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Ich glaube das kürzlich veröffentlichte Game Brandish: The Dark Revenant im Playstation Store ist Schuld dran. Das Game kann ist eigentlich ein PSP-, kann aber auch auf der PS Vita gespielt werden; die PS Vita hat vor einigen Tage nämlich auch ein solches Update erhalten. Beide Update sind zudem Pflicht-Updates.
Summon Night 5 and Class of Heroes 3 for PSP coming west

Gaijinworks and MonkeyPaw Games are localizing PSP games Summon Night 5 and Class of Heroes 3, the companies announced.

Both games will have a poll to gauge demand for a pre-sale-only one-off physical version that includes both a digital code and physical UMD (so both PS Vita owner and collector’s can play the game).

Get details on each title below.
Summon Night 5


When worlds collide and everything is turned upside-down, a new order must be created to keep chaos at bay. Bandai Namco’s Summon Night 5 is the continuing story of that order-keeping society, the Eucross, and the adventures their Summoners have keeping their world and the disparate races from the Otherworlds in balance. Players can choose to experience the story as rookie Summoners Folth or Arca, and one of four possible partners (their “Cross”), giving the game’s dialogue and feel a unique flavor on up to eight different playthroughs.

What players see, and how the characters react depends on what characters are chosen at the beginning of each playthrough. But whatever choices a player makes, they’re in for a charming and sometimes tense strategy RPG adventure as they gradually unravel a plot that threatens the balance the Eucross is sworn to protect. The game features beautiful 2D and 3D art with battles presented in user-adjustable isometric perspective, and gorgeous animation that is a hallmark of Bandai Namco productions.


Fans in the USA, Canada, and Europe will be able to play the game in 2015!

Physical and Digital

A physical+digital bundle is planned. Fans will receive a PSN code for a free download for each physical version purchased. This will allow Vita players who don’t have a UMD drive the means to enjoy the game as well, and collectors to play the game without opening the physical package. However, we’re going to make that decision really hard as we have even more collector will-breaking secrets planned for this set’s packaging.


Pricing will be released once the poll for the physical+digital version demand is completed.

View a set of English screenshots at the gallery. Visit the game’s website here.
Class of Heroes 3



Time to hit the books with a new crop of adventurers! Class of Heroes 3 takes the series to the next level with fan-requested changes and all new game systems that make this one of the most addictive and charming dungeon crawling RPGs ever!

The biggest new feature is that instead of one school, players have the choice of three very different schools to begin their quest and call their home during the game. The school chosen will change the uniforms of the players and the degree of difficulty of the game. Each school also has a unique cast of characters to interact with. Once the school is chosen and the game begins, players will also notice new systems like the expanded Affinity system that allows specific love/hate connections to be specified between characters to grow positive or negative relationships under player’s specific control. Finally, one of the most-requested changes from Class of Heroes 2 has been implemented as well: labyrinths now feature a selection of ambient music as you explore them.

With the expanded school campus system, devilish new labyrinths, charming gameplay, and enormous cast of characters, Class of Heroes 3 won’t be easy for dungeon-crawling fans to put down once they start!


Pricing will be released once the poll for the physical+digital version is completed.


25 minutes of English Summon Night 5 gameplay

Gaijinworks has released a 25-minute English gameplay video of Summon Night 5 showcasing an event scene and battle from the upcoming strategy RPG.

The footage is from Chapter 2 of the game and follows Arca’s character path with Kagerou as her Cross. Gaijinworks notes that the skill and summon sets for the characters is still pretty limited at this point, given that it’s at an early point in the game. There’s also a typo in the text, but it’s already been fixed. (The footage is from an older build.)

Summon Night 5 will be released for PSP (and by extension, for PS Vita) in English this fall.

Watch the footage below.


Japan: Sony stellt PSP-Verkäufe im PlayStation Store ein

27.11.15 - Sony gibt bekannt, dass man keine PSP-Software mehr im japanischen PlayStation Store ab dem 31.03.16 verkaufen wird.

Bereits gekaufte Inhalte werden weiterhin verfügbar sein und können auch erneut heruntergeladen oder zur PS3, PS Vita sowie zu mobilen Geräten oder dem PC übertragen werden.

Gleichzeitig wird auch das Programm "UMD Passport" eingestellt, das es seit Dezember 2012 in Japan gibt: Nutzer legen eine UMD in ihre PSP, registrieren sie im PlayStation Network und laden das Spiel für eine kleine Gebühr auf die PS Vita herunter.

Alle PSP Games? Auch die welche auf der Vita spielbar sind?!

Ergibt irgendwie keinen Sinn?! Was kostet es Sony die Spiele zum Kauf zur Verfügung zu stellen?
Summon Night 5 launches December 15 in North America

Gaijinworks will mail out digital codes to users who purchased the limited quantity physical+digital version the day before release. As for when the physical version will ship to those who purchased it, Gaijinworks says it’s still waiting for the UMDs to complete production.

Here’s an overview of the strategy RPG, via Gaijinworks:

When worlds collide and everything is turned upside-down, a new order be created to keep chaos at bay. Bandai Namco’s Summon Night 5 is the continuing story of that order-keeping society, the Eucross, and the adventures their Summoners have keeping their world and the disparate races from the Otherworlds in balance. Players can choose to experience the story as rookie Summoners Folth or Arca, and one of four possible partners (their “Cross”), giving the game’s dialogue and feel a unique flavor on up to eight different playthroughs. What players see, and how the characters react depends on what characters are chosen at the beginning of each playthrough. But whatever choices a player makes, they’re in for a charming and sometimes tense Strategy-RPG adventure as they gradually unravel a plot that threatens the balance the Eucross is sworn to protect. The game features beautiful 2D and 3D art with battles presented in user-adjustable isometric perspective, and gorgeous animation that is a hallmark of Bandai Namco productions.

Wer kann sich noch an die Oblivion-Ankündigung für die PSP erinnern? Es wurde zwar damals offiziell angekündigt, später aber eingestellt und daher nie veröffentlicht.

Ähnlich wie bei Saints Row: Undercover (auch damals angekündigt und später eingestellt), ist jetzt eine spielbare Version im Internet aufgetaucht. Zenimax versucht im Moment sämtliche Videos von YouTube runter zu kriegen. :-D




Next stop: Devil May Cry PSP. :v:
  • Lob
Reaktionen: Avi
Das wäre wirklich beeindruckend gewesen. Ich hatte ja damals Gran Turismo, hätten sie da die Karriere nicht entfernt, dann wäre die PSP wohl heute noch bei mir im Einsatz.
  • Lob
Reaktionen: Avi
Und wer kein Englisch kann:

Der PlayStation Store sowie alle sonstigen Funktionen, die im Rahmen der Media Go-Anwendung einen Zugriff auf den PlayStation Store erfordern, werden nach dem Oktober-Update nicht länger zur Verfügung stehen.

Sollte dein PSP-System über keine Wi-Fi-Funktion verfügen (PSP E1000), musst du deine Inhalte bis spätestens 24. Oktober 2016 herunterladen.

Für alle anderen Besitzer von PSP-Systemen bedeutet dies Folgendes:

• Es wird nicht länger möglich sein, das PSP-System mithilfe von Media Go zu aktivieren oder zu deaktivieren.
• Außerdem können für PSP und PlayStation Video erworbene Inhalte nicht länger über Media Go heruntergeladen und installiert werden

Die Besitzer von PSP-Systemen können die obengenannten Funktionen weiterhin nutzen, indem sie ihre PSP-Systeme über Wi-Fi direkt mit dem Netzwerk verbinden.
  • Lob
Reaktionen: Avi
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