Bumped to the front page. Make sure you check below this entire post for a bunch of other news stories.
All your media summit links will appear under this header. That should make it a lot easier to follow everyones impressions, videos, and more
If you watch GameTrailers Nintendo Media Summit overview, you get to hear about Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Brain Age 2, Mario Strikers Charged, DK Jungle Climber, Picross DS and more. Beth Llewelyn makes a point of saying that at E3 we will hear more about what Nintendo has planned for the fourth quarter with DS and Wii. She says we will hear more about games we already know of, and there will be surprises as well.
Mario Strikers Charged Multiplayer
Pokemon Battle Revolution Fight
Mario Party 8 Minigames trailer
Planet Puzzle League Modes trailer
Picross DS Puzzle trailer
Big Brain Academy Wii Degree Challenge
Brain Age 2 Debut trailer
Carnival Games Tank/Bottle Throw
Carnival Games Alley Ball/Strength
Hands-on Mario Strikers Charged, screens, video
Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree preview, screens, video
Mario Party 8 trailer
Pokemon Battle Revolution preview, screens, video
Matt Casamassina blog post
Brain Age 2 hands on, screens, video
Planet Puzzle League hands on, screens, video
Picross DS hands on, screens, video
Nintendos Pre E3 media event
Mario Strikers Charged preview, screens, video
Pokemon Battle Revolution preview, screens, video
Mario Party 8 screens, video
Big Brain Academy screens, video
The Bigs short blurb
Boogie screens
Brain Age 2 preview, screens, video
Picross DS screens, video
Planet Puzzle League screens, video
Carnival Games preview, video
Drawn to Life preview, screens
Jam Sessions screens
Picross DS trailer
Planet Puzzle League trailer
Big Brain Academy trailer
Pokemon Battle Revolution trailer
Mario Party 8 trailer
Mario Strikers Charged trailer
Nintendo Media Summit overview
Mario Strikers Charged developer online walkthrough
Nintendo Media Summit blowout begins
Brain Age 2 impressions, video
Planet Puzzle League impressions, screens, video
Mario Strikers Charged impressions, screens, video
Pokemon Battle Revolution quick blurb, screens
Picross DS impressions, screens, videos
Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree impressions, screens, video
Mario Party 8 screens
Mario Strikers Charged interview
Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree interview
Brain Age 2 interview
Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree video
Mario Strikers Charged video
Carnival Games video
Mario Party 8 video
Pokemon Battle Revolution video
Planet Puzzle League video
Brain Age 2 video
Planet Puzzle League screens
Picross DS screens
Mario Party 8 screens
Brain Age 2 screens
Mario Strikers Charged screens
Pokemon Battle Revolution screens
Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree screens
Brain Age 2 hands on
Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree hands on
GameSpot at Nintendo Summer preview
Hands on Mario Strikers Charged
Hands on Brain Age 2
Picross DS trailer
Mario Strikers Charged trailer
Brain Age 2 trailer
Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree, Planet Puzzle League trailers
Softwareless in Seattle: Nintendos Media Summit lacks killer apps
Planet Puzzle League hands on, screens, video
Mario Party 8 hands on, screens, video
Big Brain Academy hands on, screens, video
The Bigs hands on, screens
Boogie hands on, screens, video
Mario Strikers Charged hands on, screens, video
Brain Age 2 hands on, screens, video