DSiWare Nintendo DSi Games Thread (DSiWare + Retail)

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Find das Angebot nicht schlecht. Bin aber auch ziemlicher Puzzlefan.

Mein erstes DSi Game, was ich mir heute von den Gratispoints runtergeladen habe, ist Art Style:Code. Ist recht gut gelungen.

Hoffentlich kommt bald der neue Kawashimabrainer. :-D

Hat wer schon die andern Games probiert und kann was zu sagen?
Find das Angebot nicht schlecht. Bin aber auch ziemlicher Puzzlefan.

Mein erstes DSi Game, was ich mir heute von den Gratispoints runtergeladen habe, ist Art Style:Code. Ist recht gut gelungen.

Hoffentlich kommt bald der neue Kawashimabrainer. :-D

Hat wer schon die andern Games probiert und kann was zu sagen?

Ich hab einzig und allein Wario Ware gespielt. Macht Fun, Gesichtserkennung ist gut.
Die Bilder, die gemacht werden sind besonders lustig, aber leider ist es nicht möglich diese zu speichern. :(
Umfang ist auch relativ gering (4 Microgame Sammlungen à ~10 Games) + Credits (die selbst nochmal ein rechts witziges Minispiel darstellen)

Gute Demo für die Einsatzmöglichkeiten der Kamera und zur Präsentation des DSi. :)
Schade das es kein DSiWare Update für heute gab :neutral:

btw. Real Soccer 09 soll anscheinend nur 500 Punkte kosten.
Schade, heute scheint's tatsächlich kein Update zu geben... Vielleicht noch im Laufe des Tages :-?
Nintendo Download: Mixed Messages, Pitfalls, Magic Tricks (US)

This week brings a new western publisher on board - Activision! And they haven't just released one game, but two!


If you bought a DSi you'll be quite glad to hear that there's already some new games available this week. Of course the Wii Shop gets its usual new WiiWare and VC game as well!

Mixed Messages is Activision's first DSiWare game. It's pretty simple - First, you enter a sentence. Then, you pass the DSi to a friend, who has to illustrate that sentence. He then passes it on to another friend, who will then have to write a sentence he thinks suits that picture, and so on! This really only seems to be fit for very large groups of people - Activision claims it's for 2 to 21 players!

If you would like to learn some more magic tricks you can do so this week as well - Master of Illusion Express: Shuffle Games will teach you a bunch of tricks with which you read your friends' minds.

As said, Activision has not just started supporting DSiWare - They've started supporting the VC as well. Their first game is, naturally, an installment in their most well-known series, Pitfall! In Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure for the Genesis, you once again visit the jungle, swinging from vines, dodging snakes and jumping across pitfalls - The only difference is that you play as Pitfall Harry's son, because his dad has gone missing and he's out to find him. The game is quite well animated, but as far as gameplay goes it's fairly standard. A nice feature which will have been hopefully retained for the VC release is that you can unlock the ability to play the original Atari 2600 Pitfall! game.

Sadly, this means that, once again, there's no The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask! Hopefully next week!

More from Nintendo's press release:


The new Nintendo DSi™ system has been on store shelves for just a week now. Today Activision's Mixed Messages™ becomes the first third-party downloadable game for the new system. Mixed Messages is a game of electronic telephone that can accommodate a whopping 21 players. On the WiiWare™ side, fans will find a game based on the popular Pop-Up Pirate™ toy that might have players sticking virtual swords into their Mii™ characters. And classic character Pitfall Harry Jr. makes his debut on the Virtual Console.

Nintendo adds new titles to the Nintendo DSi Shop and the Wii Shop Channel at 9 a.m. Pacific time on Mondays. Users with a high-speed Internet connection can redeem Wii Points™ or Nintendo DSi Points™ to download the games. Wii Points can be purchased in the Wii Shop Channel. Nintendo DSi Points can be purchased in the Nintendo DSi Shop. A Nintendo Points Card™ can be purchased at retail locations. All Nintendo Points from one Nintendo Points Card must be redeemed in either the Wii Shop Channel or the Nintendo DSi Shop. They are not transferable and cannot be divided between the two systems. This week's new games are:

Nintendo DSiWare™

Mixed Messages (Activision, 2-21 players, Rated E for Everyone, 500 Nintendo DSi Points): Mixed Messages is the hilarious party game of mixed-up miscommunication. Sketch a picture to capture your friends' sentence, or try to figure out what in the world they've drawn. You might start with, "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" and end up with "A crazy surfer outruns flying sticks of dynamite while his fans cheer!" Two to 21 players take turns writing sentences and drawing pictures to pass along a message. This isn't a game about winning and losing - it's all about the funny miscommunications that happen along the way. You'll laugh when you see just how wacky things can get. Get together with your friends and mix it up.

Master of Illusion™ Express: Shuffle Games (Nintendo, 1 player, Rated E for Everyone, 200 Nintendo DSi Points): Master of Illusion Express titles are mind-boggling magic tricks pulled from the popular Nintendo DS™ game. Learn the illusions, practice up and amaze your friends. Master of Illusion Express: Shuffle Games will boggle your audience members' minds as they try to figure out how you know exactly what they're thinking. Also included is the bonus Vanishing Card trick, which the Nintendo DSi system performs for your enjoyment.
Wenn jetzt alle 2 Wochen nur ein DSiWare Spiel raus kommt, dann Gute Nacht. Vor allem, wenn es dann Spiele sind, mit denen man nicht anfangen kann, dann wartet man auf gut blöd paar Monate bis man wieder gescheites Futter für den DSi bekommt in Bezug auf DSiWare.
Denke mal, dass es nicht in diesem Rhytmus bleiben wird, ansonsten wäre das absolut schwach. ( Würde mich aber ehrlich gesagt bei Nintendo mittlerweile nicht mehr wundern, haben bei mir in letzter Zeit ziemlich an Symphatie verloren und meine Gedult ist nunmal auch nicht unbegrenzt )

DSiWare ist für mich ein großer Kaufgrund gewesen und da habe ich mir wohl eingebildet, dass Nintendo mit der Relasepolitik etwas freundlicher umgeht, als bei WiiWare.
Dito Dito - hoffe es bleibt net so, wäre erbärmlich besonders im Vergleich mit dem App-Store, dachte das man sich eher da ein Vorbild nimmt. Aber okay die Userbase ist noch am steigen - klar das die Publisher/Devs da erstmal en bissel abwarten. Denke auf der e3 wird dann deutlich mehr zu sehen geben.
Nachdem NST an der Mario&Animal Crossing Uhr und dem dazugehörigen Taschenrechner gearbeitet hat, scheint man nun an sogenannten "Break Room Puzzles" zu arbeiten. Kennt man sicherlich vom PC, mal schauen, wie es auf dem DS umgesetzt wird.
Japaner bekommen schon die zweite Version von der genialen FlipBook Software während wir mit Titeln wie Mixed Message bedient werden :neutral:
- Ugomemo Theater will now get a Channel feature, which allows clips to be uploaded directly into different categories
- users can add comments or hand-written drawings to clips via the “Little Memo” feature
- Ugomemo Theater will now allow users to rate videos with various stars
- ‘My Room’ will allow users to make a profile, view clips they have added stars to, and manage their “Ugomates” (Friends) list
- ‘UgoMail’ will allow users to send clips to one another through the internet
*Bumped to the front page* Japan - Nintendo’s Wii video service kicks off May 1st - videos, information, confirmation of DSi videos on-the-go

- comes out May 1st in Japan
- Channel will be free
- provides a virtual living room experience for the user
- register up to 8 Miis
- time in the virtual living room passes in real-time
- click on the TV to enter the video download service
- view content by recommended, recent arrivals, or key words
- no details on video content at this time
- clicking the plastic plan takes you to a page for partner companies, which shows commercials and promo videos for products. This also allows product samples to be delivered to your home, if you wish.
- calendar available for a new image every day, as well as text content
- Nintendo will be working with celebrities to bring their personalities into your living room. These celebrities will be presenting special programs. Past visits can be re-accessed by selecting the message board option
- this channel links up with the DSi in order to download and watch content on your DSi while on the go. The DSi can also store virtual coupons from companies
- in order to connect your DSi you will need the “Dokodemo Wii no Ma” app from the DSiShop. This app will be available May 1st
- limited video content at first, but plans to bring in more content in the future
- no mention of free/pay content details

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