- Seit
- 29 März 2002
- Beiträge
- 10.895
Zumindest nach den Entwicklern von RATCHET & CLANK, die die PS2 immer mehr in den Griff bekommen, JA:
"...What's your experience of working with the PS2 hardware? How hard do you feel you've pushed the system?"
"The PS2 has been a much bigger challenge than we initially anticipated. The multiple CPU architecture is especially difficult because the main processor and the two vector units each have two instruction pipelines.
The only way to get anywhere near optimal results is to write assembly code that micro-manages all six pipelines, while also taking advantage of all the instruction and data caches. No-one has ever written a C compiler smart enough to handle even a fraction of this complexity, so you simply have to program your entire engine in assembly. We also had to handle all our collision detection and physics in assembly code, since the sheer
number of moving objects in the game would have otherwise prevented us from running at 60Hz.
Beyond pipeline issues, we also use the IOP chip to decompress data on the fly in order to get the most out of the RAM space. Then there is the issue of shuffling several megabytes of textures into VRAM through the DMA each frame. To put it simply, I don't think anyone has ever overstated the complexity of programming for the PS2. But, on the other hand, the Xbox libraries won't allow you anywhere near the actual hardware, so there is little room for optimisation. Plus, the Xbox doesn't have the high speed vector units of the PS2, which may be why even the best Xbox games run at 30Hz.
I seriously doubt we would have been able to make Ratchet and Clank run at 60Hz on the Xbox without drastically reducing the number of moving objects. So, ultimately, I think we've made the best platform choice for our game.
It's very difficult to put a number on how far we've pushed the PS2 at this point. If I had to estimate, I'd say Ratchet and Clank may use about 50% of PS2's maximum potential."
Quelle: http://www.computerandvideogames.co...ndvideogames.com/news/news_story.php?id=67662
Und sie beweisen eindrucksvoll, dass hier keine Ahnungslosen reden:
Soooo, liebe XBox-Hyper! "Generationen dazwischen", "die PS2 behindert den Spielefortschritt","behinderte Konsole", "veraltete Technik", "die PS2 ist schon zu 100% ausgereizt", "XBox ist the best!"
Der Kampf geht JETZT erst richtig los!
"...What's your experience of working with the PS2 hardware? How hard do you feel you've pushed the system?"
"The PS2 has been a much bigger challenge than we initially anticipated. The multiple CPU architecture is especially difficult because the main processor and the two vector units each have two instruction pipelines.
The only way to get anywhere near optimal results is to write assembly code that micro-manages all six pipelines, while also taking advantage of all the instruction and data caches. No-one has ever written a C compiler smart enough to handle even a fraction of this complexity, so you simply have to program your entire engine in assembly. We also had to handle all our collision detection and physics in assembly code, since the sheer
number of moving objects in the game would have otherwise prevented us from running at 60Hz.
Beyond pipeline issues, we also use the IOP chip to decompress data on the fly in order to get the most out of the RAM space. Then there is the issue of shuffling several megabytes of textures into VRAM through the DMA each frame. To put it simply, I don't think anyone has ever overstated the complexity of programming for the PS2. But, on the other hand, the Xbox libraries won't allow you anywhere near the actual hardware, so there is little room for optimisation. Plus, the Xbox doesn't have the high speed vector units of the PS2, which may be why even the best Xbox games run at 30Hz.
I seriously doubt we would have been able to make Ratchet and Clank run at 60Hz on the Xbox without drastically reducing the number of moving objects. So, ultimately, I think we've made the best platform choice for our game.
It's very difficult to put a number on how far we've pushed the PS2 at this point. If I had to estimate, I'd say Ratchet and Clank may use about 50% of PS2's maximum potential."
Quelle: http://www.computerandvideogames.co...ndvideogames.com/news/news_story.php?id=67662
Und sie beweisen eindrucksvoll, dass hier keine Ahnungslosen reden:
Soooo, liebe XBox-Hyper! "Generationen dazwischen", "die PS2 behindert den Spielefortschritt","behinderte Konsole", "veraltete Technik", "die PS2 ist schon zu 100% ausgereizt", "XBox ist the best!"
Der Kampf geht JETZT erst richtig los!