[Sammelthread] Indie Games (PC Only)

  • Thread-Ersteller Thread-Ersteller Mjolnir
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Es gibt glaube keinen Steam Key dafür. Vielleicht wird noch einer nachgereicht.

Edit: Nun gibt es auf der Humble-Seite doch noch den DoD Steam Key :)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hier nun der erste Trailer zu Introversions neuestem Projekt:

Stimmt. Sorry, dass ichs nicht erwähnt habe.
Zombie Shooter 1
Hacker Evolution:Duality
Your Doodles Are Bugged!
Zombie Shooter 2
Hacker Evolution: Untold
Nur Steam Keys, keine für Desura (falls es überhaupt jemand außer mir nutzt) und keine Direktdownloads.
Your Doodles Are Bugged! wollte ich eh ständig kaufen, war mir aber nie günstig genug und Saira sieht auch interessant aus. Ich geb dem Bundle mal ne Chance.
We here at Capcom are big fans of the PC. It’s a growing platform for our business and as an open platform, it’s often a hotbed of creativity. Now, if you take that openness and put it in the hands of the independent development scene, things get cranked up to 11.

But we’re not done yet. There’s loads of indy games out there. We thought that there might be an interesting opportunity to bring indy games to market that Western gamers don’t often get to see… the world of the Japanese PC indy game.

So we’ve partnered with Nyu Media to localize and distribute some of the most innovative and interesting Japanese indy PC games around. We’ll be bringing these to select PC digital distribution outlets over the coming months, with the first title, Satazius, later this month.

See the games that are on their way, after the jump.

- Satazius by Astroport – a fever pitch arcade shooter.
- Cherry Tree High Comedy Club by atelier773 – fans of the Ace Attorney series and Anime in general, should enjoy the adventure of a high school student who is trying to set up a comedy club in her school.
-ETHER VAPOR Remaster by Edelweiss – A beautiful, cinematic 3D arcade shooter. Supports 1600 x 1200 resolutions and even has support for an anaglyph 3D mode.
- The eXceed series by Tennen-sozai – an Ikaruga-like series for fans of bullet-hell shooters.
- Fighting Fairy (a working title) by Edelweiss – an anime-like “platform/beat-em-up” title

sauber, jetzt kommen auch so langsam die japanischen Indie-Games ^^
Das IndieRoyal Xmas Bundle ist raus

The Blackwell Trilogy: Remastered
Dino D-Day
The Oil Blue


Alles bis auf The Oil Blue hat auch wieder Steam Codes

Ich passe auch diesmal
Nitronic Rush:



Anscheinend eine Mischung zwischen den klassischen Arcade Racern Rush (San Fransisco Rush, Rush 2: Extrem Racing USA und Rush 2049), in Tron Optic mit einer Art Survival Racing.
Hat Story und ist komplett gratis.
EDIT: le me, beschreibe das Game meinen englischsprachigen Kumpel, nachdem ich ein paar Runden gedreht hab:
Fast (I really want to play a new Wipeout or F-Zero now), Stylish (Arcade RUSH has a baby with TRON), but some lost potential... I can nearly fly over the whole course without having to stay at the track...
The boost system is kinda Motorstorm like (means boost -> heat meter -> colder after some time or after finished stunts)and it isn't a typical Racer, because the first few story mission I dind't even had a rival driver, just me and the city security system, trying to stop me, reaching the end
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Das neue IndieRoyale Bundle ist da

Max & The Magic Marker
Nuclear Dawn
Super Crossfire


Ich denke da werd ich mal wieder zuschlagen, Max hab ich schon ne Ewigkeit auf meiner Einkaufsliste

What is this game?
It’s a dungeon crawl game with great atmosphere, puzzles, combat and RPG elements. Here’s a little more detail on the basics of the game.

What platforms are you going to release on?
We release on Windows first, followed by Mac and iOS. Other platforms might be possible too, after we get the game shipped on those three platforms first.

When is the game going to be released?
The game will be released on Windows in early 2012.

Will you release on all platforms simultaneously?
The odds are that we will first release on a single platform, followed closely by the others.

Who are you?
We are a four member team of game industry veterans with combined experience of more than 30 years in creating commercial games. We have worked on Max Payne 2, Alan Wake, Shattered Horizon and various versions of 3DMark Gamer’s Benchmark. Here’s a post with more dirty details!.

Is the game turn based or real time?
We feel that real time works better with the game we are making. It goes well with the atmosphere of the game since the player can be surprised by creeping monsters and the mood of the combat is more intense. Timing is an essential tactical element and our puzzles also benefit from working in real time. Real time gameplay also helps us differentiate from a number of other dungeon crawl games that have been released over the years.

Will there be a character generation system?
In addition to using preset characters, we will include a character generation system.

How many enemy types is there?
As many as we can churn out. Our goal is about 15 for the initial release.

Will the game feature randomly generated dungeons
The idea is intriguing and something we’ve talked about but it’s out of the scope of this project. Maybe someday…

Will there be a level editor?
Most likely at some point but not immediately with the initial release. We are fully concentrating on making a great game first.

Will the game have an automap?
Yes. It won’t be in-your-face though so you can easily ignore it if you so wish.

Will you make it easier to pick-up all the used missile weapons from the floors? Auto pick-up?
Auto pick-up has been implemented for the used ammunition.

Will new dungeons or expansions be released after release?
Yes, if there is enough demand for them and the initial release is successful enough to keep us going.

What are the Windows PC system requirements?
The bare minimum is a DX9 graphics card and Windows XP.

What engine are you using?
Our own engine.

Is the game going to be digitally distributed?
Yes. The game will be downloadable only.

Is there a mailing list I can subscribe to?
Not at the moment, sorry! In the meanwhile you can follow our Facebook page, Twitter feed or subscribe to this blog’s RSS feed.

Where do I sign up for beta testing?
We are going to hold a closed beta. That means that there is no need to apply for testing at the moment but we’ll let you know if we need additional testers!

Where can I preorder this? Can I donate?
We’ll have to wait a little closer to release to get a clear answer on preordering. Largely, it depends on which distributors we’ll end up working with. Collecting donations is unfortunately a little tricky to arrange due to Finnish legislature; not anyone can go around collecting money from poor unsuspecting folks. It’s possible, though, that we’ll put up some merchandise for sale at some point.




So toll. *.*
Erinnert mich an Eye of the Beholder!
Einzig das Kämpfen sieht semi optimat aus, weils ein wenig nach Klickorgie ausschaut
Ich packs mal hier rein, auch wenn es keine richtigen Indiespiele sind. Das neue Indie Royale Bundle ist da

Serious Sam: The Random Encounter
Serious Sam Double D
Serious Sam: Kamikaze Attack
Serious Sam: The First Encounter
Serious Sam: The Second Encounter
Serious Sam: The Greek Encounter


Bis auf Kamikaze Attack und The Greek Encounter sind alle bei Steam aktivierbar, allerdings handelt es sich nicht um die HD Versionen.

Uninteressant :)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Mir persönlich gefällts gar nicht aber man kanns gratis antesten und es ist auch noch in der Entwicklung

wow das sieht ja mal absolut genial aus! Ham sie den OpenCode von Wolfenstein genommen or woot?
Aufjedenfall mal ziemlich geniales Pacing wies aussieht. Wenn das Final wird, wirds sofort geholt!
Ich packs mal hier rein, auch wenn es keine richtigen Indiespiele sind. Das neue Indie Royale Bundle ist da

Serious Sam: The Random Encounter
Serious Sam Double D
Serious Sam: Kamikaze Attack
Serious Sam: The First Encounter
Serious Sam: The Second Encounter
Serious Sam: The Greek Encounter


Bis auf Kamikaze Attack sind alle bei Steam aktivierbar, allerdings handelt es sich nicht um die HD Versionen.
Mogelpaket. Keine Linux oder Mac Versionen und Kamikaze und Greek gibt es nicht auf Steam.
Kann ich nicht unbedingt empfehlen, für Fans, kompletter Packages.

wow das sieht ja mal absolut genial aus! Ham sie den OpenCode von Wolfenstein genommen or woot?
Aufjedenfall mal ziemlich geniales Pacing wies aussieht. Wenn das Final wird, wirds sofort geholt!
Nicht ganz, haben die modifizierte Quake Engine DarkPlaces dafür genutzt.
Sieht ja ganz nett aus (wie ne Mischung aus Limbo, VVV, Bit.Trip Runner und SMB)
Halt seeeeehr "indie" (wie man auch immer das auffassen will :ugly:)
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