XLA Monday Night Combat

  • Thread-Ersteller Thread-Ersteller Rhino
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mit random leuten oder kumpels? also bin glaub mal bei 28 gescheitert xD Todesblitz waren ich dafür schon bei 50 oder so ^^
ich mag den supporter spiel eigentlich nur den :D
mit random leuten oder kumpels? also bin glaub mal bei 28 gescheitert xD Todesblitz waren ich dafür schon bei 50 oder so ^^
ich mag den supporter spiel eigentlich nur den :D

random.... in meiner f liste hat es kaum jemand....

wir können es ja mal versuchen

hab morgen mein hs wieder ;)
ist es ^^ paar mehr maps könnten es sein und es ist mist das die ganze party gruppe auseinder ist wenn der host das spiel verlässt :D
Ich add dich mal, haben sogar schon mal zu 6 in der party gezockt, dann gewinnt man auch 90% der spiele :P
Monday Night Combat Title Update


Complete list of changes and fixes in the Title Update
Trial Game:

  • Extended trial time to 60 minutes from 30.
  • Connectivity and Multiplayer:
  • Reworked the way we handle parties in the pregame lobby to avoid splitting them up.
  • Fixed several issues where host migration would fail immediately.
  • Decreased wait time after a successful host migration.
  • Lobbies will now host migrate and not kick you back to the main menu.
  • If the host leaves during the end of match sequence, the host will migrate and players will return back to the lobby and not the main menu.
  • Optimized the time it takes to migrate hosts, shortening the time to migrate.
  • Improved weapon hit detection in high lag situations.
  • Fixed endorsements being incorrect after a host migration.
  • Fixed getting into private matches without an invite.
General Gameplay:

  • Fixed players being able to damage the Moneyball’s shields.
  • Fixed visual effects staying on the player after the effect has worn off.
  • Reduced the amount of increased damage the Moneyball takes in Overtime, thus reducing the effectiveness of “Juice rushing”.
  • Fixed Ringouts, Headshots and Grapple Kills not giving the proper amount of money. Balanced Ringout money to reflect the change. Message now displays correct total amount of money earned.
  • New “You Win!”/”You Lose!” UI for the end of a match.
  • Fixed juice benefits ending early if the player grapples during juice.
  • Fixed juice bar getting stuck full.
  • Fixed deploying on or near active jump pads.
  • Fixed controller sensitivity of 10 not saving.
  • Fixed messaging for kill streaks. Ultra and Uber streaks will now be named properly when popping up above your reticle.
  • Fixed an instance of the player’s skill pick UI going away unexpectedly.
  • Fixed an issue with bots walking by enemy turrets and bots without engaging them.
  • Fixed upgrading a turret that has been hacked to the opposing team.
  • Fixed turret collision not going away after being destroyed.
  • Normalized time between a grapple miss and the ability to grapple again for all grapples. The biggest change is the Assassin not having as big of a penalty for a missed grapple.
  • Fixed the "Team Leader" and "Team Player" highlights from being reversed.
  • Fixed players being able to mute themselves.
  • Fixed idle kicking when standing still but still looking around and/or shooting.
  • Fixed players who cheat and hack their profiles from being able to apply multiple gold endorsements.
  • Optimized main menu ticker for players with large friends lists.
  • Fixed HUD showing Moneyball shields as up during over time even though they are down.
  • Reduced announcer talking for kill streaks to help reduce the repetition of announcements.
  • Various performance optimizations.
  • Fixed players being able to switch weapons while in a grapple.

  • Reworked Support’s bot aura so that it doesn’t make the Jackbot appear overhealed.
  • Fixed Support’s Firebase skill from recharging while the Support is dead but the Firebase skill exists.
  • Fixed being able to use the Heal/Hurt gun while taunting.
  • Fixed some instances of the Support’s Firebase not appearing when thrown.
  • Fixed Heal/Hurt gun not being affected by rate of fire endorsements and reduced it’s overall healing/hurting ability to compensate for the change.
  • Fixed Supports being able to use their Hack skill through walls.
  • Fixed Supports being able to throw their Firebases through the wall.
  • Fixed Air Strikes sometimes damaging enemies under cover.
  • Supports can now only Hack enemy turrets at Hack level 3.
  • Increased the time to Hack enemy turrets.
  • Decreased duration of Hack on a turret for levels 1 and 2.

  • Fixed Assassins from being able to get permanent sprint and super speed.
  • Fixed Assassins getting a double smoke bomb allowing them to jump higher than intended.
  • Fixed Assassins being able to cloak during a grapple.
  • Fixed Assassins from being able to use her smoke bomb during a lunge.
  • Retuned damage done by dagger after a lunge.
  • Fixed Scramblers and Traps from draining the Sword and Shruiken Launcher alternate fire grapple.

  • Tank’s Jet Gun alternate fire damage is now reduced depending on the percentage of ammo left in the clip. Increased the full clip damage to compensate.

  • Fixed an exploit involving the Assault’s Fly.
  • Fixed Assault’s bomb audio lingering after bomb is gone.
Monday Night Combat Live Update System:

  • Pregame Lobby is now 45 seconds.
  • Min Number of Players to start Crossfire is now 6.
  • Increased player bot spawning from 5 seconds to 10 seconds.
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