Revolution - Diskussionsforum

Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
Biglinker schrieb:
So der neue Nunchaku Controller ;)

Spass beiseite, klar ist es nicht der Controller von Nintendo aber wahrscheinlich wusste noch fast niemand was wirklich Nunchaku bedeutet. Nunchaku ist dieses Japanische Kampfsportgeräte welches vor allem durch die Turtles bekannt wurde.

Und jeder kennt die Turtles, gell? ;) ;)
Biglinker schrieb:
So der neue Nunchaku Controller ;)

Spass beiseite, klar ist es nicht der Controller von Nintendo aber wahrscheinlich wusste noch fast niemand was wirklich Nunchaku bedeutet. Nunchaku ist dieses Japanische Kampfsportgeräte welches vor allem durch die Turtles bekannt wurde.

Genau. Siehe hier:


Bruce lee hat aber die "slim" edition des remote controller hmmm...sieht irgendwie gut aus :)

na komm jungs heute abend geht noch was !...egal ich hau mich jetzt aufs ohr!

PS: morgen gibt es bestimmt news für den revo.. fragt mich net woher ich das weiss ist so ein gefühl ;)
xHTFx schrieb:
PS: morgen gibt es bestimmt news für den revo.. fragt mich net woher ich das weiss ist so ein gefühl ;)
Öhm, ne echt jetz? Ich hab auch son Gefühl, dass es in dieser Woche neue News gibt o.O

Hatte mit meinen Gefühlen schon mit der E³, der TGS(was eigetnlich klar war) und der GC(also, dass es da Zelda zum anspielen gibt) und mit der Verschiebung von Zelda recht....

Rückt mich ruhig in die Kategorie verrückt aber naja^^
Giga2Kevin schrieb:
xHTFx schrieb:
PS: morgen gibt es bestimmt news für den revo.. fragt mich net woher ich das weiss ist so ein gefühl ;)
Öhm, ne echt jetz? Ich hab auch son Gefühl, dass es in dieser Woche neue News gibt o.O

Hatte mit meinen Gefühlen schon mit der E³, der TGS(was eigetnlich klar war) und der GC(also, dass es da Zelda zum anspielen gibt) und mit der Verschiebung von Zelda recht....

Rückt mich ruhig in die Kategorie verrückt aber naja^^

ich habe hingegen das gefühl dass nintendo nix mehr sagt bis kurz vor dem box launch ;)
Swisslink schrieb:
ich habe hingegen das gefühl dass nintendo nix mehr sagt bis kurz vor dem box launch ;)
kurz vor dem Box-Launch is aber Erstens nimma weit hin(bissl über 1 Monat) und die News müssen ja erstma sitzen^^ Also ich denke auch, dass solangsm mal die Zeit reif ist ;)

Wenn sie erst eine Woche vor dem Klotz-Launch neue News geben, haben sich alle schon eine Vorbestellt(wenn sie das nich jetz schon gemacht haben) oder denken: " Jetz hab ich scho so lang gewartet und mich darauf gefreut, jetz wart ich net nochn Jahr" oder so^^
Giga2Kevin schrieb:
Swisslink schrieb:
ich habe hingegen das gefühl dass nintendo nix mehr sagt bis kurz vor dem box launch ;)
kurz vor dem Box-Launch is aber Erstens nimma weit hin(bissl über 1 Monat) und die News müssen ja erstma sitzen^^ Also ich denke auch, dass solangsm mal die Zeit reif ist ;)

Wenn sie erst eine Woche vor dem Klotz-Launch neue News geben, haben sich alle schon eine Vorbestellt(wenn sie das nich jetz schon gemacht haben) oder denken: " Jetz hab ich scho so lang gewartet und mich darauf gefreut, jetz wart ich net nochn Jahr" oder so^^

ich denke also in 2-3 wochen gibts neues ;)
kA wiso ;)
Swisslink schrieb:
ich denke also in 2-3 wochen gibts neues ;)
kA wiso ;)
Sprechen aber auch viele Fakten auf diese Woche..
Erstma die nächste EDGE, die am 27. Oktober kommt, dann das IGN Live Event am 22. Oktober. Es gibt zwar keine offizielle Ankündigung aber es würd doch passen^^ Ende des Jahres kann man doch auch schon sagen, oder? Außerdem steht der Launch der XBox360 kurz bevor und man sieht schon Erste Werbungen, selbst bei uns in D-Land....
Ein Auszug aus der Times:

In their "What's Next" issue, TIME Magazine lists 5 new things "that will blow your mind." Number two, after the carbon-fiber composite airplane and before the non-fat deep frying compound, is the Revolution controller. "When it comes to video-game controllers," the article says, "Nintendo has always been an innovator. Back when Atari and its one-button joystick ruled, Nintendo devised a two-button controller with a directional thumb pad."

To see our take on it, you should check out the video wherein EGM editor Mark MacDonald demonstrates how the controller works.

The TIME cover story also covers other tech gadgets. Yeah, they're new all right - but are they too new? The problem with innovation is that sometimes the rest of us aren't ready for it yet. Are we ready for the Revolution?
Und noch was

Nintendo to Exhibit at 2006 International CES

According to the International Consumer Electronics Show's (CES) web site, Nintendo will be at next year's International CES in January. ATI Technologies, Nintendo's next-generation hardware partner, is scheduled to have an exhibit at the show as well as competitors Microsoft and Sony. The International CES web site states the following:

"It's all fun and games for AMD, Apex Digital, ATI, Logitech, Nvidia, Alienware, Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo and Gizmondo. Okay, maybe not all. These companies are serious when it comes to gaming and digital entertainment, and that's why they'll be at the 2006 International CES."

This year's show features the CES Games Power Showcase and Forum, kicking off with a keynote by Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates. The event is planned to showcase the next generation of gaming technologies including microprocessors, broadband and mobile gaming. In the past, International CES debuted world-famous products including the VCR, HDTV and Microsoft's Xbox.

The 2006 International CES is to be held January 5-8, 2006 in Las Vegas. Revolution Report will be in attendance covering all the Nintendo Revolution news straight from the show floor.



Gamecloud Interviews Perrin Kaplan

Earlier today, Nintendo of America’s Vice President of Marketing and Corporate Affairs Perrin Kaplan gave an interview to gaming site, discussing the Revolution’s controller, the console’s possible launch date, Zelda on GameCube, the DS’s Wi-Fi connection, among a few other topics.

Q.) First let's talk about the newly revealed Revolution controller. It's safe to say that no one expected the controller to look much like a television remote control. Can you give us an honest idea on how game developers are reacting to the look and features of the controller at this point?

Kaplan - We’ve demonstrated the Revolution controller with key folks around the industry prior to unveiling it at TGS, and the reaction was extremely positive. What really hooked them though was trying it out for themselves, seeing how incredibly intuitive it is and how players will be able to experience things like never before – such as sensing depth, using one hand, etc. It really is something you have to physically experience yourself to appreciate the impact the Revolution controller will have on the gaming industry.

Q.) At his keynote speech at TGS, Nintendo President Satoru Iwata stated that the controller was designed to be something that looked liked it belonged in a living room. Why does Nintendo believe this is needed in a video game controller, especially since the current two handed controller design has in some way also become a typical living room fixture?

Kaplan - With Revolution, Nintendo is looking to expand the video game market to all new players, in addition to keeping current gamers stimulated by something brand new. Though current hardcore gamers are accustomed to the standard joypad controller design there is something to be said for a controller that looks simple and less intimidating for any player. The goal of the Revolution controller is that its intuitive nature will appeal to literally everyone. And its experience is complex enough for even the most advanced game and gamer. We would like to see this controller in the same basket as all the other remotes. Easy to pick up and play.

Q.) While there was a chance for press at TGS to handle the Revolution controller, many people are wondering if Nintendo has tested the controller with people who love to play games for hours at a time. Is Nintendo confident that the controller will be comfortable with hardcore gamers who spent a lot of time playing games?

Kaplan - Yes, we’re quite sure that even the most hard-core, up-all-night gamers will find great enjoyment using the new Revolution controller. As with any activity, whether it’s typing on a keyboard or using a video game controller, routine breaks are always recommended. And due to the more physical nature of the Revolution controller, perhaps gamers will actually keep their blood circulation flowing a bit longer than previous game play sessions. Either way, we’ve chatted extensively with the journalists who have played with the controller for the first time at TGS – most of them hardcore gamers – and most felt that it would be perfectly comfortable sitting on a couch and blasting Metroids for extended periods of time. This is good news for the equally passionate gamers out there hoping to burn the midnight oil with Revolution.

Q.) Of course it’s ultimately all about the games for the Revolution that will really make the controller and the console stand out. Can you give us an idea of how many first party Revolution games are in development and how they might use the controller in unique ways?

Kaplan - Our message is for fans to stay tuned because at some point we’ll be sharing more about the games in development. But you can be certain that we’re hard at work on a number of first-party Nintendo Revolution launch titles that will be a gaming experience unlike anything you have ever played before. If I am wrong, anyone can tell me that later. But I think I’ll be right!

Q.) The Revolution may be the final console in the "next-gen" period (PS3-Xbox 360) to launch in the US. Do you believe that the Revolution will still be able to compete with Sony and Microsoft's new consoles in terms of sales and do better than the GameCube did in this country?

Kaplan - Until we see PS3 launch, it’s not accurate to say we’ll be last. But frankly, what’s most important is to never rush to market just to be first. Nintendo is all about gaming first and foremost, and the unique and innovative products we’re creating for Revolution will make our system a must-own for gamers both new and old no matter what other hardware is on the market. We’re currently working hard to secure all the necessary elements for a successful launch such as key first-party titles and solid third-party support when Revolution hits next year.

Q.) The Nintendo DS portable console has sold very well here in the US, even with the huge marketing push that Sony has been giving with its own PSP console. As the console closes in on completing its first year in the US, do you feel that the console has met Nintendo's expectations and also when will we learn more about the launch of the DS online network?

Kaplan - Nintendo is certainly thrilled with the level of support and sales success for the Nintendo DS. Recently we’ve seen an onslaught of great games for the system such as Nintendogs, Advance Wars, and Castlevania. More great games are on the way, especially as developers are getting used the amazing things you can do with touch screen, two screens, and voice recognition. But the best is even yet to come this holiday season when the Nintendo DS goes online with the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. We’re currently rolling out news on our free wi-fi plans as we speak, with more announcements to come. But you can look forward to experiencing it first-hand when the first-ever online Nintendo DS title ships in mid-November: Mario Kart DS. This game by itself is amazing, and the ability to race it online with your friends for free only makes it even better. And then other great wi-fi-enabled Nintendo DS titles will follow shortly after, including Animal Crossing DS, and Metroid Prime Hunters. So this holiday will be the best time for Nintendo DS owners yet.

Q.) Finally, the GameCube is likely in its final year before the Revolution is launched. We all know about the new Legend of Zelda game but what other exclusive titles are coming up in the next year for the console that you think will get people excited about the console in the face of the planned Xbox 360 and PS3 launches?

Kaplan - There are a number of great GameCube titles still planned for the system between now and Zelda. This holiday, gamers hungry for epic, story-driven RPG quests can choose either Fire Emblem or Pokemon XD – both for Nintendo GameCube. Or for the action and Mario-loving fans in the house, Super Mario Strikers could easily knock the classic Smash Bros. from the top of the four-player brawler list. And there are plenty of surprise Nintendo GameCube hits on the way in 2006 – we just can’t let the cat out of the bag quite yet.
So anscheinend hat Matt wieder mal gearbeitet. So hat er wieder mal Mails beantwortet


All about the next generation.

New Resolution

Hi Matt. Despite the fact that Revolution probably won't support progressive scan, I'd like to know if it could come with a digital output that we could play games using component cables. Thank's.

Matt responds: I've never seen thanks spelled in the possessive form before. That is pretty damned cool. Anyway, though, I'm not entirely sure just yet what kind of video-out solution Revolution will use, but I'd be surprised if it wasn't a proprietary output that enabled both composite and component connections. Revolution will support progressive-scan out, remember. It just won't do the higher resolutions, including 720p, 1080i, or 1080p.

Release Date

Hey, as you most probably know, its flying around that the Revolution is going to see the light of day in the latter half of 2006. Is this true as it came from Nintendo power? Also do you think that they'll push for a near simultaneous world launch like Microsoft?

Matt responds: So for readers who missed it, Nintendo Power quietly wrote that Revolution would launch in the latter half of next year. This isn't exactly surprising news. Just about everything known about the console suggests it will be last to market and indeed well into next year. Consider for a moment that Nintendo showed barely working technical demos to illustrate how Revolution's controller functions. You can't launch a console in the first half of next year if you can't show a single running game for it six months prior. Unless Nintendo knows magic, I'd say that we're at a near certainty that Revolution will ship just in time for the holiday 2006 shopping season. And yeah, I think that the Big N will probably try to ready it for a simultaneous global launch, or at the very least hit America and Japan at the same time.

God Games

Black & White 2 is amazing... and you can play it using only a three button wheel mouse. You never need to touch the keyboard. Well, besides the escape key to bring up the menu, but the point I'm trying to get at is that the game would be perfectly suited to the Revolution controller without even using the nunchuck expansion! Man, that would make my day... or even a Black & White 3…..

Matt responds: Yep. Seems a perfect choice for the Revolution controller and the good news is that the game's designers have already taken notice of Nintendo's new peripheral and praised it. I expect that sooner or later we'll see something -- perhaps even from Peter Molyneux -- that showcases just how well Revolution's controller can handle "god game" scenarios.


Hello Matt,

To your knowledge, are Revolution games in any significant stage of development at all? From what Nintendo showed you and other press, it appears Nintendo has only a basic model of what to do with games. Any chance they are further along than we know?


Matt responds: Games are definitely underway for Revolution. Some third parties have received more detailed information on the system and have even begun to organize Revolution development teams.
Work on the platform is starting to take some shape. That noted, I'm sure most houses are still waiting for really, functioning development hardware and in the meantime working on GameCube kits (which Nintendo itself has said are very similar to Revolution's dev environments). I think that by E3 2006 we'll see a good selection of software, both from Nintendo and from various third parties.


Hiya Matt. I've been a bit perplexed recently. As soon as I heard the Revolution had 512 MB of flash memory, I assumed that it would be expandable and that it would store more things than just game saves. After a contradictory conversation with my friend, I really wondered how it will be possible to save game progress on the Revolution. I also wondered if you could transfer game saves from the GameCube memory card onto the flash memory. I would write those questions out in proper question form, but I'm lazy, so I won't

Thanks :)
Ben, Liverpool, England

Matt responds: The 512MBs of flash memory is expandable, actually. That is what you get inside of Revolution. You can plug in SD cards (as you would a memory card) and considerably up your useable flash memory, depending on how much you want to spend. You can get a 2 gigabyte SD card for a couple hundred bucks nowadays and that number will drop before Revolution ships. You can store more than just game saves on the flash memory. You'll be able to download classic NES or SNES games, for example, and store them on your internal flash memory.

I have to think that you will be able to use the flash memory to store GameCube saves, too, but I can't say for sure just yet. If you look at the Revolution console, you'll notice that the flash memory compartment (located on the front of the unit) is entirely separate of the GameCube docking station, which features traditional Memory Pak slots. For this reason, there is always the chance that the two are not compatible and that you'll need to stick with traditional Memory Paks to store your GCN saves. That would be unfortunate, but I can't rule it out as Nintendo has not officially gone o the record about it.
Giga2Kevin schrieb:
xHTFx schrieb:
PS: morgen gibt es bestimmt news für den revo.. fragt mich net woher ich das weiss ist so ein gefühl ;)
Öhm, ne echt jetz? Ich hab auch son Gefühl, dass es in dieser Woche neue News gibt o.O

Hatte mit meinen Gefühlen schon mit der E³, der TGS(was eigetnlich klar war) und der GC(also, dass es da Zelda zum anspielen gibt) und mit der Verschiebung von Zelda recht....

Rückt mich ruhig in die Kategorie verrückt aber naja^^

ha siehe news wir beide hatten recht ! ;)
xHTFx schrieb:
Giga2Kevin schrieb:
xHTFx schrieb:
PS: morgen gibt es bestimmt news für den revo.. fragt mich net woher ich das weiss ist so ein gefühl ;)
Öhm, ne echt jetz? Ich hab auch son Gefühl, dass es in dieser Woche neue News gibt o.O

Hatte mit meinen Gefühlen schon mit der E³, der TGS(was eigetnlich klar war) und der GC(also, dass es da Zelda zum anspielen gibt) und mit der Verschiebung von Zelda recht....

Rückt mich ruhig in die Kategorie verrückt aber naja^^

ha siehe news wir beide hatten recht ! ;)
Tja, schei*e wars für die Zweifler :goodwork:
will come :)
und was sagen unsere wahrsager zum launchtag des rev?

und ob sich das gerät verkaufen wird?
Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
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