Im folgenden Video siehst du, wie du consolewars als Web-App auf dem Startbildschirm deines Smartphones installieren kannst.
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was sind das immer für komische linien bei den effekten? ich hoffe doch dass die im spiel nicht zu sehen sind.
wenn der schießt sind da solche komischen linien im mündungsfeuer.was meinst du???![]()
wenn der schießt sind da solche komischen linien im mündungsfeuer.
Ich hab irgendwie das Gefühl The Conduit ist einer der Titel den man schon "durchgespielt" hat bevor er überhaupt erscheint.
Klar gibt es bisher nur Screens zu einem Level aber es ist noch ne ganze Weile hin bis es fertig ist und die werden ihre Engine durch Videos und Bilder bis dahin noch ordentlich pushen wollen.
Dadurch werden wir Wohl oder Übel mehr im Vorfeld mitbekommen als uns lieb ist.
Ich habe bis jetzt kaum was gesehen,wenn ihr euch jedes Video reinzieht seid ihr dochs elber Schuld,ihr macht euch jedes Erlebnis selber kaputt!
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption made excellent first-person shooter controls a reality on Wii. Medal of Honor Heroes 2 took control customization on the system to the next level. And now, The Conduit, a ground-up Wii FPS from High Voltage Software, sets the new benchmark. We've been covering the alien invasion-themed The Conduit for months, but at E3 2008 we had the opportunity to go hands-on with the game, and it proved as responsive and compelling as we had hoped it might be.
You play as Mr. Ford, an agent deployed by the equally mysterious Trust organization to save Washington D.C. from extraterrestrial attackers. As you explore atmospheric environments and battle groups of enemies, locales and scenarios all realized by way of some of the prettiest graphics on Wii, you will be able to in real-time customize your look/ aim/ run sensitivity and define the perimeter of your bounding box. Additionally, several of the shooter's unique weapons make use of the Wii remote in fun and unique ways. Although the game's E3 demo was brief, it was just enough to convince us that High Voltage is one of the only third-parties really pushing Wii. And we're going to get an excellent FPS because of it.
A small widescreen television tucked away in IGN's E3 2008 video war room plays The Conduit. The room itself is filled with video editors, several of whom stop to look at the demo and ask the same question: "Is that a 360 game?" This is High Voltage Software's breakout project, running on its proprietary Wii Quantum3 engine. It's an architecture that enables the studio to realize graphical effects that are, well -- let's just call them very uncommon on Wii. Normal mapping; dynamic bump-mapping; gloss and detail mapping; reflection and refraction; advanced alpha blends; heat distortion, shimmering water, motion blur, real-time lights, and detailed particle effects, and more, to name just a few.
All of these effects and more are maintained at 30 frames per-second alongside cleanly textured backgrounds and fluidly animated characters. In short, it all looks really damn good and the developer is continually tweaking, adding in more effects and re-optimizing. Given that the title is still a year off from release, we're jazzed, in large because The Conduit is proof that Wii is capable of so much more from a technical level supposing, that is, studios actually invest the time and effort into getting the most out of the console.
When we first reported on The Conduit, High Voltage Software's Wii-exclusive sci-fi themed first-person shooter, we recognized the game's massive potential, but we remained optimistically skeptical. After all, we've seen some impressive screens and videos of games before and we've heard some big promises from studios, too, but more often than not the end products rarely live up to the hype. However, with E3 2008 and hands-on time with The Conduit behind us, we're here to tell everyone that the game is definitely the real deal.
The controls are unequaled in responsiveness thanks to an innovative real-time customization mechanic, the level designs and enemies surprisingly compelling, and the visuals better looking than the majority of Wii games available. Although the E3 demo of the game was brief, we caught glimpses of an intriguing storyline set to the backdrop of a mysterious alien invasion, inventive control mechanics that use not only the Wii pointer but also gestures to manipulate weapons, and some genuinely dazzling graphic effects that seem almost too good to be true on Nintendo's system. The bottom line, though, is that the game is fun, period, and traditionalists seeking a legitimately hardcore title need look no further.
So hier nochmal die ign e3 awards begründung:
Eigentlich dürften sie da gar nicht erwähnt werden, weil sie offiziell nicht auf der E3 waren (können die sich auch gar nicht leisten), sondern nur in einem Hotel in der Nähe der E3.
Die Awards gabs nur, weil IGN das Spiel puschen möchte. Es könnte noch so mies sein, IGN hat es sich rausgesucht und sorgt für die Aufmerksamkeit. Ob sie es nun verdient haben oder nicht, das ist eine andere Geschichte.Ich schätze aber wirklich dass die vielen Awards etwas mit der wenigen Konkurenz zu tun hat, trotzdem wirds sicher ein gutes Spiel!![]()