Wii Surfergirl Wii-Gerüchte


L20: Enlightened
15 Mai 2006
Nachdem sich mehr und mehr Surfergirl-Gerüchte als wahr herausstellen, und ich gestern wieder eine Bestätigung einiger nicht näher spezifizierter Gerüchte bekommen habe, will ich mal alle (voraussichtlich) Wii-relevanten Gerüchte des Blogs zusammenfassen. Kleiner Hinweis vornweg: Surfergirl bekommt teilweise Falschinformationen...

- That EA Wii Balance Board title is Boogie II, which is not as bad as Boogie.

- Epicenter Studios is working on a WiiWare title for release later this year.

- Retro's next title is a Zelda spin-off, announcement could come around E3.

- IO-Interactive's next Hitman game, tentatively slated for release next summer, is coming to the Wii.

- Even though the forthcoming Prince of Persia 4 will probably not be coming to the Wii, the system will receive an "alternate title" in the Prince of Persia franchise.

- Neither of n-Space's two Wii titles stars a ghost. However, they are even more ambitious than that ghost game and far better. One features a temple level that looks like it was swiped out of Red Steel and the other more ambitious title features an alien reptilian creature who bares quite a resemblance to Ganondorf. I'd be surprised if either sees release before March 2009.

- That non-Metroid game Retro Studios is working on is a new IP that is not an FPS.

- Space Michael won't be in Space Channel 5 Part 3.

- ChuChu Rocket! comeback for DS and/or Wii.

- Red Steel 2 not before May, with multiplayer and co-op.

- Yet another Super Monkey Ball game is in the works.

- Fight Night 2008 is coming to the Wii.

- Super Punch-Out! is coming to Virtual Console next year.

- Monster Games is developing another game for Nintendo, that is not an Excite Truck sequel.

- Wii Motor Sports Airplane is a WiiWare title.

- Ubisoft Montpelier is working on Beyond Good & Evil 2, Frédérick Raynal's new game (creepy), and an MMO. One of those will see release next year and the other two in 2009.

- Rumored new Zelda title for Wii? It's happening. Multiple titles. But the new big, epic Zelda for Wii is probably about two years away.

- Nintendo is working on 30+ WiiWare titles, including some based off franchises such as Zelda (two games) and Mario.

- WiiWare titles based on DK [and] Metroid are in the works.

- Three Wario games are in development.

- Bob Ross Incorporated is still looking for a development for Bob Ross: The Joy of Painting for the Wii, which has accumulated interest from major publishers such as Sony and Microsoft.

- A game about ice cream is coming to Wii from Majesco.

- The top-selling game of 2002, Frogger Beyond, is getting a Wii sequel. Also, Columbia is making a game based off Mr. Driller that is written and directed by Academy Award-winner Paul Haggis.

- An Animal Crossing MMO would not see release outside of Japan, NoA and NoE are obstinate in only wanting limited online functionality in the title.

- F-Zero is coming to Wii and possibly, but probably not, being developed by Monster Games (according to someone with a rather legimate email address).

- A new Skies of Arcadia for the Wii seems to be a yes.

- No Wave Race, Luigi's Mansion's 2, Excitebike (it's called Nitrobike) or 1080 for Wii. Punch-Out for Wii, if it has gone beyond the prototype that was made last year, is a remake of the original NES title.

- KHIII, if it is coming out. is definitely coming to the Wii, they need the game's demographics (which lean a bit younger than your average SquareEnix fanboy) to purchase the title. They are Disney, who is co-publishing the title outside of Japan.

- BG&E2 is coming is PS360Wii.

- Activision has a title that supports the Wii Zapper coming in the near future.

- Night Driver, Canyon Bomber, and Crystal Castles are coming back as downloadable titles.

- Amongst the forthcoming casual releases from Ubisoft is a "dating simulation" called First Kiss, a "town management simulation" going by the title of Mayor and a "medical simulation" called Emergency Unit. Oh, one cannot neglect future masterpieces like Monkeyz and Dinoz. And there is something about yachts as well (hopefully, a yacht racing title, I have always wanted to race yachts).

- Codemasters is publishing a Hollywood simulation akin to the The Movies.

- Factor 5 has not abandoned the PS3, despite yesterday's announcement appearing to indicate the contrary. Also, some may mishear one of the company's forthcoming projects as Toucan Sam title.

- The Mother/Earthbound series is coming to Wii and/or DS stateside, very possibly next year.

- Golden Sun Wii is coming?
*---surfer girl said: Golden Sun is continuing on DS and Wii.

- Is Konami making a Wii RPG?
*---surfer girl said: Probably

- Are Namco making any more Wii RPGs beyond ToS: KoR and Fragile?
*---surfer girl said: Yes

- Any info on the non-linear Wii RPG Yasumi Matsuno is supposedly working on with Monolith Soft and Miyamoto's EAD team?
*---surfer girl said: There's a RPG, but as far as I know, the non-linear thing is nonsense.

- The Japanese magazine Dengeki had in their rumors section a couple of months ago that Final Fantasy Haeresis XIII was a Wii title. Do you know anything about this mysterious FFXIII title? Does it exist?
*---surfer girl said: Yes, it exists and is heading to either 360 or Wii.

- Do you know if there will be future Paper Mario Wii and/or DS titles?
*---surfer girl said: DS title in the future is a yes.

- A Wii Star Fox IS under development.

- Zoonami has a few titles that will be available through WiiWare next year. Bestätigt

- Q Entertainment is working on WiiWare title or two for release for next year. Bestätigt

- Majesco has a musical title called Major Minor's Majestic March that more Mad Maestro than Guitar Hero. Bestätigt

- Heavy Iron is working on WALL•E for PSWii60, DSP and PS2. Bestätigt

- Ghostbusters game is coming 2009, likely not being developed by ZootFly, and is coming to PS360 and possibly Wii. Teilweise bestätigt

- Big Huge Games Wii title is God the Game. Bestätigt

- Mario Superstar Baseball Wii is sliding to home base in the summer. Bestätigt

Kursive Gerüchte könnten Wii-relevant sein.

Wird erweitert...
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
fight night :aargh::aargh::aargh:

kein wave race und 1080 :cry::cry::cry:


sollte EA eine erstklassige steuerung bei fight night abliefern, würde ich die Wii version in jedemfall den HD fassungen vorziehen.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
"Major Minor's Majestic March" von Majesco habe ich übrigens deshalb mit einem "Bestätigt?" markiert, weil's zum unlängst angekündigten Projekt der PaRappa-Macher, Matsuura und Greenblat, passen würde.
"Major Minor's Majestic March" von Majesco habe ich übrigens deshalb mit einem "Bestätigt?" markiert, weil's zum unlängst angekündigten Projekt der PaRappa-Macher, Matsuura und Greenblat, passen würde.

Wie ist es eigentlich mit dem "Factor 5 macht unter Schirmherrschaft von Nintendo Icarus für Wii"-Gerücht?

Eher fake oder bleibt der Status diesbezüglich auf stand by?
Wie ist es eigentlich mit dem "Factor 5 macht unter Schirmherrschaft von Nintendo Icarus für Wii"-Gerücht?

Eher fake oder bleibt der Status diesbezüglich auf stand by?
Laut einem AMN-Redakteur ist es höchstwahrscheinlich wahr, laut Surfer Girl eher falsch. Oder sie hat nichts davon gehört. Sie weiß nur von einem neuen Turrican. Das könnte aber auch für PS3 erscheinen, Factor 5 entwickelt aktuell scheinbar für beide Systeme...
Laut einem AMN-Redakteur ist es höchstwahrscheinlich wahr, laut Surfer Girl eher falsch. Oder sie hat nichts davon gehört. Sie weiß nur von einem neuen Turrican. Das könnte aber auch für PS3 erscheinen, Factor 5 entwickelt aktuell scheinbar für beide Systeme...

Tja, dann mal abwarten :)

Hmmm, ein neues Turrican wäre zwar wünschenswert - aber Factor 5 trau ich seit Rogue Leader III (und natürlich wegen Lair) nicht mehr wirklich ... vielleicht eisen sie Manfred Trenz von den bösen Ponyhof-Spielen los und er darf dann wieder die kreative Leitung übernehmen :D (ich weiß: Wunschdenken ;)).
Oh Gott, Leute...jetzt fangt nicht hier bei CW auch noch mit dem scheiss an....die Hälfte von dem was da oben steht kann man sich auch selber zusammenreimen....
Wo hat sich das denn alles bestätigt? Hab nichts rdrüber gehört!
Welche genau?

Ach, und Deine Bestätigungen:

Zoonami has a few titles that will be available through WiiWare next year. (War aber einfach, das Interview ist älter als das Gerücht. ;) )

Q Entertainment is working on WiiWare title or two for release for next year. (Auch einfach, das Interview ist wieder älter als das Gerücht. ;) )

Mario Superstar Baseball Wii is sliding to home base in the summer. (Gut, "Stadium", nicht "Superstar". Und war auch schon bekannt, als sie's geschrieben hat. :) )

Ghostbusters game is coming 2009, likely not being developed by ZootFly, and is coming to PS360 and possibly Wii.

Big Huge Games Wii title is God the Game.

Heavy Iron is working on WALL•E for PSWii60, DSP and PS2.
Dann konzentriere Dich eben auf die andere Hälfte... ;)

Ich möchte nur davor warnen, dass das ganze wieder in sinnlosem Gehype ausartet, auf Grundlage irgendwelcher Gerüchte irgendeiner Person im Internet, die zufällig ein paar Mal richtig gelegen hat. Ich glaub ich mach auch mal einen Blog und erzähl irgendwelche Märchen...irgendwann ist dann auch mal was richtiges dabei.....(wir sind hier doch nicht auf smashboards...)

some Surfer Girl stuff:
-A new Skies of Arcadia for the Wii seems to be a yes.

- The Mother/Earthbound series is coming to Wii and/or DS stateside, very possibly next year.

-Golden Sun Wii is coming?
*---surfer girl said: Golden Sun is continuing on DS and Wii.

-Is Konami making a Wii RPG?
*---surfer girl said: Probably

-Are Namco making any more Wii RPGs beyond ToS: KoR and Fragile?
*---surfer girl said: Yes

-Any info on the non-linear Wii RPG Yasumi Matsuno is supposedly working on with Monolith Soft and Miyamoto's EAD team?
*---surfer girl said: There's a RPG, but as far as I know, the non-linear thing is nonsense.

-The Japanese magazine Dengeki had in their rumors section a couple of months ago that Final Fantasy Haeresis XIII was a Wii title. Do you know anything about this mysterious FFXIII title? Does it exist?
*---surfer girl said: Yes, it exists and is heading to either 360 or Wii.

-Square Enix will revive Super Mario RPG and make a new installment on the DS with a lot more FF characters.
*---surfer girl said: I highly doubt it.

-Does Capcom have any plans to revive the Breath of Fire series?
*---surfer girl said: Yes, there is another portable Breath of Fire title in development.

-Do you know if there will be future Paper Mario Wii and/or DS titles?
*---surfer girl said: DS title in the future is a yes.
Ich möchte nur davor warnen, dass das ganze wieder in sinnlosem Gehype ausartet, auf Grundlage irgendwelcher Gerüchte irgendeiner Person im Internet, die zufällig ein paar Mal richtig gelegen hat. Ich glaub ich mach auch mal einen Blog und erzähl irgendwelche Märchen...irgendwann ist dann auch mal was richtiges dabei.....(wir sind hier doch nicht auf smashboards...)
Da sind einige Dinge viel zu abstrakt, um Zufall zu sein:

Sega is publishing an action-RPG called The Dark Brotherhood from a Western developer. BioWare's Sonic Chronicles is easily the most inspired game in the Sonic franchise in years and is the best since Sonic Adventure for the Dreamcast.

Resistance II will begin in Iceland.

Discs of Tron and Tron will see finally release next year on XBLA.

Kane & Lynch 2 is still happening.

Heavy Iron is working on WALL•E for PSWii60, DSP and PS2.

Plans for a PS3-exclusive Far Cry title has been trashed in favor of Far Cry 2 for next-gen consoles.

NBA Ballers 3 (not the final title) will be slam dunking on the PS3 and Xbox 360 in April.

After great success Athens 2004, Eurocom is developing sequel 2008 Beijing Olympics for Sega.
Die stimmen schonmal... ;)


Danke. Ein paar davon sind schon drin oder irrelevant, den Rest editiere ich rein.
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