ich hab ihn nicht verschoben und finde auch irgendwie ned heraus wer es gemacht hat
also ja mach einen auf
Perfekt, danke

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ich hab ihn nicht verschoben und finde auch irgendwie ned heraus wer es gemacht hat
also ja mach einen auf
Schon nicht schlecht muss Battle of Z noch nachholen aber frei mich mehr auf One Piece, hoffentlich bald![]()
oh kiera du sagst es aber nen tipp. battle of z ist echt schlecht spar dir dein geld lieber freu mich aufs neue dbz spiel wird dann für ps4 geholt und nen one piece ableger wär richtig nice
Guerrilla Games’ Cambridge Studio is looking for a talented Senior Environment Artist to join their world-class art team working on PS4. We’re looking for someone to work as a key member of a small motivated team of artists to construct game environments based on approved concept art. Come and work with a great pool of talent in an equally great city.
Your portfolio should:
Demonstrate both hard and soft surface 3D modelling techniques.
Demonstrate PS3/PS4 quality texturing (diffuse, normal and specular maps).
Demonstrate the ability to UV complex objects efficiently.
Demonstrate your ability to create multiple complex environments, interior and exterior.
Demonstrate the ability to recreate multiple architectural styles.
Show at least one environment demonstrating strong creative vision, an eye for detail, composition and visual story telling.
Demonstrate at least one environment created within strict performance budgets.
It would also be beneficial if your portfolio:
Contains 2D environment concept paints or sketches.
We’re interested in hearing from you if:
You are able to work within a predefined art style as part of a multidisciplinary team.
You are able to deliver work to a very high level of quality within fixed time constraints.
You show enthusiasm, drive and the ability to learn new processes.
You are able to balance technical, gameplay and artistic constraints, and are able to work collaboratively on reaching a solution between disciplines.
You are able work with a high level of autonomy but are also comfortable working with feedback and take direction effectively.
You can apply lateral thinking to find innovative creative solutions.
You are able to present, discuss and critique your own work as well as that of others within the team, providing sensitive, yet effective feedback and direction.
You can draw inspiration from a variety of sources outside of games.
You have development experience on multiple shipped games.
You have development experience on recent AAA console games.
You have a thorough working knowledge of modern shader models.
You have a broad knowledge of current and past video game environments.
You have an interest in videogames.
You can demonstrate high proficiency in the use of Photoshop.
It would be beneficial but not required if:
You are an experienced Maya user.
You show high proficiency in the use of zBrush or Mudbox.
You have scripting experience in Mel or Python.
Guerilla Cambridge arbeitet jetzt auch an einem PS4-Spiel.
The romantic comedy harem manga and anime series, Nisekoi, has been an ongoing series in Weekly Shonen Jump since late 2011. This year it will finally be getting its own game for PlayStation Vita, according to the latest issue of Jump. (Thanks, Zaregoto)
Ichijo, Chitoge, Onodera, and the others will be finding themselves in some sort of adventure for the PlayStation Vita. The report also indicates that Konami will be handling the upcoming Nisekoi Vita game, and will be released sometime in Fall 2014.
Next week’s issue of Jump magazine will have more details on Nisekoi for PlayStation Vita.
Arc System Works began streaming a promotional video on Wednesday for its upcoming PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita game Arcana Heart 3 LOVE MAX!!!!!. The video introduces the different game modes, including the new "after story" with an hot springs scenario written by Tooru Sakurai.
Arc System Works began streaming a promotional video on Wednesday for its upcoming PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita game Arcana Heart 3 LOVE MAX!!!!!. The video introduces the different game modes, including the new "after story" with an hot springs scenario written by Tooru Sakurai.
wie keiner mehr was für vita macht
(gut so)
wie keiner mehr was für vita macht
(gut so)
was soll daran gut sein? ich finde es traurig, denn die Vita ist super und hat es verdient weiter mit Games gefüttert zu werden.
Guerilla Cambridge arbeitet jetzt auch an einem PS4-Spiel.
ja, aber bitte nicht mit Egoshootern oder Uncharteds, die will nämlich niemand spielen auf nem HH. Also das lieber mal den Japanern überlassen, die können das eh viel besser.
Mir tuts leid für die Vita, aber Sony hat einfach bewiesen dass sie keine zwei Plattformen bedienen können. Ehe dann die PS4 drunter leiden muss sollte man daher lieber die Vita fallen lassen.
Mir tuts leid für die Vita, aber Sony hat einfach bewiesen dass sie keine zwei Plattformen bedienen können. Ehe dann die PS4 drunter leiden muss sollte man daher lieber die Vita fallen lassen.
Sie haben doch gute Titel für die Plattform gebracht?Man darf den Misserfolg nicht gleichzusetzen damit ist, dass der Hersteller keinen Support bietete.