Sei'ei Enbu

• (Far) st.MP hitbox pushed backwards, thus has shorter range

• diagonal j.MK hitbox changed, landing cross-ups is not as easier as before

• Raigekishu (dive kick): all versions have an addition hurtbox rectangle when activated, 2F extra landing recovery; stun from 100 to 50

• Senkyutai (roll kick): up until 5F, HK no longer has projectile-invincibility, MK has no projectile-invincibility at all

• All versions of Senkyutai (including EX) have about half size horizontal hitbox, all are 4F worse on guard

• EX Zenpou Tenshin has less reach, loses throw invincibility from the 8F onward

• Tourou Zan (mantis slashes): final hit of LP, MP, HP damage to 60; EX version now a true blockstring for all hits

• Byakko Soshoda (palm): MP, HP meter gain on whiff from 20 to 10, two extra frames to LP, MP, HP

• HP damage from 150 to 140, chip to 30, stun from 250 to 200; MP, HP have 4 less active frames

• Sei'ei Enbu is a second shorter, does less damage from chip

• Raishin Mahaken (UC1) from 480 to 450 at full UC meter

• Tenshin Senkyutai (UC2) is 3F slower, from 440 to 410 at full UC meter; the last hit of the non-cinematic version does 90 damage


• Walk speed both forwards and backwards has been increased.

• Hammer Hook (Toward + Hard Punch) has been heavily revised in terms of frame advantage. If Hammer Hook lands on a standing opponent, then Cody is at +3 frame advantage. If he hits a crouching opponent with it he gets +1 frame advantage. If the move is guarded, Cody is at -4 frame disadvantage.

• After connecting a Hammer Hook on a standing opponent, cr.LK xx MK Ruffian Kick followup combo is now possible.

• Bad Spray is now two hits and Super cancellable. You can now FADC the Bad Spray.

• Bad Spray, FADC into Final Destruction (Ultra 1) is now possible.

• Medium Ruffian Kick has had a hitbox size increase in the forward direction.

• EX Zonk Knuckle's first hit does further horizontal knockback.

• The blog notes that EX Zonk Knuckle -> FADC -> into Final Destruction (Ultra 1) is a little easier now.

• Cody can now block during his Knife Pickup animation.

• Knife Standing Light Punch +6 on hit.

• Knife Standing Medium Punch is now a two-hit move.

• Knife Standing Hard Punch is +3 on hit.

• Knife Crouching Medium Punch now has 4 active frames, smaller arm hurtbox, making it harder to stuff.

• Knife Crouching Hard Punch is now a 7 frame start-up, easier to use as anti-air.


• Target Combo 2 now does 120 damage, down from 150.

• Target Combo 3 now does 120 damage, down from 150.

• Target Combo 4 now does 130 damage, down from 160/170. The second hit of the move is now -6 on block, when it used to be -3.

• Target Combo 5 now does 70 damage, down from 90.

• Crouching Light Kick has an upward extended hurtbox.

• Crouching Medium Punch damage reduced to 50.

• There is now a higher height restriction on all dive kicks.

• All dive kicks now inflict two more frames of blockstun or hitstun on opponents.

• Yun's Senpukyaku (overhead) now does 80 damage instead of 85 during Genei-Jin.

• All versions of Zenpou Tenshin were slowed down to 11-frame startup each. EX Zenpou Tenshin now has a startup of 8 frames, and has lost its throw invincibility.

• EX Lunge Punch active frames for each hit were altered from 7/2 active to 6/3 active. Also the move is now -1 on block.

• Palm Strike meter gain reduced to +20 meter on whiff.

• Palm Feint is now 25 frames overall, whereas the regular Palm Strike is now in motion for 45 frames.

• Palm Strike damage reduced from 160 to 140, stun reduced from 250 to 200, chip damage reduced to 30, active frames reduced from 15 to 10.

• Light Upkicks now only has invulnerability covering up until the first active frame of the move.

• More landing recovery on all versions of Up Kicks (including EX).

• MK Nishoukyaku damage nerfed from 130 to 110.

• Hard Punch Shoulder's damage was reduced from 140 to 100, and the EX version had its damage reduced from 80+70(150) to 90+40(130). During the projectile invincible parts of the move, Yun's hurtbox against physical strikes has been increased.

• Gen'ei Jin has had its active time shortened by one second.


• The hitbox on Guy's Neutral Jump Hard Punch has been increased in size.

• Angled jump Medium Punch and angled jump Hard Kick have also received expansions to their hitboxes.

• The blog notes that when it says hitbox size increase, it mostly means they extended the bottom for each one.

• Guy's ground throw range has been increased. The blog says that it's now the same as Ryu's.

• Elbow Drop (command normal version) can now be activated with the joystick in the down-back position.

• If you choose not to perform an attack after the Izuna Flip, there is less recovery time on the ground.

• EX Hurricane Kick got a hitbox adjustment so that the opponent gets juggled into all of the hits easier.

Dee Jay

• His Far Standing Medium Punch is now special cancelable.

• The amount of time that a "Counter Hit" can be registered on Dee Jay after he fires an Air Slasher has been decreased.

• Double Rolling Sobat (Dread Kicks) got a damage increase. Light 80 -> 90, Medium 100 -> 110, Hard 120 -> 130.

• Dee Jay can now cancel out of Sobat Carnival (Super) into Sobat Festival (Ultra 1). This makes him, according to the blog, the only other character besides Dan who can cancel a Super directly into Ultra. If you land both it does 570 damage.
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