The Games of PS3 (Teil 2)

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Darji aber sonst geht es noch oder? :evil:

Verlinken reicht auch meinetwegen 3-4 Bilder direkt aber nicht 20+ !!!!
Och leute sind doch nur 57 Bilder. Außerdem war es das wert. So einen Katalog will ich auch gerne haben^^
nba street homecourt schaut nett aus,einen großen unterschied zu volume 3 merkt man aber nicht,mal schauen wies beim release ausschauen wird :)
"shoot him shooot him in the arse" :lol:

ich liebe die engländer

edit: nice, ohne diese ganzen blendeffekte schauts echt top aus
erstes Review zu Genji ist draußen aber irgendwie verstehe ich IGNs wertung nicht^^

8.0 Presentation
Everything from character animation and environments to the menu system benefits from a high degree of polish.

8.5 Graphics
Highly detailed character models and slick animation blends with spectacular locales and overall design.

8.0 Sound
While it sounds very good, the score is somewhat limited. Also, the voicework could use a tad of refinement.

6.0 Gameplay
The awesome presentation can't hide dying gameplay mechanics.

7.0 Lasting Appeal
It's a lengthy game, though gameplay gets repetetive after a while.

6.0 Passable OVERALL


Gameinformer gives a rundown on how the sixaxis is used in every game!
After leaving Sony’s Gamers’ Day event last week, we were much more impressed with the PlayStation 3 than our prior experience with it at Tokyo Game Show and other press events. What most notably grabbed our attention was how first, second, and third party developers have tailored their PlayStation 3 titles to work with the motion sensing Sixaxis controller. While some games utilized this new technology better than others, we’ve got the details on how each title works with the Sixaxis, and our thoughts on whether or not this added immersion is necessary so far.

Note: Each of these games is still in development, and Sixaxis controls could change prior to release.

First Party Titles:

Resistance: Fall of Man – Resistance uses the Sixaxis differently in single player than in multiplayer. The only portion of the single player game that uses the Sixaxis is when you are attacked and grabbed by a Leaper or Menial. By shaking the controller you can free yourself from the enemy and pummel it with a melee attack.

On the multiplayer side of things, things get much more interesting. If you’re tagged by a Chimerian bullseye rifle (that attaches a homing beacon), set on fire, about to get flamed from an air-fuel grenade, or zapped with an Arc Charger, you can shake yourself free.

Finally, by tilting the controller either left or right you can get updated real-time leaderboard stats and map callout.

NBA 07 – By jabbing the controller forward you can execute a juke step, backwards to hesitate, and left or right to crossover in that direction. Spin moves are controlled by treating the controller like a steering wheel, and rotating the controller left or right.

Genji: Days of the Blade – When your character is approaching enemies you can tilt the controller left, right, backwards and forwards to dodge enemies. However, this can also be done by pressing the right analog stick.

Third Party Titles:

Blazing Angels Squadrons of WWII – There are two alternate control schemes that utilize the motion and tilt functionality: Arcade and Simulation. The Arcade scheme has you turning the controller to turn the plane, and tilting the controller up and down to control pitch. Roll is mapped to the right analog stick.

In Simulation mode, roll the plane by tilting the controller left or right, and pitch is still mapped to tilting the controller up or down. Turning the plane left or right is mapped to the right stick.

Call of Duty 3 – If you’ve ever wanted to effectively smack your enemy in the face, melee attacks are now mapped to the tilt functionality. A quick twist right will butt enemies with your weapon.
You can also steer vehicles such as a jeep, and twist to arm an explosive.

Fight Night Round 3 – It’s time to fight dirty. Each of the boxers has dirty moves (either default or you can choose), and by shaking or thrusting the controller forward a little bit you'll unleash an upper illegal move like a headbutt or elbow. If you rattle the controller while holding down L1 it'll release a lower illegal move like a knee or a low blow.

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion: There are no plans for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion to support the Sixaxis controller.

F.E.A.R.: There are currently no plans for F.E.A.R. to support the Sixaxis controller.

Full Auto 2: Battlelines: There are no plans for Full Auto 2: Battlelines to support the Sixaxis controller.

Madden NFL 07: Fake snaps by jerking the controller backwards or forwards to draw the defense off guard. You can also initiate hit-stick shots on defense and lead-blocking blocks on offense by jolting the Sixaxis up or down.

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance: Gestures with the Sixaxis allow you to power-up charges, jump higher, and throw objects harder and further. Some of the playable characters get a statistics bump when pulling off Extreme Powers by thrusting the controller down at the right time.

Many of the Marvel: Ultimate Alliance’s boss battles incorporate a rhythm pattern in which to do specific movements with the controller to combat the boss more effectively.

Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire: There are no plans for Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire to support the Sixaxis controller.

NBA 2K7: The only portion of the game that uses the Sixaxis is with free throws. You can actually hold the controller like you would toss it towards a basket.

Need For Speed Carbon: The Sixaxis controller basically acts to assist your steering by turning the controller like a steering wheel hard while you've got the analog stick pegged. Depending on how fast you are going and how tight the turn is, the Sixaxis assist may give you a little extra help to steer you in harms way.

NHL 2K7: 2K Sports has implemented Sixaxis control with both checking and Crease Control. By shaking the controller when next to an opponent you’ll check them. For Crease Control you’ll be able to rotate the direction of the cone of what you’re blocking. You’ll also be able to make saves by moving the cursor to block shots.

Ridge Racer 7: Namco plans on allowing for steering and gear shift changes with the Sixaxis. You will be able to shift gears by jolting the controller away from you to downshift, and towards you to upshift.

Sonic the Hedgehog: There are currently no plans for Sonic The Hedgehog to support the Sixaxis controller.

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07: Instead of having to pound on a button to control how fast the ball should spin after a shot, you can tilt the controller in the direction you want the ball to spin. The more you tilt the faster the ball will spin.

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas: With Vegas, the Sixaxis controller is used in conjunction with the snake cam. When snake caming under a door, tilt the controller left or right to move the camera and tag terrorists.

Tony Hawk’s Project 8: There are two main control schemes for Tony Hawk’s Project 8 – the normal setting, and the Sixaxis setting. With the Sixaxis setting almost everything is controlled with the tilt functionality. Tilting the controller side to side allows you to steer your boarder, and balance while grinding. Flicking the Sixaxis enters your skater into a manual and balancing is done by tilting forward and backward. Revert or pivot by quickly twisting the Sixaxis. By tilting the controller with a combination of button presses allows for grab and flip tricks.

When you’re attempting Nail the Trick, tilt the controller forward and backward to pull off either a kick flip or heel flip. Rocking the controller side to side executes an impossible, and twisting the controller will perform a shove-it.

Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom: There are no plans for Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom to support the Sixaxis controller.

Initial Thoughts:

So far, our experience with the PlayStation 3 titles that support Sixaxis functionality are hit and miss. It’s actually quite surprising that any games truly benefit at all since almost all of the developers found out about this control scheme the same time we did – at E3 2006. While we haven’t tried every single PlayStation 3 title that’s appearing in the launch window, the few that do a solid job are Resistance: Fall of Man, Call of Duty 3, NHL 2K7, Tony Hawk’s Project 8, and Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07.

Even though all the games in the above list have Sixaxis motion sensing as optional, for the few that have some serious benefits it could be what sways people from buying the Xbox 360 version of the title, and opting for the PlayStation 3 version. While we don’t have any final verdicts until we get our hands on review versions of the game, for now we’re excited about what little things that the Sixaxis can offer gamers with certain games. We don’t expect every game to use or need it, but we’re all for being even more immersed into the next generation.

-Billy Berghammer
Genji bekommt von IGN ne 6.0 Wertung. Ist also ein ganz mieses Spiel.
Aber seien wir doch mal ehrlich das war ja von Anfang an klar oder hatte jemand noch Hoffnung??
Shou schrieb:
Genji bekommt von IGN ne 6.0 Wertung. Ist also ein ganz mieses Spiel.
Aber seien wir doch mal ehrlich das war ja von Anfang an klar oder hatte jemand noch Hoffnung??

DIe Sony bashen bei uns nicht rum, also lass auch du sie in Ruhe! ;)

Von der Optik her ist Genji sicher eines der besten zum Launch!
Liegt wohl an verschiedener Gewichtung der einzelnen Punkte.
Vor allem Gemeplay und Lasting Appeal scheinen großen EInfluss auf die Wertung zuhaben.

Was soll man sagen, wenn man kein Überspiel erwartet und einfach was nettes für zwischen durch haben will wirde es schon ausreichen.

Darji wie kann man sich denn die Show ziehen oder gibst nur Stream?
scheint nur stream zu geben aber für Resistance war es sehr sehr informativ. Musst See^^
Habe eben den ersten Test zu Genji bei IGN gesehen - und er ist leider nicht ganz so gloreich ausgefallen.

Die Endwertung liegt bei stolzen 6.0 mit einem "Passable" im Anhang.

Das einzige, was durchaus erfreulich ist, ist die grafische Wertung von 8.5. Das Spiel habe hochdetaillierte Charaktermodelle und die Umgebung sei auch mehr als schoen anzusehen.

Was nun der Gesamtwertung sozusagen das Genick gebrochen hat ist die veraltete Gameplay-Mechanik, die dem ganzen wohl sehr viel an Spielgefuehl rauben soll.

Naja, wenigstens stimmt schonmal die Technik ;)
sehr schade,hatte einige erwartungen an den titel,den ersten teil fand ich nämlich richtig gut,naja,werds mir trotzdem früher oder später holen,ich mag solche games :)
Aktuelle Wertungen japanischer Magazine

Vier Redakteure vergeben je bis zu 100 Punkte.

Ridge Racer 7 (PS3, Bandai Namco): 100 / 95 / 90 / 100
Mobile Suit Gundam: Target in Sight (PS3, Bandai Namco): 90 / 90 / 85 / 80
Sega Golfclub Featuring Miyazato Family (PS3, Sega): 70 / 75 / 80 / 80
Genji: Kamui Souran (PS3, Sony): 75 / 60 / 70 / 80
Resistance: Jinrui Botsuraku no Hi (PS3, Sony): 90 / 90 / 100 / 100
Mahjong Kakutou Club (PS3, Konami): 80 / 80 / 85 / 75
Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
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