Pokédex 3D, featuring all of the new Pokémon from the recent Pokémon Black and White games, will allow users to look up information about more than 150 Pokémon and their moves, all for free. It will make use of SpotPass and Augmented Reality.
Players start with 16 Pokémon and can unlock the remaining Pokédex entries by scanning QR Codes, using SpotPass (up to three random Pokémon a day), or by trading data with friends, likely via StreetPass.
Users will be able to view each Pokémon in 3D, and rotate them a full 360 degrees. The Pokédex features filters and bookmarking capabilities as well.
The app will use the 3DS' built-in Augmented Reality capabilities to display Pokémon in pictures taken via the 3DS Camera.
Wie geil ist das denn ? Dann wird wohl in paar Tagen wirklich ein neues Main Pokemon fürn 3DS enthüllt.