Zero Tolerance Kuriose und schockierende News - Teil 3

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bzgl. der Regeln hinsichtlich Politik verweisen wir auf unser Regelwerk

Zu kommentieren wie politische Strömungen auf etwas reagieren verstößt meines Wissens gegen die Regel, ich würde gerne seine Aussage widerlegen, da sie schlicht nicht stimmt, aber damit würde ich das Ganze ja noch mehr anheizen. Daher erwähne ich einfach, dass er hier Anmerkungen bringt, die er höchstwahrscheinlich gar nicht bringen dürfte.
Damit die Diskussion nicht ausartet. Haltet euch bitte in Zukunft mit solchen pauschalen politischen Rundumschlägen zurück (i.e. die Rechten/Linken), sondern benennt den konkreten Ursprung (hier z.B. Compact). Dann verfällt die Diskussion nicht wieder in irgendwelchen politischen Grundsatzdiskussionen.
Damit die Diskussion nicht ausartet. Haltet euch bitte in Zukunft mit solchen pauschalen politischen Rundumschlägen zurück (i.e. die Rechten/Linken), sondern benennt den konkreten Ursprung (hier z.B. Compact). Dann verfällt die Diskussion nicht wieder in irgendwelchen politischen Grundsatzdiskussionen.
Dann regelt mal ob Kommentare von Journalisten als News erlaubt sind.
Dann regelt mal ob Kommentare von Journalisten als News erlaubt sind.

Da gelten die gleichen Regeln wie bei euren Posts. Die Kommentare sollten kontextbezogen bleiben und nicht in allgemeine politische Forderungen abdriften, sondern konkrete Handlungsvorschläge beinhalten.

Falls ihr euch bei so was unsicher seid, könnt ihr das auch immer vorab an einen von uns beiden Threadverantwortlichen schicken.
Bashen bei ZT
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Die Nintendo Switch habe ihm geholfen, einen Tumor in der Hand zu entdecken. Zunächst soll er nur Schmerzen beim Mario Kart-Spielen gehabt haben.,3326184.html
Und was wenn de Tumor erst durch die Switch entstanden ist, als Abwehrreaktion des Körpers?? Habe das Gefühl hier läuft es gerade wie in Columbo-Filmen wo der Mörder bei der Aufklärung mitarbeitet um seine Schuld zu vertuschen..
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Tauberbischofsheim - Der Skandal um einen Schlachthof im Main-Tauber-Kreis scheint sich auszuweiten: Nun steht der Vorwurf im Raum, Mitarbeiter des Betriebs seien betrunken gewesen.

Das berichtet die Main-Post und beruft sich auf die Strafanzeige, die der Verein "Soko Tierschutz" bei der Staatsanwaltschaft gestellt hat. Demnach wollen die Tierschützer anonym erfahren haben, dass mehrere Mitarbeiter immer wieder im Dienst betrunken waren.

Und: Im Betrieb habe großer Arbeitsdruck geherrscht. Zudem gebe es unter den Mitarbeitern "eine große Unzufriedenheit", wie die Main-Post den Vorsitzenden des Vereins, Friedrich Mülln, zitiert. Das Entgelt der Beschäftigten sei schlecht.

Der Schlachthof wurde am vergangenen Mittwoch von den Behörden geschlossen. Am Donnerstag wurde der Betrieb von Ermittlern durchsucht. Diese fanden dabei umfangreiches Beweismaterial, welches nun gesichtet wird. Die Auswertung wird nach Angaben der Justiz längere Zeit in Anspruch nehmen.

Die "Soko Tierschutz" hatte im Schlachthof Videoaufnahmen angefertigt.

Das Material war auf YouTube sichtbar, wurde jedoch mittlerweile entfernt. Dass die Aufnahmen tatsächlich die Zustände im Tauberbischofsheimer Schlachtbetrieb zeigen, davon ist laut Main-Post auch die zuständige Staatsanwaltschaft Mosbach überzeugt.

"Wir gehen davon aus, dass es so ist", zitiert die Zeitung einen Sprecher. In Kürze werde die Strafverfolgungsbehörde demnach die wohl die Originalaufnahmen der Tierschützer bekommen.

Der Schlachthof gehört zur US-Firma OSI, die ihren Europa-Sitz in Gersthofen nahe Augsburg hat. OSI ist ein Lieferant Des Fast-Food-Giganten McDonald's. Täglich wurden in dem Betrieb rund 200 Rinder geschlachtet, an die Burger-Kette gingen davon rund 30 Prozent.

Die Tiere sollen teils ohne ausreichende Betäubung geschlachtet worden sein. Auch massive Gewalt sei den Schlachtrindern widerfahren.

Die Ursachen für das aktuelle sowie die vergangenen School Shootings wurden vom Gouverneur von Kentucky (Rep.) offenbar ermittelt... Waffen bzw. deren Verfügbarkeit waren es natürlich nicht :rolleyes:

Transkript, welches ich mir aus den Untertiteln herausgezogen habe:
Gov. Bevin: Again here's what I'll say, I mean a
hundred years ago, and even fifty years
ago, we had more guns per capita in
America than we do now. It's not a gun
problem...guns in these instances have
been involved, clearly. Guns have often
been involved when people have lost
their lives but the reality is it's not
a gun problem, it's not having too many
guns...there used to be more guns per
person in America than there are now but
children did not go to school and kill
other children. When I was a kid,
especially after Christmas, people
brought their guns to school. My friends would get a new shotgun, get a.22 or something, you'd come
to school and show it to your friends. It
was supposed to stay outside in your
truck, which may or may not have been
locked, but kids would bring them on the
buses. Sometimes they would be in kids'
lockers. Nobody even thought about
shooting other people with it, so it's
not a gun problem. What I would say to
those for whom that is the solution: get
a new idea, because that is not the
solution. It is a cultural problem. We
have a culture that is desensitized to
death, that is desensitized to the value
of life and we celebrate death through
our musical lyrics, we celebrate death
through video games that literally
reward you with extra points for going
back and finishing people off. I mean it
is horrific and it is graphic and
increasingly realistic. The television
shows that now are even on prime
time, movies, again these are things
that have long existed but the degree of
specificity, the graphic nature of them,
the encouraging of people to participate
in the form of video games and then the
belief that none of this is connected to
what we're seeing? Give me a break.
We've removed any responsibility from
the homes and from communities, from
schools and from churches, from things
that once were the background and
the foundation of the mores of
a nation. We've told these people to keep
a lid on it, keep that in your own mind,
so we've removed any sense of right or
We've infused that with a whole lot of
do whatever, including taking human life,
and then we're shocked when people do it?
We got to grow up here in America, we got
to be serious about the fact this is a
cultural problem and in America at every
level, from the homes that we live in to
the White House and everywhere in
between, we need to have a frank and
honest dialogue about the cultural
reasons for young people killing young
It's not the gun, because they could just
as easily run kids over while they're
waiting in line to get on the school bus.
What is the mindset that's causing young
people to kill other young people? That's
what needs to be addressed.
Scott Wartman: Is there any evidence that,
drawing the connection to video games and movies, and this behavior?
Bevin: Again, go back before any of these existed.
How many children walked into
schools and slaughtered other children?
How much more evidence do you need? You have 17
more dead children in Florida. We had a
couple dead children a few weeks ago
here in Kentucky.
How much more evidence do people want?
The people who say there's no evidence
are full of crap,frankly, and are using
that as an excuse to not address the
fact that we have plenty of dead bodies
of our children that are the evidence. I
don't know how much more anybody needs.
Wartman: What should the government do about this, if anything?
Bevin: Again, let's start a dialogue. The
most important thing, back to the
beginning of your question, not to have
any knee-jerk response. The idea that we
need to do this or to do that, this rule
or that law, that is not the answer. And
mistakes are made when people with good
intention, in moments of emotion, rush to
judgment. Let's start an honest
conversation about what is or is not
appropriate to be infusing into our
young people. And I'm a big believer in
the Constitution and the First Amendment
and in the right to free speech, but there
are certain things that are so graphic
as it relates to violence and things
that are so pornographic as well on a
whole other front that we allow to pass
under the guise of free speech, which
arguably are, but there is ZERO
redemptive value. There is ZERO upside to
any of this being in the public domain
let alone in the minds and hands and homes of our young people.
We need to have honest conversation
about what should or should not even be
allowed in the United States as it
relates to some of the things that are
being put in the hands of our young people.
Wartman: Do you know what that threshold should be?
Bevin: Again, no, I mean this is, let's start a conversation. I'm one person, you're one person, there's no
one person not one person who has it all
figured out, nor is there a perfect
solution, because evil exists and don't
kid yourself: what you saw was evil. But
I'll tell you another thing too as long
as we're talking about this, we talked
today about a company that's looking at
the pharmacodynamic effect of certain
drugs in the pharmacogenomic effect of
certain drugs, every human being has a
different physiology. And you look at the
number of children that have been
involved in these shootings who are on
some kind of psychiatric drug.
Listen, watch a football game, watch a basketball game, I don't care what they're advertising, it could be for
constipation, it could be for PTSD, it
could be for anything in
listen to the little disclaimer at the
end. How many of them have very specific
warnings about suicidal thoughts, the
thoughts of self-harm, the thoughts of
depression. These are the catalysts for
some of what we're seeing in these
schools. Let's not kid ourselves if we
fail to talk about that by having
knee-jerk responses about more rules
needed for this, that, or the other thing.
We are intentionally misleading
ourselves and that is a mistake. There
will never be a perfect solution for
keeping evil in a box but we can be a
lot smarter by talking about the
societal impact of encouraging certain
behaviors that have absolutely no upside
for America.
Attacke in Heilbronn
Mann greift Flüchtlinge mit Messer an

Ein 70-Jähriger soll in Heilbronn drei Flüchtlinge mit einem Messer verletzt haben – einen davon schwer. Seine Motive sind unklar.

Mit einem Messer soll ein 70-Jähriger am Samstagabend ohne Vorwarnung auf mehrere Männer eingestochen haben. Das teilt die Heilbronner Polizei mit. Die Opfer standen zusammen vor einer Kirche in der baden-württembergischen 120.000-Einwohnerstadt. Bei ihnen handelt es sich um Flüchtlinge.

Ein 25 Jahre alter Iraker wurde schwer verletzt. Einen 17-jährigen Afghanen und einen 19-jährigen Syrer verletzte der Angreifer leicht. Ob der in Heilbronn lebende Tatverdächtige aus Fremdenhass handelte, war zunächst unklar. Nach Angaben eines Sprechers war das Tatmotiv noch offen. Der Mann sei zuvor polizeilich nicht in Erscheinung getreten.

Passanten hielten den Angreifer fest
Passanten hatten ihn nach der Tat festgehalten, bis die Polizei kam. Im Handgemenge wurde demnach auch der 70-Jährige leicht verletzt. Nach Angaben eines Sprechers war er betrunken. Er wurde vorläufig festgenommen, ist inzwischen aber wieder auf freiem Fuß. An der Kirche, vor der sich der Vorfall ereignete, ist der Polizei zufolge ein Treffpunkt von Flüchtlingen.

"Ich bin zuallererst tief bestürzt über diese abscheuliche Tat und im Gedanken bei den Verletzten", sagte Heilbronns SPD-Oberbürgermeister Harry Mergel der "Heilbronner Stimme". Er hoffe, "es gibt keine bleibenden Schäden." Er rief zugleich zu Menschlichkeit und Hilfsbereitschaft im Umgang mit Flüchtlingen auf.
Die Ursachen für das aktuelle sowie die vergangenen School Shootings wurden vom Gouverneur von Kentucky (Rep.) offenbar ermittelt... Waffen bzw. deren Verfügbarkeit waren es natürlich nicht :rolleyes:

Transkript, welches ich mir aus den Untertiteln herausgezogen habe:
Gov. Bevin: Again here's what I'll say, I mean a
hundred years ago, and even fifty years
ago, we had more guns per capita in
America than we do now. It's not a gun
problem...guns in these instances have
been involved, clearly. Guns have often
been involved when people have lost
their lives but the reality is it's not
a gun problem, it's not having too many
guns...there used to be more guns per
person in America than there are now but
children did not go to school and kill
other children. When I was a kid,
especially after Christmas, people
brought their guns to school. My friends would get a new shotgun, get a.22 or something, you'd come
to school and show it to your friends. It
was supposed to stay outside in your
truck, which may or may not have been
locked, but kids would bring them on the
buses. Sometimes they would be in kids'
lockers. Nobody even thought about
shooting other people with it, so it's
not a gun problem. What I would say to
those for whom that is the solution: get
a new idea, because that is not the
solution. It is a cultural problem. We
have a culture that is desensitized to
death, that is desensitized to the value
of life and we celebrate death through
our musical lyrics, we celebrate death
through video games that literally
reward you with extra points for going
back and finishing people off. I mean it
is horrific and it is graphic and
increasingly realistic. The television
shows that now are even on prime
time, movies, again these are things
that have long existed but the degree of
specificity, the graphic nature of them,
the encouraging of people to participate
in the form of video games and then the
belief that none of this is connected to
what we're seeing? Give me a break.
We've removed any responsibility from
the homes and from communities, from
schools and from churches, from things
that once were the background and
the foundation of the mores of
a nation. We've told these people to keep
a lid on it, keep that in your own mind,
so we've removed any sense of right or
We've infused that with a whole lot of
do whatever, including taking human life,
and then we're shocked when people do it?
We got to grow up here in America, we got
to be serious about the fact this is a
cultural problem and in America at every
level, from the homes that we live in to
the White House and everywhere in
between, we need to have a frank and
honest dialogue about the cultural
reasons for young people killing young
It's not the gun, because they could just
as easily run kids over while they're
waiting in line to get on the school bus.
What is the mindset that's causing young
people to kill other young people? That's
what needs to be addressed.
Scott Wartman: Is there any evidence that,
drawing the connection to video games and movies, and this behavior?
Bevin: Again, go back before any of these existed.
How many children walked into
schools and slaughtered other children?
How much more evidence do you need? You have 17
more dead children in Florida. We had a
couple dead children a few weeks ago
here in Kentucky.
How much more evidence do people want?
The people who say there's no evidence
are full of crap,frankly, and are using
that as an excuse to not address the
fact that we have plenty of dead bodies
of our children that are the evidence. I
don't know how much more anybody needs.
Wartman: What should the government do about this, if anything?
Bevin: Again, let's start a dialogue. The
most important thing, back to the
beginning of your question, not to have
any knee-jerk response. The idea that we
need to do this or to do that, this rule
or that law, that is not the answer. And
mistakes are made when people with good
intention, in moments of emotion, rush to
judgment. Let's start an honest
conversation about what is or is not
appropriate to be infusing into our
young people. And I'm a big believer in
the Constitution and the First Amendment
and in the right to free speech, but there
are certain things that are so graphic
as it relates to violence and things
that are so pornographic as well on a
whole other front that we allow to pass
under the guise of free speech, which
arguably are, but there is ZERO
redemptive value. There is ZERO upside to
any of this being in the public domain
let alone in the minds and hands and homes of our young people.
We need to have honest conversation
about what should or should not even be
allowed in the United States as it
relates to some of the things that are
being put in the hands of our young people.
Wartman: Do you know what that threshold should be?
Bevin: Again, no, I mean this is, let's start a conversation. I'm one person, you're one person, there's no
one person not one person who has it all
figured out, nor is there a perfect
solution, because evil exists and don't
kid yourself: what you saw was evil. But
I'll tell you another thing too as long
as we're talking about this, we talked
today about a company that's looking at
the pharmacodynamic effect of certain
drugs in the pharmacogenomic effect of
certain drugs, every human being has a
different physiology. And you look at the
number of children that have been
involved in these shootings who are on
some kind of psychiatric drug.
Listen, watch a football game, watch a basketball game, I don't care what they're advertising, it could be for
constipation, it could be for PTSD, it
could be for anything in
listen to the little disclaimer at the
end. How many of them have very specific
warnings about suicidal thoughts, the
thoughts of self-harm, the thoughts of
depression. These are the catalysts for
some of what we're seeing in these
schools. Let's not kid ourselves if we
fail to talk about that by having
knee-jerk responses about more rules
needed for this, that, or the other thing.
We are intentionally misleading
ourselves and that is a mistake. There
will never be a perfect solution for
keeping evil in a box but we can be a
lot smarter by talking about the
societal impact of encouraging certain
behaviors that have absolutely no upside
for America.
Der Typ müsste ironisherweise nur das Intro von Kingdom Come Deliverance spielen, einem Mord und Totschlag Game und wüsste sofort, dass der Besitz von Waffen selbst das eigene Leben und das anderer in Gefahr bringt, denn das predigt der Schmied seinem Sohn. Etwas so selbstverständliches ist in Amerika leider noch nicht angekommen, ist etwas traurig wenn ein fiktiver Videospiel Charakter mehr in der Birne hat als ein Politiker...
Da die Flüchtlinge ja alle wieder nach Hause gehen sobald sich die Lage beruhigt hat, sehe ich kein Problem darin und finde nicht, dass man ihnen unsere Lebensweise aufzwingen muss. ;)
Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
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