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Atlus will release a demo for Stella Glow on the 3DS eShop in North America on October 27, the publisher announced.
The demo will let players try out the strategy RPG’s entire prologue. However, progress will not transfer over to the main game.
Additionally, Atlus release a new trailer introducing Lisette, Popo, Mordimort, and Sakuya—the four good Witches of Stella Glow. You’ll have to convince them to join you during the game, and use their power to wield Song Magic to control the elements to topple the evil witch Hilda.
Stella Glow will launch for 3DS on November 17 in North America and spring 2016 in Europe.
Atlus has released a new trailer and screenshots for Stella Glow, its upcoming 3DS strategy RPG from Imageepoch, introducing the game’s Harbingers.
The Harbingers are Hilda the Witch of Destruction’s underlings. There’s Dante, her right-hand man and a master spearman. Then there’s Dorothy, a chainsaw-wielding psycho with an intense love for bunnies. And lastly, there’s Hrodulf, who swings his axe before asking questions. As the protagonist Alto, you’re tasked with stopping them.
Stella Glow will launch for 3DS on November 17 in North America and spring 2016 in Europe.
Hat schon jemand eins von den neuen Selects-Spielen? Haben die ein Wendecover?
The popular Japanese smartphone game Monster Strike is getting a 3DS version that adds an RPG world to its addictive gameplay. The latest screenshots for the game show us some of the places you’ll get to explore.
The school has a variety of places to check out, such as the swimming pool, rooftop, cafeteria, and mysterious lab.
The above screenshots show more of what it’s like to explore the city. You’ll find a bunch of different people walking about in these areas, and might even find some secrets related to the monsters.
Here’s a look at some of the action and monsters in Monster Strike for 3DS:
Monster Strike will release in Japan on December 17, 2015 for Nintendo 3DS.
Square Enix has released a new set of details and screenshots for Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 3 introducing the protagonist, the “Reactor” device he wears around his head, and more.
Get the information below.
The protagonist and player character is a young, cool-looking boy. One day, after obtaining a mysterious device known as a “Reactor,” his everyday life is completely transformed. And he would soon realize someone had rewritten his past. In order to return back to his original self, he sets off an adventure. But what kind of future truly awaits him?
The “Reactor” is a device that the protagonist wears on his head and acts as a all-purpose tool that will support him in various situations. It has a number of uses, such as analyzing unknown monsters.
A slightly unusual creature. After a strange encounter, he tags along with the protagonist to help him on his journey.
Riding Monsters
Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 3 features various enhanced elements over previous games. One in particular is the ability to ride monsters on the field.
Riding monsters allows you to move faster than normal, or reach locations you’d normally not be able to reach. You can ride monsters on the ground, underwater, and in the sky.
Over 500 Monsters
There are a wide variety of monsters to encounter—more than 500. Befriend them using the protagonist’s special “Scout Attack” ability. This game will feature new monsters one after the other.
Wireless Competition
Using the 3DS’ local communication or Wi-Fi functionalities, you can battle other players locally or nationally. Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 3 also features a surprise competition feature not seen in the series before.
Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 3 is in development for 3DS.
In Nordamerika wird das strategische Rollenspiel Stella Glow in wenigen Tagen für Nintendo 3DS erscheinen. Wir Europäer müssen in diesem Fall länger warten, doch nun ist ein Datum für die Veröffentlichung bekannt. Wie NIS America mitteilte, wird das Videospiel hierzulande am 11. März als Verkaufsversion den Handel gelangen und auch in digitaler Form vertrieben.
Die Reise des Protagonisten Alto beginnt wie in vielen Videospielen. Er verbringt sein Leben in einem kleinen Dorf, bis er eines Tages ein Lied hört, welches aus einem Wald erklingt. In dieser Welt ist dieses Ereignis sehr außergewöhnlich, denn vor über tausenden von Jahren verschwand die Gabe der Menschen, ein Lied zu singen. Alto trifft auf die einsame Hilda, deren gesungenes Lied keine Freude bringt.
Sie ist die Hexe der Zerstörung und mit ihrer Macht bringt sie der ganzen Welt Unheil. Als sie Altos Heimatstadt vernichtet, werden er und Lisette von den königlichen Soldaten gerettet. Die Armee bringt die beiden Obdachlosen in das Königreich. Hier tritt der junge Mann dem neunten Regiment bei, um seine Kräfte im Kampf gegen die Hexe Hilda anzubieten.
Die begabten japanischen Synchronsprecher singen mehr als 20 Lieder im Videospiel. Für die Komposition des Soundtracks ist Yasunori Mitsuda (Chrono Trigger, Xenogears) zuständig. Die Lieder gehören zu einem wichtigen Element, das mit der Geschichte tief verbunden ist.
Hinter der Entwicklung der strategischen Kämpfe steckt das Team, dessen Arbeiten wir aus den klassischen Luminous-Arc-Spielen kennen. Außerhalb der Schlachten kümmert ihr euch in der freien Zeit um Einkäufe, passt die Herzen der Hexen an, erkundet die Welt und trainiert die Gruppe. Es ist zudem möglich, mit den Kameraden die Freundschaften zu vertiefen und sogar romantische Beziehungen einzugehen. Eine tiefe Verbundenheit aktiviert neue Kräfte und besondere Events.
Das Spiel wird euch ein Spielvergnügen mit einer Länge von 40 bis 60 Stunden liefern. Zur Hauptgeschichte erweitern Nebenaufträge, verschiedene Enden, ein New-Game-Plus-Modus und mehr als 50 Karten die Spielzeit. Amazon listet Stella Glow bereits im Sortiment.
Atlus has released a new trailer for Stella Glow introducing Hilda, the strategy RPG’s antagonist and Witch of Destruction.
Here’s Atlus’ description of Hilda:
It’s so tiring saving the world! You get up, motivate your Harbingers to go out and start burning down villages, and then have to use up all your precious energy to entrap those filthy humans in crystal and protect the world from the scourge of humanity!
So the bad news is that her cursed song will annihilate anyone who gets in her path. But the good news is that the combined powers of the wind, water, fire, and earth Witches can reverse the curse. Unfortunately for Alto, those Witches, and the 9th Regiment, Hilda is well aware of this and intends on destroying them all. If her cursed song magic doesn’t have you quaking in your boots, she also wields a deadly scythe and has the undying loyalty of the Harbingers.
Additionally, Atlus announced that those who purchased the digital version of Stella Glow will receive a free 3DS theme featuring Hilda and the other four Witches of Stella Glow.
Stella Glow will launch for 3DS on November 17 in North America and on March 11 in Europe.
Watch the trailer below. View the screenshots at the gallery.
Noch immer sind sicherlich einige von euch dabei, den Monstern in Dragon Quest Heroes: Der Weltenbaum und der Tyrann aus der Tiefe ordentlich den Garaus zu machen. Doch nicht immer gilt es bei der Dragon Quest-Serie darum, ordentlich auf den Putz zu hauen. In Dragon Quest Monsters Joker müsst ihr viel mehr euch um eure Gefährten kümmern, die ihr auf euren Reisen einfangt.
Es ist bereits viel Zeit vergangen seit dem letzten Ableger dieser Reihe, doch im kommenden Jahr erscheint Dragon Quest Monsters Joker 3 für den Nintendo 3DS in Japan. Bisher bekamen wir nur Scans aus Zeitschriften zu sehen, doch nun gibt es erste Screenshots direkt aus dem Spiel, die wir euch nicht vorenthalten wollen.
Toll... kommt doch eh nich raus -.-
Toll... kommt doch eh nich raus -.-
The video features the opening theme of the Shokugeki no Sōma anime, "Kibō no Uta" (Song of Hope) by Ultra Tower.
The game will ship on December 17 for 5,980 yen (roughly US$48) and will feature an original story. In the game, the students of Tōtsuki Culinary Academy gather on a lone island in Europe for a cooking battle tournament.
The cast from the anime will reprise their roles in the game.
The game's official website previously streamed a teaser for the game in May.
FuRyu is developing the "taste personal experience cooking battle adventure" game. The game will feature Sōma Yukihira and other familiar students at Tōtsuki Culinary Academy as they participate in cooking battles.
The original manga's story follows Sōma, who works with his dad at his family's restaurant. His dad is a culinary master, and he often hosts cooking battles with his father. His father then enrolls him in an elite culinary school that is very difficult to enter, and the graduation rate is only about 10 percent.
Shun Saeki and Yūto Tsukuda launched the manga in Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump magazine in November 2012. Yuki Mirosaki, a cosplay chef and model, also contributes to the manga, and each volume of the manga features recipes.
North American publisher Viz Media is releasing the manga in North America. The company initially decided not to add the manga to its digital Weekly Shonen Jump anthology because the series is "a little racy," but then it began publishing the series in the anthology last November.
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