PS4/PS5/Vita The Games of PLAYSTATION

Habs mal mit den E3-Ankündigungen geupdated. Falls was fehlen sollte, einfach Bescheid geben. ;)
Die liste wächst und wächst

es gibt aber keinen interessanten titel zum launch. ich werde mich, wohl oder übel, mit knack zufrieden geben müssen :(
Nachdem nun der Preis der Konsole feststeht wollte ich mal nachfragen ob Sony sich auch schon zu möglichen Preisrahmen bezüglich der Spiele geäußert hat?

Die 99 € auf Amazon werden es ja sicher nicht sein.
Tendiere ja aktuell zur PS4, aber die exklusiven Games sprechen mich mal gar nicht an...
Doch, sonst würd ichs nicht sagen... ;)
Wurde ja auf der EA-PK gesagt.

es wurde mit keiner silbe erwähnt das es exklusiv ist ;)
es hieß nur "erscheint für X360 und X1"
und es gab im vorfeld gerüchte das MS die publisher bezahlt hat dass sie die PS4 version nirgends erwähnen...

also ganz soo in stein gemeißelt muss das nicht sein...
es wurde mit keiner silbe erwähnt das es exklusiv ist ;)
es hieß nur "erscheint für X360 und X1"
und es gab im vorfeld gerüchte das MS die publisher bezahlt hat dass sie die PS4 version nirgends erwähnen...

also ganz soo in stein gemeißelt muss das nicht sein...

ich kanns mir auch nicht vorstellen - immerhin ist es EA.
aber ok - titanfall ist auch exklusiv.
Im Gaf hat wer auf der E3 ein paar Spiele angespielt und seine Eindrücke gepostet:

Tearaway: Media Molecule simply knows how to create charming, endearing game characters and worlds. Truth told, I wasn't sold on Tearaway, despite being a huge LittleBigPlanet fan. Visually, it looks fricking gorgeous on the Vita. Despite the simple art design, the visuals pop, and are very colorful and charming. The music is equally sublime, and the humor is great as well. I had a smile on my face the entire time I was playing through the demo. From the little bit I played, there didn't seem to be much exploration, but it was a demo.

Touch gimmicks: I actually liked them, and they were well implemented. The back touch stuff, which you use in different ways, but in the demo, activating the bounce pads your character uses to reach higher areas (he/she can't jump it looks like, so the only way to reach higher stuff is to use the bounce pads, which have some light puzzle solving in some areas. The platforming is pretty tricky sometimes, and it definitely doesn't seem as simplistic as I expected (although, LBP platforming also was deceptively simple at the start, and got pretty hardcore near the end). Overall, I enjoyed this game very much, and it is now on my must purchase list.

Killzone Mercenary: Holy shit. This game. Despite having some graphical showcases like Uncharted and Gravity Rush on the Vita, Killzone Mercenary is fricking gorgeous. Holy crap. To date, the best looking game on the Vita. Shit, more like the best looking game on a handheld I've ever played. The multi-player I played was fun, rewarding you with money and each time you kill an enemy, they drop a card, which you collect. After you get a certain number of kills, you can activate an augment of sorts, that gives you a cool ability, like seeing enemies that are hidden. This ability doesn't last long, but it's neat.

The single player portion of the game also looked and ran amazingly well. Rock solid framerate, and some of the most impressive textures I've seen on the Vita. Beautiful game, and the controls were still Killzone heavy, but very responsive. I was headshotting Helghast like a boss.

Jak and Daxter Collection: I'll keep this one short: On the Vita screen, the game looks great. The screens we've been looking at on our monitor don't really do the game justice. It looked better to me on the Vita's 5" OLED, than it does on my 40" HDTV on the PS3. The framerate also seemed pretty solid, but I don't think it was locked at 30 or 60. It controlled well, though, and I'll definitely pick it up. This isn't like Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault. That game is an embarrassment.

Muramasa: Rebirth: I admit I picked up the game after somebody sat it down, so I had no idea what I was doing. Looked gorgeous, and the combat seemed fun. I was getting my ass kicked, but I was enjoying myself. I'm definitely picking it up as well.

Dragon's Crown: Gorgeous game, and the combat was fun. I love the animation, and it's just all very fluid, with a silky smooth framerate with responsive controls (just like Muramasa above). I didn't play it for long, but it's a beat em' up. Not much else to really say about it. Really liked it a lot, and I want more time with it.

Flower: It's Flower on the Vita. What else is there to say? Looked fantastic! And her I thought all those blades of grass were taxing the PS3's SPU's, but I literally didn't notice much of a difference between the two versions visually. The motion controls work really well, although it's a little weird since you move the Vita (and therefore the screen), when you're controlling the game, and that can lead to you seeing the screen at a weird angle.

Batman: Blackgate: I was really excited for this one, but have mixed feelings about it. On one hand, it looks awesome. Sure, it doesn't look as detailed as Batman: Arkham Asylum, but it looks really fricking good. Crispy visuals, and fluid framerate. They also managed to translate the Arkham combat to the 2D plane really well. It flows just as smooth and naturally as the console game. While I was playing it, I couldn't help but wonder why they didn't just make it a 3D game like the console versions. I have a feeling it has more to do with the 3DS than it does the Vita's capabilities.

Now onto the not so great: The game felt really stiff. Batman moves really fricking slow. There doesn't seem to be any analog control to his movement, despite using the analog stick to control you. You have to press the X button to get him to sprint, but even that feels stiff. Maybe it's because I'm used to the smooth, responsive controls of a Metroid, or Castlevania: SOTN, or, more recently, Guacamelee, but Batman just feels so damn heavy.

I do like how they translated his gadgets and moveset to the 2D plane. Using the grappling hook and batarangs are neat, and the touch screen has a cool gimmick were you can put a finger on the screen, going into search mode, and highlight points of interest and get information out of them. Pretty cool. Tapping the screen will enable/disable his detective vision.

I did enjoy the game, but I'm hoping that they speed up Batman's movement. It was really early in the game (like, opening tutorial type stuff), so I'm optimistic. It's still on my radar as a purchase.

Y's Celseta: I'm still playing through Y's Seven, so I didn't play Celseta long, because I didn't want to inadvertently spoil myself. Graphically, it looks clean, but honestly just looks like a crisp PSP title. The combat was very familiar to me from Seven, and I enjoyed it. I didn't get to dive into the other options in the game, again, because I didn't want to spoil myself in some way. I'll probably pick it up, but after I finish Seven.

There were a lot of playable Vita titles at the show floor (granted they were all games that were announced already, I think), and lots of people playing them. Overall, I was really impressed with all the games I played (I targeted the ones that I was personally interested in, and passed on a lot of them that just didn't grab my attention).

Sadly, I'm not going to E3 for all 3 days (I could, but I gotta make money, and missing 3 days of work is quite a bit of money out of my pocket!). I have a great time, and I'm even more excited about the games I listed above than I was before.

The ones I enjoyed the most:

Tearaway (must buy for me)
Killzone Mercenary (must buy for me)
Dragon's Crown (must buy for me)

I'm an incredibly satisfied Vita owner, truth told. I'm optimistic for the future.
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