3DS Nintendo 3DS - Softwarethread

NIS hat heute einige Spiele für Europa bestätigt:

It's confirmed! We are bringing 4 more titles to Europe, dood!
Dungeon Travelers 2: The Royal Library & the Monster Sea - Fall 2015
Etrian Mystery Dungeon - Fall 2015
Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor 2: Record Breaker - Fall 2015
Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight - Early 2016
All games will have a physical and digital release. More information coming soon!

Quelle: NISA Europe Facebook


Sega entwickelt 3D Remakes von Streets of Rage 2, Sonic 2, Gunstar Heroes

15.04.15 - Sega gibt bekannt, dass sich 3D Remakes seiner Mega Drive-Spieleklassiker in Arbeit befinden. Im Rahmen der "The SEGA 3D Classics Series" sollen in Europa erscheinen:

- 3D Streets of Rage 2 (Juli)
- 3D Gunstar Heroes (August)
- 3D Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (September)

Die drei Spiele werden von Grund auf überarbeitet - um neben der gewohnt guten Spielbarkeit auch einen technisch sauberen 3D-Effekt zu erzielen. Alle Spiele bekommen zudem neue Spielmodi und Features spendiert und stellen damit die jeweils beste erhältliche Fassung dar - ohne jedoch den Charme und das Flair der Originale aus den Augen zu verlieren. Preis: je EUR 4,99.

-Quelle Gamefront.de
Aaaargh die sollen gefälligst Sonic Adventure 2 Battle bringen! Mit erweiterten Möglichkeiten für die Chaos bzw. den Chaogarten!
Attack on Titan: Humanity in Chains ‘Features’ trailer

Atlus has released a new trailer for Attack on Titan: Humanity in Chains highlighting the features of the Spike Chunsoft-developed action game, which is coming to the 3DS eShop in North America and Europe next month.

Showcased features in the trailer include online multiplayer, familiar locales, fearsome titans, challenging missions, combat skills, mighty weapons, titan abilities, and character customization.

Watch the trailer below.


Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden’s 3DS Controls And Battle Commands Explained

Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden is an upcoming DBZ fighter by Arc System Works, and even though we don’t see too many fighting games on the 3DS, this one seems to have plenty of extra maneuvers that you’d expect to see in other fast-paced 2D fighters. The official website explains the basic and advanced moves.


Directional Commands:

Left: to move forward (when enemy is to the right)
Right: to move back (when enemy is to the right)
Double tap: dash
Pressing back during enemy attacks: guard

Basic Commands:

Y: light attack
X: heavy attack
A: special attack
B: urgent evasion
B during an enemy attack: super speed
R: charge “Ki (energy)”
L + Y: Surprise Attack

Other Commands:

A/B/X/Y while down or in mid-air: recovery [landing]
Y during jump: light jump attack
X during jump: heavy jump attack
A during jump: special jump attack

X and A pulls off a Blast Combo, which is filled with moves that can chip away at the opponent’s guard meter.

Y, Y, Y, Y, X is the command for doing a “Meteor Combo”. Those of you who played the previous Butoden games might be familiar with these, as they were some of the most powerful moves that launched enemies into the sky. Y, Y, Y, Y, Y is used for a similar “New Combo” that knocks opponents into the side of the screen.

The L + Y Surprise Attack is used to throw your opponent off guard, and you can even get other characters to join in on some. L + X is for pulling off Blitz Arts that consume your Ki meter. These have various special effects and vary per character.

L + A is for doing Burst Strike attacks. These also use up your Ki, but they’re all powerful attacks, like Goku’s Kamehameha. You’ll need to hold down the R button to charge your Ki, and you’ll be vulnerable to attacks when you do, so be careful!

The B button’s evasive move can be timed perfectly when an opponent attacks, which can leave them open for a punish. And finally, pressing the direction towards the enemy while pressing R will bust out with a Hyper Dash. This move uses Ki, but it’ll allow you to fly towards your opponent while dodging their projectiles.

Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden will release in Japan on June 11, 2015 for Nintendo 3DS.


Stella Glow ‘World & Game Systems’ trailer

Sega and Imageepoch have released a new trailer for Imageepoch introducing the simulation RPG’s world and systems.

You’ll get a look at the game’s battle system in action, free time activities and character bonding, orbs and orb skills, free missions, treasure hunts, side jobs, the Witch’s Spirit World, and more.

Stella Glow is due out for 3DS in Japan on June 4 and later this year in North America via Atlus.

Watch the trailer below.


Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden Demo Gameplay

June issue of V-Jump contained a QR code to play Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden on the 3DS. The demo contains both Free Battle and Vs Battle mode.

In Free Battle, you pick your team and pick your opponent and in Vs. Battle I couldn’t really get that to work so I assume it’s for local play. Playable characters in this demo are Goku, Vegeta, Teen Gohan and Majin Buu.

You can set battles to 1v1 and no support, or 2v1, 3v3, 1v3 and so on.

You can pre-order your copy over at Play-Asia.com.



Hab die Demo mal gespielt, ist schon spassig bisher, wenn es hier kommt gerne.
Attack on Titan: Humanity in Chains ‘Features’ trailer



Kommt das auch nach Deutschland? Ich stehe ja allgemein nicht so auf den Mangakram, aber Attack on Titan hat es mir aufgrund der coolen Hintergrundgeschichte echt angetan.
Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden Has Kamehameha Battles

Arc System Works are working on Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden, which isn’t anything new to them, as they previously made Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors back on the GBA. The latest footage for the game shows that it’ll also have features from the earlier Butoden games like energy attack battles.

The Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden demo has the option between Free Battle and Vs. Battle. In Free Battle, you can pick three “Battle Characters” out of Goku, Kid Gohan, Vegeta, and Buu. There are five different stages to choose from in the demo.

Skip towards 1:33, where you can get a first look at a match-up between Goku and Vegeta. Goku busts out with his Kaioken move, and rushes Vegeta down for an easy win, but the next fight demonstrates more of Vegeta’s moves against Majin Buu.

At 3:30, Vegeta dishes out a melee combo against Majin Buu, and directly links into what appears to be his “Burst Strike” attack with a Final Flash, which appears to do some devastating damage.

You can get a look at some of Majin Buu’s tricky moves at 4:43, where he gets revenge on Vegeta.; however the Vegeta switches out to another Majin Buu character, so it appears to work like the Marvel vs. Capcom games, where you can switch out characters when things get hairy or to bust out with multi-character combos.

Finally, at 6:48 you can see that there will be “energy battles” like we saw in the previous Butoden games, where one character could shoot a Kamehameha while the other shoots a Final Flash for a button-mashing battle for the win.

Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden is slated for release in Japan on June 11, 2015 for Nintendo 3DS. You can also check out our earlier report on the game’s controls and battle commands.


Lord of Magna: Maiden Heaven erscheint in Europa

Nachdem Lord of Magna: Maiden Heaven (in Japan bekannt als Forbidden Magna) im Februar bereits für einen Release in Nordamerika bestätigt wurde, kündigte Marvelous Games nun auch den Release für Europa an. Der Titel wird am 4. Juni 2015 hierzulande für Nintendo 3DS im Nintendo eShop zur Verfügung stehen und 29,99 Euro kosten. In Nordamerika gibt es am 2. Juni allerdings auch eine Retailversion.

Manchmal wird der Pfad eines Menschen vom Schicksal ausgewählt. Luchs gehört zu einer solchen Seele. Seine friedlichen Tage als Hotelbesitzer sind gezählt, als er eines Tages ein Armband entdeckt, das als “Lachryma” bekannt ist. Plötzlich wird er von fremden Unholden umgeben und zum Glück von einer geheimnisvollen Fee gerettet, die in Kristall eingeschlossen ist. Ihre Erinnerungen sind zerrissen.

Luchs möchte dabei helfen, ihr Gedächtnis zu regenerieren und begibt sich aus diesem Grund auf eine gefährliche Reise. Auf seinem Abenteuer wird er auf viele andere Feen treffen, die alle einzigartige Kräfte besitzen und ein wenig über die vergangene Geschichte enthüllen. Das Kampfsystem besteht aus einer spezifischen Strategie. Der Spieler wird dazu angeregt, mehrere Feinde mit einem Schlag zu vernichten.



Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden Will Have An Opening Movie, Possibly 11 Sagas

The second V-Jump scan for Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden reveals that the game will have its own opening movie before the game begins (hopefully it’s not using the Cha-La OST again).

The rest of the scan goes into detail on the story mode where players can play through different story arcs as the hero and or villain. If you notice on the Story Select image, you’ll see that there are different characters that represent each saga like Beerus, Broly, Bardock and so on. Judging by the image it seems like we’ll have 11 sagas with seven already revealed in the scan.


Saiyan Saga

Frieza Saga

Cell Saga

Buu Saga

Battle of Gods Saga

Broly Saga

Bardock Saga



Atelier Rorona 3DS new trailer, screenshots

Gust has released a new trailer and screenshots for the 3DS version of Atelier Rorona Plus: The Alchemist of Arland.

The trailer highlights the chibi remake’s characters, gameplay elements, and new additions like an overhead-type battle system and Atelier Astrid story.

The RPG is due out on June 4 in Japan.


Atelier Rorona 3DS ‘costume change’ gameplay

Gust has released a new “costume change” gameplay video of Atelier Rorona Plus: The Alchemist of Arland for 3DS.

The video showscases the various costumes and accessories players will be able to change their party into. There’s bikinis, nurse uniforms, eye patches, sunglasses, and other outfits.

The 3DS game is due out in Japan on June 4.

Watch the video below.


Corpse Party 3DS first-print copies include additional chapter in Japan

First-print copies of the 3DS version of Corpse Party: Blood Covered …Repeated Fear in Japan include a download code for an additional chapter in the game, 5pb. announced.

Just like the additional chapter included in the main game itself, this other additional chapter is headed by the game’s original creators Team GrisGris.

Here’s the summary:

“Firefly of Everlasting Darkness” Chapter

This chapter sees Yoshiki struck on the head with a hammer by Yoshikaze on the verge of dying within moments.

Just in the knick of time, though, Tomohiro manages to save him, with the two of them swearing to each other that they’ll both make it out alive.

But soon enough, the spirit of a dead girl appears before them…

Corpse Party is due out for 3DS on July 30.

Stella Glow: Video zeigt Hauptfiguren & Spielmechanik

Sega hat ein neues Video zu Stella Glow veröffentlicht. Das Material, welches während einer Ausstrahlung vorgeführt wurde, zeigt uns zu Beginn die wichtigen Charaktere aus dem Spiel. Anschließend folgen Eindrücke aus der Spielmechanik. Stella Glow spielt in einer Welt voller Magie, Hexen, Songs und Schwerter. Jede Hexe hat ihre eigenen “Songs”. Der Spieler erhält die Aufgabe, die Welt vor einer Kristallisation zu bewahren. Die drohende Gefahr wird durch verfluchte Lieder ausgelöst, die von Hilda stammen. Diese Frau trägt den Titel: Hexe der Vernichtung.

In Japan erscheint der Titel am 4. Juni für Nintendo 3DS. Eine Lokalisierung für Nordamerika wurde bereits angekündigt.


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