Switch 2 Leak, wie zufrieden wärt ihr damit?

Die hw ist mir eigentlich völlig egal,da ich von nintendo noch nie enttäuscht wurde.
Es ist nintendos nächste gen und mit Sicherheit sehen games da besser aus als auf switch1. Wieviel nm und sonstiges zeug da verbaut ist, interessiert mich nicht sonderlich 🤷🏻Das einzig interessante wären in dem Zusammenhang eigentlich nur ladezeiten, denn das hat was mit Spielekomfort zu tun. Und ansonsten bin ich viel, viel neugieriger auf die kommenen nintendogames ✌🏻
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Nintendo hält ja seit gut 2 Jahren Spiele zurück und macht nur noch das Nötigste um Nummer 1 zu bleiben. Es wird also extrem spannend und wahrscheinlich wieder ein fantastisches Launch lineup sowohl in Qualität als auch Quantität.

Es ist schon beeindruckend, wie Nintendo es schafft, 2025 eine Konsole zu bringen, die technisch kaum mehr als eine minimal aufpolierte PS4 ist. Während andere Hersteller wie Sony auf Innovation und moderne Technik setzen, vertraut Nintendo darauf, dass ihre Fans auch mit minimalem Fortschritt zufrieden sind. Als waschechter Edelgamer freue ich mich auf das kommende PlayStation Handheld, das technisch auf der Höhe der Zeit sein wird und moderne Gaming Standards erfüllt :goodwork:


Es ist schon beeindruckend, wie Nintendo es schafft, 2025 eine Konsole zu bringen, die technisch kaum mehr als eine minimal aufpolierte PS4 ist. Während andere Hersteller wie Sony auf Innovation und moderne Technik setzen, vertraut Nintendo darauf, dass ihre Fans auch mit minimalem Fortschritt zufrieden sind. Als waschechter Edelgamer freue ich mich auf das kommende PlayStation Handheld, das technisch auf der Höhe der Zeit sein wird und moderne Gaming Standards erfüllt :goodwork:


Es ist schon beeindruckend wie manche einen Hybrid erwarten, der unmögliches möglich machen soll...

Es ist schon beeindruckend, wie Nintendo es schafft, 2025 eine Konsole zu bringen, die technisch kaum mehr als eine minimal aufpolierte PS4 ist. Während andere Hersteller wie Sony auf Innovation und moderne Technik setzen, vertraut Nintendo darauf, dass ihre Fans auch mit minimalem Fortschritt zufrieden sind. Als waschechter Edelgamer freue ich mich auf das kommende PlayStation Handheld, das technisch auf der Höhe der Zeit sein wird und moderne Gaming Standards erfüllt :goodwork:

Hier mal ne Zusammenfassung aus Resetera:

Discussion about the node:

- Oliver eye-ball says Switch 2 SoC is slightly bigger than 196mm²
- In the region of 200mm² if not larger. Rich estimated between 200 to 220mm²
- 128-bit interface with 1536 CUDA Cores and 8 A78C cores
- Very close GPU configuration to GA107, which is ~200mm²
- Size is suggestive of Samsung 8nm process
- Samsung and TSMC 7nm are ~20% denser. Switch 2 SoC would be smaller if it was on an advanced node.
- Battery rumored to be 20Whr. That pose constraints to battery life and portable performance
- These constraints are more significant than if T239 were to be fabbed on 5nm
- The argument against 8nm was that the process node wasn't viable for a portable device
- The idea of T239 being an off-shot of T234 gave credence for it being Samsung based
- Arguments about Switch 2 should use TSMC 4nm are good. But why would you port over Ampere to 4nm when Ada Lovelace is already built for 4nm
- The evidence is weighted towards Samsung 8nm
- It's not TSMC, therefore the arguments of Ampere DC being on TSMC N7 also aren't valid
- Can't rule Samsung 5nm. But why would you port Ampere to that?
- 8nm isn't particurlarly power-efficient, but it is cheap
- To get good battery life on 8nm, you will need to lower the clocks very low
- All the power measurements to rubbish 8nm have been done on a Tegra Orin power tool calculator.
- However, T234 is ginormous and there will still some leftover power draw due to chip size. That affects calculations
- T239 was designeted by different team than T234 according to Rich sources
- T239 isn't a cut-down T234. Just share some IPs
- If T239 was designed from scratch to Samsung 8nm, the engineers know what they're doing. They would had specific power efficiency goals in mind
- Rich reminds that the battery compartment in the leaked board is quite small
-Means battery size should be small. Challenge for 8nm, but the designers know what they would get.
- Rich reminisces that Tegra X1 clockspeed was thought to be a disaster, but the system still sold 150M+. Switch 2 will do well regardless.
- 8nm hasn't been proven to be quite power-efficient from a legacy perspective.
- Cooling system seems to be more meaty
- Nintendo is very interested into low-cost products
- Samsung 8nm should be cheap and plenty available

Board and SoC IPs:

- 2x6GB RAM modules from SK Hynix in the leaked board
- 256GB UFS, SDExpress willseemingly be used
- Oliver asks: Is it as fast as it needs to be and does it need to be?
- Alex: By virtue of all the technology advancements in the last years, it will be different enough from Switch
- Nintendo MO is to use something old
- Future versions of Switch 2 can be shrunk over 8nm
- Ampere GPU means it will be good at things others hardwares aren't. It has its own competitive advantage
- SteamDeck or ROG Ally doesn't has access to good Machine Learning or Ray-Tracing useable for games
- Ray-Tracing is there, but won't be good as NV dGPUs.
- It has its competitive advantages
- Probably will be pretty low-power in its handheld mode

Comparison with PS4 Pro and Series S:

- Rich: Switch 2 in docked will be about a PS4 Pro makes no sense whatsover.
- Probably based on TFLOP count
- Performance in gaming will be very, very different
- Rich expects a lot of PS4 ports and these ports will be running at lower resolution that the PS4 version. But that won't matter as DLSS will upscale it to higher resolution
- Rich reminisces his testing with a pared back RTX 2050
- Death Stranding run at native 720p60 but output a 1440p30
- Not PS4 level of performance but doesn't matter as DLSS output will look really, really good
- Expect a lot of PS4 games on Switch 2 as they're in the kinda same of ballpark of performance
- Reminisces Bobby Kotick "PS4 class device"
- Much more modern chip with Ray-Tracing and Machine Learning
-Similar to Switch: Ballpark last-gen performance but with a more a more modern architecture meant that it punched above its weight
- Oliver: System will be more comparable to last-gen systems and also thinks the way its going to be deployed will be very different from past gen and current gen due to Machine Learning Technologies, internal resolutions.Not too keen on comparison
- It will depend on how good DLSS will be
- Reminds that DLSS isn't computationally free
- Thinks that with a 1080p screen and 4K Docked, it will be temporally upsampling from below these resolutions.
- Need to calibrate expectations properly
- Thinks that some games will be hitting higher resolutions. But caution against expectations of complex 3D games doing the same.
- Rich reminds that PS4 Pro was a 16nm device drawing 170W from the wall. Series S on 7nm, potentially a better process than Switch 2, draws 80W from the wall. Switch 2 won't be drawing these figures from the wall

About Switch 2 perspective and comparisons with others mobile platforms:

- Triumph of Switch was being a fixed platform that developers specifically targeted. Phenomenal results from software that had no business running on the system
- Rich think the same will happen with Switch 2. Developers will keep doing impossible ports to the platform
- Rich reminds that iPhone 15 Pro comparison against Switch
- iPhone SoC was light-years ahead of Switch, but Switch compared fairly well.
- Advantages of fixed platform
- There's a lot of comparisons between Switch 2, SteamDeck and ROG Ally. But they're not really comparable even if they're built on similar underlying PC like Technologies
- Oliver says that he was taking a look at recente PS4/XOne ported to iPhone games and says he'll be surprised if Switch 2 don't deliver substantial better experience in terms of not having the same compromises in comparable titles.
- iPhone versions are getting close to PS4 or One S versions, but there are massive drawbacks in terms of resolution, settings. They're not quite there and not near as compelling as what developers pushed on Tegra X1
- Oliver expects the Switch 2 to outclass mobile devices such as iPhone due to fixed platform and Technologies from Nvidia. Maybe not high-end PC handhelds, but certainly others portable devices, specially fanless ones.

Hier mal ne Zusammenfassung aus Resetera:

Ohh Mann, das hört sich nicht gut an. Kommt dann wohl noch nicht einmal an Steam Deck 1 ran.
Alles nur Gerüchte! :mad:
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