- Seit
- 15 Mai 2006
- Beiträge
- 25.225
Nuke (Erfinder von USB Gecko) bringt mal wieder die guten Sachen: Gecko Region Free. Der Twilight Hack war tatsächlich zu etwas zu gebrauchen.
(Noch) nicht 100% kompatibel (NMH geht beispielsweise, SSBB nicht), aber kommt dafür mit einer Screenshot-Funktion daher, sofern man einen USB Gecko besitzt. Zu haben ist das Teil hier, den Twilight Hack bekommt man von Wiibrew, und Twilight Princess benötigt man natürlich auch. Nicht so bequem wie der Freeloader, dafür kostenlos, aktualisierbar, und voraussichtlich kaum oder gar nicht nicht von Nintendo zu blockieren.Instructions:
Load boot.elf from Chain Loader. Insert any Wii Game and press reset. Enjoy your region free gaming.
Cool Additional Bonus (optional)
If you own a USB Gecko it will install a remote debugger and screenshot engine into memory and will hook. This means you can load Gecko Tool version included and grab screen shots and use the remote debugger in any Wii game. This is all done on the fly and silently, and has no effect on none USB Gecko users.
Technical Gargon:
Gecko Region Free was created with the homebrew libogc library. No certs, Tmd, Tik, Keys or other Nintendo copyright material were used or attached in the file, making it a pure homebrew release. No Datel code was used either, so please don't call this a clone etc as this and Freeloader work in completely different ways.
The decryption is done by the hardware, not in software and the correct IOS version of the game booting is selected and used. This is done by reading the information off the DVD using the low level read commands and then passed back to the starlet.
My own apploader was written, and will completely ignore the update partition, no patching is done except a region flag which is required.
This of course only works with Wii games.
Please note I take 'no' responsibility for the use of this software, If a game doesn't work you can report this in the USB Gecko forums, and I will try to fix it for the next release. It has worked on all games i've tried however I can not afford to buy all games so will need beta testers
Big Greets to the following people:
Xt5, Shagkur, Y.S, Bushing, Costis, Dhewg, Pinchy, Segher, TMBinc, brakken and tehskeen.com and all Gecko beta testers!