Nintendo Kickstarter-Projekte für WiiU und 3DS

SHINESS kann auch für WIIU kommen wenn es gefunded wird..

"Thanks to your support, Nintendo answered us! We are actually subscribing to their development program, which will allow us (if we have enough money, of course), to port the game on Wii-U! "

DieselStörmers erscheint für Wii U!


Noch nicht ganz offiziell angekündigt, aber laut den Entwicklern nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis es portiert wird. WiiU73DS wurde von den Backern zum favorisierten Konsolenport gewählt.

Alter das ist ja mal ziemlich dreist kopiert, sieht Haargenau so aus wie bei Minish Cap. Der ganze Stil usw. Diverse andere Projekte sind schon interessanter.
Impact Winter’s first stretch goal includes a Wii U port


has been a fantastic way for fans of games to help their developers release games on platforms that normally wouldn’t see the light of day. It’s no secret that half of Shovel Knight’s success stems from the fact that early backers on Kickstarter funded the development so the team could release on PC and Wii U, with other console ports in the works. Now the same is happening for Impact Winter, a new adventure game that promises open-world gameplay with plenty of non-linear story events and problem solving.

As the survivor of an apocalypse event that has left the world in an eternal state of winter, the player fills the roll of Jacob Solomon, who commands a team of 4 other survivors, each with unique traits and personalities. You’ll need to manage your team while guarding your base from threats and making sure all of their needs are taken care of. Things like temperature, hydration, energy, and morale need to be managed to keep your team from going insane and certain story events like illness or depression among your team can prevent you from progressing until it’s dealt with.

Overall the premise of the game is an interesting one and since this is the first day of Kickstarter funding, developer Mojo Bones still has plenty of time left to gather the initial £95,000 goal. However, if this sounds like something you might want to play on Wii U after reading the Kickstarter page and watching the pitch video, you might want to consider donating to help the project hit the £150,000 mark, which is when console ports will be considered.]

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Holy-Crap :o

Seh ich ja jetzt erst.. Der Hammer.. Das eignet sich doch mega mit dem Gamepad.. Tabletop spiele mit dem Overlord oder "Master" der mit dem Gamepad spielt und alle anderen mit dem Controller.. Warum da noch niemand früher drauf gekommen ist..

Sehr geil.. Da freue ich mich drauf!
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