Heavy Rain

Das PSM hat schon oft Sony als Publisher eingetragen obwohl dies falsch war.
Der Scan hat absolut nichts zu bedeuten, das Spiel erscheint auf PS3 und XBOX360!
Zeitung gegen Internet :o

Dazu noch ein Scan ohne Magazinangabe und keine Webseite die diesen Publisher listet ist schon sehr sehr komisch.

Wir werden es ja sehen nur du bist mit sowas immer so vorschnell. Siehe Two Worlds und wohl auch Haze.

Trotzdem hat das Spiel einen wesentlich älteren Thread als diesen hier.
Entwicklerstudio Quantic Dream sucht auf ihrer Website 16 neue Mitarbeiter.

Unter Code wird nur jemand für allgemeine Tools und wer für PS3 gesucht. Und auch sonst gilt: Kein PC in Sicht!
Ich würde dann mal sagen für PC erscheint es nicht mehr. Bleiben also nur noch PS3 und XBox 360 und da auf der Offiziellen Seite steht "for Nex generation Console Game" und da das gezeigte Material auf der damlas neuesten PS3 Hardware presentiert wurde, könnte es durchaus möglich sein das Sony der Publisher ist und es somit Exklusiv für die PlayStation 3 erscheint.
Soooo endlich kann dieser thread rein wo er hingehört. :shaded:

Was allen schon klar war, ist endlich eingetroffen. Quantic Dream arbeitet an einem exclusiven Titel für die PS3. Und wir wissen ja eigentlich alle was es sein wird oder?^^

Hier mal eine kleine Zusammen fassung der Titel, die es sein könnten (als wenn es da eine Auswahl gebe:p

Zuerst: Heavy Rain


Soo wird mal endlich zeit das dieses Spiel seinen eigenen Thread bekommt.^^

Viel ist bis auf einen umwerfenden Trailer nicht bekannt. Aber das was man davon schon kennt, bereit vielen eine gänsehaut sondergleichen. Und nach der letztjährigen E3 war Heavy Rain das Thema Nummer 1 am Sony Stand


Oh und bevor welche kommen und sagen. Äh das ist aber nicht Ps3 Exclusiv. Hier die bittere Wahrheit für euch "Trolle" :p


Außerdem Listet die Aktuelle Seite dieses Spiel als next generation Console game. Man achte darauf keine MEHRZAHL!!!


So und nun aber zum eigentlichen Spiel und über die Infos die es hierzu gibt.^^

If you thought Keanu Reeves was wooden in Point Break, you should see the Nameless Marine. He doesn't say much, but he moves jaggedly, makes exactly the same sound each time he gets hurt, and always sports the same tense grimace. He is the worst actor you will ever see. Where can you catch him? Well, he's so bad he's only secured a role in a couple of titles, namely in id Software's DOOM series.

Chances are you haven't been too impressed by many other videogaming denizens. You'd think a character with whom you could interact freely would be more compelling than one in a world-class film, but this isn't the case. David Cage, lead designer of the upcoming Heavy Rain at Quantic Dream, attributes this to limited content.

"Most video games only use very basic emotions, like fear, anger, power, and frustration," he notes, "but not the social emotions that appeared later during evolution like empathy, sadness, joy, pity, love, et cetera. These emotions are more complex to generate, but all other art forms managed to do it. I can see no reason why games should limit themselves to the same old basic ones."

All art forms are, he believes, "emotional roller-coasters". "The pleasure we feel watching a movie or reading a book comes from the different emotions we go through," he elaborates. "There is no doubt in my mind that games will follow the same direction and offer more interesting, emotionally involving experiences, with more meaning and depth. Fahrenheit, our last game, was our first try at exploring new solutions. We will go much further with Heavy Rain."

Enlarge Image
A screenshot of the Heavy Rain trailer shown at last year's E3

Heavy Rain Screenshots
The first step was to secure adequate technology for the challenge, and they found it in PlayStation 3's resources. The result? A short trailer of sorts, shown at E3 2006. Unlike your typical gameplay walkthrough, Heavy Rain's trailer was simply in-game footage of an actress (voiced by Aurelie Bancilhon, who also provided her likeness) auditioning for the role of a betrayed wife. Compared to the frantic gun battles and ninja duels shown near and around Heavy Rain, the trailer was uniquely affecting. And what's more, it expertly showcased the tech at Quantic Dream's disposal — the actress visibly went from being embarrassed, to nostalgic, bitter, suicidal, and, finally, enraged, with the kind of subtlety and depth usually only seen in, well, real people.

Cage explains why such an unusual trailer was used to promote his game: "'The Audition' was initially an internal prototype in real-time 3D on PS3 to help us understand the technical difficulties of creating an emotion actor. This demo was just our raw first try, without any R&D, and it was not supposed to be shown outside. When Sony saw it, they asked us if they could show it on their booth at E3, and this is how it all started. The demo has been downloaded 800,000 times on the internet, and Heavy Rain was, after E3, the most anticipated game on PS3 at GameSpot.

"Although we didn't plan for it to be shown, this trailer is indicative of the direction we will take regarding acting quality. The final quality of the game will be significantly higher, though. Also, this trailer is just a real-time non-interactive movie, where the game will be fully interactive, without cut scenes."

As well-received the Heavy Rain trailer was, there were complaints about its unprecedented realism. Some writers commented that because Quantic Dream has so closely approached photorealism, slight imperfections in the virtual actor — such as when the virtual Ms. Bancilhon's eyes seem glassy or when her lips are slightly out-of-sync — make the whole thing disturbing, rather than compelling. In other words, they argue that Heavy Rain suffers from the Uncanny Valley effect, where virtual humans almost perfectly mimic humanity but aren't quite perfect, and such imperfections are jarring. Players don't react this way to less sophisticated "fake" humans, as their humanity is abstracted and all "holes" are filled by our imagination.

Cage is disappointed that some chose to focus on what wasn't achieved in the trailer, rather than what was. "A lot of writers also wrote that this trailer was one of the first to put a step out of the Uncanny Valley," he remarks. "I think this is really an outdated discussion. There is absolutely no doubt that we will very soon have highly emotional and believable synthetic human beings. The technology and expertise are now in reach, and we could touch it in this prototype. The exact problem is that the closer you get to realism, the more it has to be perfect because the least imperfection becomes shocking. If you raise the quality bar, you need to do it in a consistent way on all aspects, which is the current technical difficulty. There are still issues, but again, we feel we are not that far anymore."

As long as Quantic Dream is consistent with its emotional sophistication — i.e., its game design and character development are just as advanced as its technology — Cage doesn't think such complaints will arise again. "They'll have no difficulty accepting virtual actors, as long as we remain consistent. We still need to work on some aspects, because very few people found solutions to reach this level of detail in an acting performance. For some major publishers, emotion in games is limited to a smile on the face of a golfer when he did a nice drive. With our trailer, we had a girl talking for four minutes, looking straight into the camera, in a kitchen and going from a naïve attitude to smiles, tears, and anger. This is a different type of challenge."

In his opinion, though, it's one that's fully achievable. Which begs the question: why hasn't a Heavy Rain been attempted before? "Most decision makers in this industry only consider concepts that have already been developed before," Cage shrugs. "When you try to come up with something really different, they look at you like you are (a) totally nuts, (b) an alien, or, (c) perfectly stupid. You know, 'Why try something different when we could sell so many GTA clones to these stupid teenagers out there?'

"At Quantic Dream, we try to have more ambition for our media. We were lucky enough to find publishers trusting our vision and giving us the means to accomplish it. After Fahrenheit, a project very few people believed in, a lot of publishers realised that it was possible to make games based on interactive storytelling and emotions. Some important ones think today that emotion and stories may be an interesting direction to explore and that the market starts to be ready for it."

It's fair to say that if you've seen Heavy Rain's trailer, you're probably more than ready for whatever Cage is creating .We may not know much about the actual gameplay — save that it furthers Cage's "Bending Stories" technique, a way of creating non-linear storylines, first used in Fahrenheit — but from what Cage has been suggesting, it doesn't look like it will play like anything we've ever seen before. And hopefully, the game will be successful enough to make emotion in games more than an afterthough. What's more, we'll be able to give the DOOM Marine the boot, once and for all.

IGN: The Heavy Rain demo was definitely one of the more impressive games in Sony's booth at E3, how long had the team been working on it prior to the show?

Guillaume de Fondaumière: In fact, we spent less than three months to put the demo together from scratch, which includes developing the PS3 engine, writing the script, making the auditions to find the actress, defining the Mo-Cap techniques and doing some basic R&D for the tongue and hair.

Initially, this demo was a purely internal technical prototype that was not supposed to be shown outside the company. Our original goal was just to define if it was possible to create a next-gen character able to express complex emotions and what it would take on a technical point of view. David Cage wrote a script where the actress would go through different emotions in just a couple of minutes, from the very shy and naïve actress of the beginning to the drama at the end with real-time tears. He also wanted to know if we could make the audience listen to her, care for her and react to her emotions in a similar way than with a real actress.

Sony saw our work-in-progress and asked us for the permission to show it in its booth at E3 to show what could be done in matter of virtual actors on a PlayStation 3. The challenge was that we were only a few weeks away from E3 when the request came n and had not planed to finalize "The Casting" before the end of June.
Oh und falls viele noch nicht wissen, warum alle so begeistert von diesem Trailer waren. Hier der komplette Trailer in HD :p


In diesem Sinne freue ich mich auf die nächste E3 denn dort wird es sicherlich mehr infos zum Spiel selber geben^^

Zweitens. Hmmmmm keine Ahnung aber spekulationen sind natürlich auch gerne gesehen^^
Fahrenheit war ein hammerspiel. Ein Spiel wie ein Film, nur dass man es zockt. Durch die neue Hardware wird noch vieles möglich, so dass man sich am ende so fühlt als würde man ein Film zocken.
Fahrenheit war ein hammerspiel. Ein Spiel wie ein Film, nur dass man es zockt. Durch die neue Hardware wird noch vieles möglich, so dass man sich am ende so fühlt als würde man ein Film zocken.
Fahrenheit war wirklich interessant. Aber das was ich bei dem Spiel wirklich angekotzt hat, waren die quicktime events. Ich hoffe so ein scheiß kommt da nicht zu^^
:aargh:Hype! Hype! Hype! HYPE! HYPE!

Wieder ein geniales Team mehr gebunden!!! Wooaaaaaahh!! Sony ist der First Party King!

Wenn das hier stimmt dann sieht das 07 first Party Lineup eventuell so aus:

Killzone2, Ratched and Clank, Getaway3, Little Big Planet, Home, The Agency, Folklore, Afrika, Heavy Rain und Uncharted!! Was für ein mörder Lineup!!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Was für ein Genre ist Heavy Rain? Ein Adventure.....Action-Adventure....?
ich freu mich das ein weiteres edelstudio ihren teil zur ownage beitragen darf

enthüllung hoffentlich auf der e3
Mittlerweile bin ich mir zu 100% sicher, dass meine Entscheidung, die PS3 zum Weihnachtsgeschäft zu kaufen (und die anderen stehen zu lassen), die richtige ist.

Ich hab Fahrenheit geliebt.
Themen zusammengelegt.

Man kann eigentlich davon ausgehen, dass es sich um Heavy Rain dreht, da Quantic Dream nun nicht gerade eine Schmiede ist, die jedes Jahr 2 Titel rausbringt.

Die Exklusivität könnte man zwar bezweifeln, aber aktuell sprechen einige Dinge dafür, und ein Magazin-Scan ist für mich (vorerst) Beweis genug.

Kann unter Umständen ja später noch verschoben werden. Bash- und Trollfest wird gelöscht, für entsprechende Kommentare gibts je einen Punkt.
Ich bitte um geistreichere Beiträge als nur die üblichen Wörter zu schreiben. Sonst gibts Punkte wegen Spam.
War es, aber gerade die übernatürlichen Elemente haben den Schluss total versaut, deswegen bin ich froh das Heavy Rain darauf verzichten will.
ja ich auch und bitte kein Quicktime events die habe ich gehasst bei diesem spiel^^

Das was ich sehen will, ist ein richtig guter Thriller oder ein Detectiv Drama mit alten adventure einlagen. Von mir aus sowie Fahrenheit oder auch shadow of Memories?^^
War es, aber gerade die übernatürlichen Elemente haben den Schluss total versaut, deswegen bin ich froh das Heavy Rain darauf verzichten will.

Sehe ich genau so!
Die Entwickler lernen wohl aus ihren "Fehlern" :)
Das Spiel (wenn es den ein Adventure ist) könnte mir sehr gefallen!
Werde den Titel auf jeden Fall im Auge behalten!!!
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