A game about this guy:
Who looks like this guy:
Who used to eat icecream with these guys:
Who tried to kill this guy:
Who was actually this guy:
But he's not this guy:
Who hangs with a crew that looked like these guys:
Until they realized Batman was two years ago, and now him and his buddies look like these guys:
And there's some Disney or something in it too:
But mostly everyone will either look sad like this:
Or ridiculous like this:
And by the end of KH25 there will be eight million characters that all look like this:
and the story still won't make a lick of sense
...unless you read the 500 page plot analysis at gamefaqs
......and rewatch all the cutscenes
............and replay the games
.................and then you realize it's still nonsense and you're an old man/woman now whose wasted their life searching for the meaning of kingdom hearts.
which is a giant
...in the sky
that grants wishes
or blows up the world
or something
I dunno
This is all because this guy:
& this guy:
had a story to tell
Just like when they wanted to tell this story:
And we see how well that went