NDS Nintendo DS Spiele - Wertungen, Rang- und Releaseliste


28 Jan 2004
Vollständige Spieleliste, Sortierfunktionen, Packshots, Screenshots, Infos zu den Spielen und Verkaufszahlen:

I. Spieletest - Charts (Stand: 04.08.2005)

Aktuelle Rangliste:

Pl. Titel                    ø    Region   

 1. Nintendogs: Chihuahu..  92.5   - - J 
 2. Nintendogs: Dachshun..  92.5   - - J 
 3. Nintendogs: Lab & Fr..  92.5   - - J 
 4. Meteos                  90.2   - U J 
 5. Kirby Canvas Curse      87.8   - U J 
 6. Advance Wars Dual St..  87.5   - - J 
 7. Ounin! Tatakae! Ouen..  87.5   - - J 
 8. Super Mario 64 DS       85.5   E U J 
 9. Wario Ware Touched!     84.7   E U J 
10. Daigasso! Band Broth..  82.7   - - J 
11. Another Code: Doppel..  82.6   E - J 
12. Egg Monster Heroes      80.0   - - J 
13. Power Pocket Koushien   80.0   - - -
14. Polarium                80.0   E U J 
15. Puyo Pop Fever          79.8   - U J 
16. Yoshi's Touch & Go      78.3   E U J 
17. Bomberman DS            77.5   E U J 
18. Megaman Battle Netwo..  77.5   - - J 
19. Naruto RPG 2: Chidor..  77.5   - - J 
20. SD Gundam G Generati..  77.5   - - J 
21. Trauma Center: Under..  77.5   - - J 
22. Yawaraka Atama Juku     77.5   - - J 
23. Zoo Keeper              77.4   E U J 
24. Project Rub             77.3   E U J 
25. Pac-Pix                 75.7   E U J 
26. Harvest Moon: Colobo..  75.0   - - J 
27. Madden NFL 2005         74.6   - U -
28. Nanostray               73.8   - U -
29. The Urbz: Sims in th..  72.8   E U J 
30. Tantei Kibukawa Ryos..  72.5   - - J 
31. Tendo Dokuta            72.5   - - J 
32. World Championship P..  71.5   - U -
33. Asphalt: Urban GT       70.3   E U J 
34. Naruto: Saikyo Ninja..  70.0   - - J 
35. Star Wars III: Reven..  70.0   E U J 
36. Need for Speed Under..  69.6   E U -
37. Mr. Driller: Drill S..  68.9   E U J 
38. Ridge Racer DS          68.9   E U -
39. Spider-Man 2            68.0   E U J 
40. Fullmetal Alchemist:..  67.5   - - J 
41. Ganbare Goemon: Touk..  67.5   - - J 
42. Tiger Woods PGA 2005    67.4   E U J 
43. Splinter Cell: Chaos..  67.1   E U -
44. Golden Eye: Rogue Ag..  66.8   E U -
45. Madagascar              65.9   E U -
46. Rayman DS               65.1   E U -
47. Guru Guru Nagetoo       65.0   - - J 
48. Devilish: Ball Bounder  60.0   - - J 
49. Pokemon Dash            58.0   E U J 
50. Robots                  57.9   E U J

Die Einzelwertungen passen durch die Aufstockung auf 15 Magazine nicht
mehr in die Zeilen, sind aber ohnehin in der Tabelle auf folgender Seite
wesentlich übersichtlicher zu finden: Rangliste @ NintendoDS-Spiele.de

II. Release-Liste (Stand: 04.08.2005)


im August leider Fehlanzeige

... komplette Liste: hier klicken
Bereits erhältliche Spiele


08.08.2005 - Madden NFL 2006 - Electronic Arts - Sport
20.08.2005 - Big Motha Truckers - Destination Software - Rennspiel
22.08.2005 - Advance Wars Dual Strike - Nintendo - Strategie
22.08.2005 - Nintendogs: Chihuahua & Friends - Nintendo - Virtuelles Haustier
22.08.2005 - Nintendogs: Dachshund & Friends - Nintendo - Virtuelles Haustier
22.08.2005 - Nintendogs: Lab & Friends - Nintendo - Virtuelles Haustier
23.08.2005 - Pac'n Roll - Namco - Action

... komplette Liste: hier klicken
Bereits erhältliche Spiele


04.08.2005 - Golden Eye: Rogue Agent - Electronic Arts - Ego-Shooter
04.08.2005 - Power Pocket Koushien - Konami - Sport
08.08.2005 - Jump Superstars - Nintendo - Beat'em'Up
11.08.2005 - Madagascar - Activision - Action
25.08.2005 - Bust-A-Move - Taito - Puzzle
25.08.2005 - Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow - Konami - Action Adventure
25.08.2005 - Kyouryuu Ouja Ketteisen: K... - MTO - n/a
25.08.2005 - Lost in Blue - Konami - Simulation
25.08.2005 - Lunar Dragon Song - Ubisoft - Rollenspiel

... komplette Liste: hier klicken
Bereits erhältliche Spiele

III. Screenshots kommender Spiele

Screenshots zu den Spielen unter: www.NintendoDS-Spiele.de
Das US-amerikanische Onlinemagazin GameSpot stellte gestern Abend den Test zum NDS-Titel Super Mario 64 DS online. Das Spiel bekam beachtliche 8.4 von 10 Punkten.

Quelle: consolewars.de

Hab mir etwas mehr erwartet - mal schauen, was die anderen Magazine sagen.
IGN (http://ds.ign.com):

Feel the Magic: XY/XX

Ratings: Description:

10.0 Presentation
A lovely love story, some gamely gameplay, very musical music, and touch play that will touch you.

7.0 Graphics
Its elegant simplicity works great, but Sonic Team did hold back and make compromises for this launch game.

7.0 Sound
The music and voices are distinctly Japanese and definitely charming, but there's just not much of it to commend.

8.0 Gameplay
Some stages are pure brilliance; others are pitiably simplistic, and one or two are practically broken. On the whole, though, lots of fun.

6.0 Lasting Appeal
A few collectibles for Sega'philes and a lot of pass-and-play appeal make this one you buy for your friends as much as yourself.

(out of 10 / not an average)

Spider-Man 2

Ratings: Description:

8.0 Presentation
Great use of full-motion video for intros and cutscenes that look great on the DS screen, and a nice clean navigation using the touch sensitive function.

9.0 Graphics
Outstanding use of 3D in a 2D game design that will show gamers what the system can do on a technical level. Fast, smooth, beautiful.

8.0 Sound
The audio puts the system's stereo capabilities to good use with appropriately "Spider-Man" style of music. But since levels are enormously long, they loop frequently.

7.0 Gameplay
Not the tightest combat developed for a Spider-Man game, but the fun "web-zipping" and "wall-crawling" gameplay is definitely a blast.

6.5 Lasting Appeal
It's a 16 level limit that's extended via secondary objectives that are one big pain in the butt to accomplish.

(out of 10 / not an average)

Asphalt: Urban GT

Ratings: Description:
out of 10 click here for ratings guide

4.0 Presentation
Poor use of the touch screen for its menu system. And even without touch screen function it's cluttered and confusing.

8.5 Graphics
Still screens don't do this game justice. In motion it's a beautiful game on the Nintendo DS, running at a silky 60 FPS with a good sense of speed.

7.0 Sound
Solid, better than average audio that doesn't really offer up much "oomph" during the races.

5.0 Gameplay
Barely passable racing action. Some elements are good, like the drift handling. Others, like AI routines, instant replay handling, jumps, and even multiplayer just feel unfinished.

7.0 Lasting Appeal
A good amount of replay value if you're more forgiving in your racing games than we are. Lots of competition for single and multiplayer.

(out of 10 / not an average)

Ich habe die Tests noch nicht gelesen, die Wertungen (insbesondere von Asphalt: Urban GT) enttäuschen aber schon etwas...

Gamespot (http://www.gamespot.com)

Asphalt Urban GT

Gameplay - 7
Graphics - 8
Sound - 6
Value - 8
Tilt - 8

GameSpot Score
7.5 (good)

Feel the Magic: XY/XX

Gameplay - 8
Graphics - 7
Sound - 6
Value - 6
Tilt - 9

7.7 (good)

Madden NFL 2005

Gameplay - 8
Graphics - 7
Sound - 7
Value - 8
Tilt - 6

7.2 (good)

Super Mario 64 DS

Gameplay - 8
Graphics - 8
Sound - 9
Value - 8
Tilt - 9

8.4 (great)

Spider-Man 2

Gameplay - 6
Graphics - 8
Sound - 6
Value - 6
Tilt - 5

6.0 (fair)

Hier enttäuscht die Wertung von Spiderman...
Man muss aber dazusagen, dass Gamespot in der Regel wesentlich niedriger bewertet als z.B. die N-Zone!
naja..................zu gamespot sag ich nix mehr. Das sind die unfähigsten Leute die ich kenne.........................................aber die großen knaller werden wohl noch etwas auf sich warten lassen.
Der 4. Test bei IGN:

Super Mario 64 DS

Ratings: Description:
out of 10 click here for ratings guide

9.0 Presentation
Though it's just a bit of a bummer to get a port for Mario's first DS adventure, it's anything but "just a port." They've added so much to an existing design.

8.5 Graphics
A very solid display of the system's capabilities. It looks far better on the DS than it did on the N64, even without texture filtering.

8.5 Sound
Great conversions of the original Nintendo 64 soundtrack, with fantastic sound separation that shows off the DS' abilities...even without headphones you can hear where someone's located on-screen.

9.0 Gameplay
Without an analog stick, a near-perfect game like Mario 64 just becomes "great, just a little frustrating." The additional cool little touch-screen games bump up the score.

9.5 Lasting Appeal
There are a ton of level challenges, mini-games to unlock, and multiplayer competition using only one cartridge. Keep this one with you at all times, because it'll last a long, long time.

(out of 10 / not an average)

Damit hätten wir bisher:


8.9 Super Mario 64 DS
7.8 Feel the Magic: XY/XX
7.5 Spider Man 2
5.5 Asphalt: Urban GT


8.4 Super Mario 64 DS
7.7 Feel the Magic: XY/XX
7.5 Asphalt: Urban GT
7.2 Madden NFL 2005
6.0 Spider Man 2
Jack schrieb:
naja..................zu gamespot sag ich nix mehr. Das sind die unfähigsten Leute die ich kenne.........................................aber die großen knaller werden wohl noch etwas auf sich warten lassen.

Wieso? Die gamespot Wertungen und Berichte die ich gelesen habe waren alle recht ordentlich. :)
Laguna schrieb:
Jack schrieb:
naja..................zu gamespot sag ich nix mehr. Das sind die unfähigsten Leute die ich kenne.........................................aber die großen knaller werden wohl noch etwas auf sich warten lassen.

Wieso? Die gamespot Wertungen und Berichte die ich gelesen habe waren alle recht ordentlich. :)

ich will ich nicht mehr den namen gamespot in den mund nehemen............................HL², Halo2 MGs3..........................aber dann games wie THPS3 100 geben?
Tony Hawk 3 ist ein Spiel aus dem Jahre 2001 und du weißt das niemand immer perfekt sein kann und die Anforderungen an den Spielen mit der Zeit auch ansteigen, mal davon abgesehen das bei gamespot nicht nur eine Person die Spiele bewertet.

Und was ist den an den 9er Wertungen für Half Life 2 und Halo2 auszusetzten das waren doch Top Wertungen :) Oder liegt es eher allein an die 8,7 für MGS3 ;). MGS3 hat zwar so einige Neuerungen aber es spielt sich im Grunde genau wie die Erstlinge und schon damals war die Steuerung nicht gerade perfekt sondern "nur" ganz gut. Und auch wie beraits bei den Vorgängern steht eben auch hier wieder die Story im Fordergrund die fast ausschließlich in Sequenzen vorgestellt wird und fast einen Hauptteil der Spielzeit aumachen. Nicht das du mich wieder falsch verstehst wäre ja nicht das erste mal ;) Ich finde die MGS Reihe wirklich sehr gut und der dritte Teil scheint in vielerlei Hinsicht besse as die Vorgänger zu sein aber die gamespot Wertung geht in Ordnung :) Es kann ja nicht sein das nahezu jedes gute Spiel über die 9er Marke kommt. Ab 9 soll das Spiel die absolute Oberklasse darstellen und ich finde es gut das gamespot versucht (!) dem entsprechend auch zu werten. 8,7 ist wie bei gamespot zu lesen immer noch "genial".

Ich bin auch nicht immer ganz mit den gamespot Wertungen einverstanden aber im Endeffekt ist es mir absolut egal was die so vor sich hin bewerten :)
Laguna schrieb:
Ich bin auch nicht immer ganz mit den gamespot Wertungen einverstanden aber im Endeffekt ist es mir absolut egal was die so vor sich hin bewerten :)

Sicher hast ja recht das man Wertungen nicht allzu ernst nehemn soll. :) Aber mich haben sie eben bei diesen 3 games total gestört da die reviews redaktionell ganz ordentlich warwen aber die quint essenz nicht verstanden wurde.
Aber egal so schlecht sind die Wertungen ja nicht dennoch ist mir GS unsympatisch geworden.
naja, hab mir bei den wertungen mehr erwartet... mal schauen wie dìe PSP software abschneitet! :hmpf:
den einen....richtigen top-titel,scheint der nds noch nicht zu haben.....

vll. hätte ein zelda oder final fantasy zum Launch am start sein sollen...
Uchiha Sasuke schrieb:
den einen....richtigen top-titel,scheint der nds noch nicht zu haben.....

vll. hätte ein zelda oder final fantasy zum Launch am start sein sollen...

naja mit metroid prime hunters gibts den eigentlich. :)
Uchiha Sasuke schrieb:
ähm....nich wirklich, oder gibts den titel jetzt im handel zu kaufen??

nein aber vielleicht war startitel das falsche wort. Zugpferd ists allemal und wäre auch für mich kaufgrund.
gamerz-edge schrieb:
Super Mario 64DS:

Overall Comment

Super Mario 64 has always been one of my favorite games of all time, and having this title in my hands on my new portable gaming system just makes playing through it again even more fun. However, there truly is a lot more to the game this time around, even if it does feel close to the same as it always did (excluding the multiplayer and rec room mini-games, of course). But the Rec Room stuff had me hooked, also. Well, me and my fiancé, anyway, who still plays them for hours on end and beats my scores (not a word of this to anyone)! Bottom line: Super Mario 64 DS is a must-have for all Mario fans and anyone looking for a good DS game at system launch. Wa-hoo indeed.

Gameplay: 8.5/10
Graphics: 9.0/10
Sound: 9.5/10
Fun Factor: 9.5/10
Depth: 10/10

Final Score: 9.3

Spiderman 2:

Overall Comment

Spider-Man 2 is one of those games that you look at and say “if only they had more time.” The formula works and the game looks excellent, but the obvious problems pull it down. If anything, this game is a great example of what the Nintendo DS is capable of, but it isn’t something that will have you smiling from ear to ear as you play it.

Gameplay: 6.0/10
Graphics: 9.5/10
Sound: 8.0/10
Fun Factor: 7.5/10
Depth: 7.5/10

Final Score: 7.7

Feel the Magic XX XY:

Overall Comment

Feel the Magic: XY/XX is a pretty darn good example of why exactly Nintendo DS games may be so unique when compared to other videogames out there these days. Never before has a game offered such distinctive control over such unpredictable situations, and it’s pleasing to be able to take part in it in such an intuitive way. It really does feel like you’re more of a part of the game, oddly enough. Now, if there were only more to this game to help it retain its appeal once all is said and done (such as perhaps a multiplayer mode or more random elements in the mini-games)

Gameplay: 9.0/10
Graphics: 8.5/10
Sound: 8.0/10
Fun Factor: 9.0/10
Depth: 6.0/10

Final Score: 8.1
gaming horizon schrieb:
Super Mario 64 DS

Overall, Super Mario 64 DS is simply outstanding. I’m so happy to be playing as Yoshi and the entire crew. The new sound effects even topped it off. I’m a sucker for those little things. Nintendo fans that enjoyed the original on the Nintendo 64 back in 96’ will absolutely enjoy this. Gamers who are new to the title will also have fun with the variety of minigames that are available and the lengthy adventure mode.

Gameplay: 9.5

A boatload of minigames and an improvement in the adventure mode will keep you glued to the screen for hours.

Graphics: 9.3

Much better than the Nintendo 64. Does that say something?

Sound: 9.8

Same soundtrack, improved sound effects that make the game more cartoony and entertaining.

Fun Factor: 9

Minigames, adventure mode, and multiplayer modes are all you need for Mario. Up to 3 players can play with you in multiplayer mayhem.

Replay Value: 9

If it wasn’t for the minigames and multiplayer, I wouldn’t see much here. But Nintendo was gracious to include both of those which, combined, will make this game enjoyable for quite sometime.

TOTAL: 9.3


Asphalt Urban GT:

If I had to choose between Ridge Racer DS and Asphalt Urban GT, I’d pick Ridge Racer. Ridge Racer contains awesome multiplayer feature, Asphalt does not. Ridge Racer has a nice soundtrack, Asphalt does not. Ridge Racer has different engine sound on vehicles, Asphalt does not. Do you see where I’m going? Sure, the several different modes in Asphalt are excellent. I saw myself playing for numerous hours and I do see myself playing for weeks to come, but the minute problems such as collision detection and sound issues is what irks me in the long run.

Gameplay: 8.9

Asphalt includes a nice variety of modes and multiplayer is something that will keep you entertained for hours with your friends. But, make sure everyone has the game! Arg!

Graphics: 9.5

Framerate is very smooth and bright looking textures make the game very beautiful.

Sound: 4.5

Boring soundtrack and no changing engine sounds. A bit rushed in this department.

Fun Factor: 8

Single player is exciting for a bit, and multiplayer is only fun when everybody has the game.

Replay Value: 8

The game is very fun in single player and multiplayer modes, but with it only having cop-chase as a “special” mode besides the usual time trial, and free race, I doubt many will play much of Asphalt when they play through single play a few times.

TOTAL: 7.8


Feel the Magic XX XY:

Feel The Magic is a game that will keep you entertained for a small amount of time. The puzzles are somewhat cheesy and some are plain brilliant. But, many of them are downright simple. I’m glad Sonic Team actually took time to develop a title that used the DS Touch Screen to its full potential. Not many developers (so far) have come up with good ideas on what to use it for. Do I see this as a game I’ll be playing for weeks to come, though? Unfortunately, no.

Gameplay: 8.5

The entire game is very unique and with it utilizing the touch screen to its full potential, I’d have to say this is one way to lure gamers in to try it out. Although, after playing through the game rather fast, I don’t see myself picking up the game after I beat it a few times more.

Graphics: 7.8

Cheap graphics pretty much sums it up. Washed up textures, and a mix of 2D and 3D elements don’t blend well at all.

Sound: 9

As mentioned before in the review, the songs will be stuck in your head for weeks and people will be wondering who in the heck this weird person is. Hummer of the week—indeed.

Fun Factor: 8.5

It’ll keep you entertained for the first run through. After that, maybe. Depends on what type of gamer you are. A lot of cool minigames are included as well.

Replay Value: 5

Short and simple sums Feel The Magic up. The game is insanely short and the puzzles are sickeningly simple. No need to explain.

TOTAL: 7.8

Der Übersicht halber als Zusammenfassung:

Titel                        IGN   GSP   GED   GHO

Asphalt: Urban GT            5.5   7.5   -.-   7.8
Feel the Magic: XY/XX        7.8   7.7   8.1   7.8
Madden NFL 2005              -.-   7.2   -.-   5.9
Spider Man 2                 7.5   6.0   7.7   -.-
Super Mario 64 DS            8.9   8.4   9.3   9.3
The Urbz: Sims in the City   -.-   -.-   7.2   6.8

IGN / GameSPot / Gamerz-EDge / Gaming HOrizon

EDIT: Weitere Wertungen ergänzt
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