Das ist von nem Admin aus dem Konami-Europe Forum:
I might as be the first to tell you all. I can tell you that YES, just as Mr. Miyamoto stated, a metal gear game for the GC is in development, but honestly, that is all the info that is available. But this is what I was talking about when I said I can't wait for E3 (I dont know what info we will have there but there should be some more by then I would guess), and believe me, you guys can't wait either! So i know its not all of our hit franchises coming to cube, but it is one of our best and hottest ones and a deserving one at that. And who knows, if this game sells what it should, you may get your Castlevania and Contra yet!
I have no info as to whether or not the game is exclusive, but its probably a safe bet that it is.