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hmm die Pressekonferenz war ja nicht grad berauschend... Ich hab gedacht Sony wollte großes ankündigen... Ich meien an Gernes un entwicklerteams mangelt es doch bei sony auch nicht... Also iwie... würds mich freuen wenn sony ma wieder was macht
Crysis für PS3?
According to a PSU source, Crytek is planning to release Crysis bundled with the new expansion Warhead on the Xbox 360 in Q4 2008 - Q1 2009, followed by a PlayStation 3 version in Q1-Q2 of 2009.
Our source explains that Crytek is focusing on each systems threading core, and that the team is taking their time with the PS3 version, learning to utilize the Cell processor as effectively as possible in order to push higher quality textures, improved A.I., and more.
“Kingdom Hearts III is currently in development as a PS3 exclusive and will be announced at TGS.”
KH3 auf der TGS ? Sehr unwahrscheinlich ? Für die Ps3 ? Auch recht unwahrscheinlich - imo.