PS4/PS5/Vita The Games of PLAYSTATION

kannst du nicht einfach den sony forum fern bleiben? deine meinung/aussagen interessieren hier niemanden!

keiner hat dem post von bayek ernst genommen auser dir... :shakehead:

ach ja, plötzlich hat es keiner ersnt genommen, man kann auch die dinge verdrehen, sogar in der quelle wird gesagt das es sich um ein sotc2 screen handeln solte... mach mal halb lang junge und fühl dich nicht gleich angeriffen.
ach ja, plötzlich hat es keiner ersnt genommen, man kann auch die dinge verdrehen, sogar in der quelle wird gesagt das es sich um ein sotc2 screen handeln solte... mach mal halb lang junge und fühl dich nicht gleich angeriffen.

falls du lesen kannst bist du klar im vorteil... sie dir doch die kommentare der sonys an... alle sagen es ist nen fake nur du unterstellst uns wir wären blind und leichtgläubig.... :rolleyes:

und wenn du bezug auf die quelle nimmst dann schreib dein unnützes provozierendes kommentar doch dorthin vielleicht interessiert dort jemanden deine meinung! :evil:
Hier sind mal ein paar Infos zu Geheimtipp Mirror's Edge, die von der GDC stammen.

Videogaming247 schrieb:
Mirror’s Edge: “Gaming might never be the same again”​


Our man at GDC was granted a viewing if DICE’s “revolutionary” first-person action game Mirror’s Edge at GDC last week. As you’ll see, his mind was well and truly blown.

The behind-closed-doors unveiling of Mirror’s Edge was one of the most impressive events of last week’s Game Developers Conference. Presented by producer Owen O’Brien, the free-running sci-fi game had some of the crowd suffering vertigo.

“Red is a very important colour in the game,” O’Brien explains, as the first-person demo sees us leaping from a rooftop onto the arm of a crane. “The player should be able to see the route forward in any situation.”

Momentum, explains the bearded Irishman, is everything in this game. Red, which seldom looks out of place in the clean, Utopian cityscape, allows gamers to instantly calculate the best possible angle of travel. When you’re leaping across rooftops under fire from half a dozen hi-tech security guards, thinking has to be quick.

What DICE has realised – seemingly in parallel with Radical’s Prototype game – is that no one has really tried to simulate real movement in videogames. The first-person free-running of the female protagonist is astounding to behold, and we watch as the entire crowd wobbles and leans in response to the running and leaping on-screen. With just a press of a button the demo-player is able to skid underneath pipes, or vault over them. He can vault fences and can flow leap across rooftops into a run with a single crash roll. Never has an FPS tracked inertia and human movement in this way.

Combat, meanwhile, focuses on hand to hand melee. Enemies get close and it’s time for kung fu. Arms are twisted and necks are stamped on: “Guns will be just a temporary power-up, lasting until the end of the clip,” said O’Brien. “The focus is on the person.”

The session shows our hero travelling across a series of rooftops to hand-off a valuable piece of information to another runner. At one point she’s trapped inside and must vault up inside a corridor to reach an escape hatch (again, highlighted in red). O’Brien explains that because of the nature of the game, these physical, spatial puzzles will be routine, throughout the game. Finally our runner is trapped on a rooftop, under a hail of bullets, unable to escape. She leaps, risking death, to catch hold of the landing gear of a news helicopter that has been trailing her. The sessions closes with the player looking into a mirror skyscraper, and seeing our hero hanging from the helicopter. It’s an awesome piece of visual design.

This game, you could say, will do for movement and inertia what Thief did for stealth and sneaking. It’s a paradigm shift, and gaming might never be the same again.

Mirror’s Edge is slated for a calendar 2008 release for PC, PS3 and 360

falls du lesen kannst bist du klar im vorteil... sie dir doch die kommentare der sonys an... alle sagen es ist nen fake nur du unterstellst uns wir wären blind und leichtgläubig.... :rolleyes:

und wenn du bezug auf die quelle nimmst dann schreib dein unnützes provozierendes kommentar doch dorthin vielleicht interessiert dort jemanden deine meinung! :evil:

flenn doch.
erinnert sich noch jemand an das Ominöse Spiel, dass ein BBc Mensch geshen hat? Surfer Girl hat es scheinbar auch gesehen und es soll sich um Heay Rain handeln^^

I don't mean to be a tease - all I can say is that I was left speechless. If the footage I was shown truly is "in game", as told to me by the Sony PR people, then we could be on the brink of a step change in what games consoles are capable of in terms of story-telling and immersion.

I am fairly certain this is Quantic Dream's Heavy Rain. The characters are full of idiosyncrasies, they may hesitate before the speak, and most importantly, they look and behave in a realistic, convincing manner unlike any other that I have seen in a game. On top of this, the characters (and the game itself) are so well-written, there is a discernible depth that will create an attachment from the player far greater than the typical cardboard avatar. Their trailer uses a bunch of in-game footage (what they have is not far off at all from what has been previously seen). Despite all of this, if you aren't a fan of Quantic Dream's previous output, go elsewhere. But if you treasure the interactive narrative and have a PlayStation 3, this is more up your alley.

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Macht das einen so großen Unterschied? :-?

Das eine ist jedenfalls Multi und das andere von Codemasters was einen Exklusivtitel so gut wie ausschließen sollte.

Exklusivtitel reizen die Konsolen (manchmal) besser aus als Multitiel. Dir als COD4 Jünger wird die Aussage zwar nicht viel bedeuten aber anderne hier vielleicht ;)
Mir ist es aber prinzipiell egal, ob exklusiv oder multi, hauptsache ein gutes Spiel.
Könnte jemand bitte mal die Bilder zu Retrograd neu hochladen. Da ich diese gerne verwenden würde für die LineUp Threads. Aber ich da nur rote x sehe und auf der weis ich nicht wo da die Bilder sein sollen.

Jo ich denke wirklich viele Third Party Exclusive Titel wird es kaum noch geben in nächster Zeit. Ja mir ist das auch wurscht. 8)

Könnte jemand bitte mal die Bilder zu Retrograd neu hochladen. Da ich diese gerne verwenden würde für die LineUp Threads. Aber ich da nur rote x sehe und auf der weis ich nicht wo da die Bilder sein sollen.

Hier sind sie nochmal Matze

Engl. Infos zu Damnation und Retrogard

Damnation is an action title currently being developed by Blue Omega and will be published by Codemasters. The levels within the game are very large and can take up to three hours to complete, but there is no need to worry about getting tired of playing mid-level as there are ways to make you move faster such as the use of vehicles.

It is also noted that the main hero possesses something called, "spirit vision," which will allow you to see the will of your enemies to help aid you in coming up with a combat plan, similar to the Eagle Vision in Assassin's Creed. As it stands right now, we don't know much about the actual scenario of the game except that you play as a character named Captain Hamilton Rourke, whose aim is to avenge the killing of his squad.

Recoil: Retrograde is also an action game, but differs by being a third person shooter and was created by a writer from the Hitman series. You take control of a guy named David Artman who travels back in time to change history.
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