PS4/PS5/XOne/XSeries/PC Guilty Gear -Strive-


24 Aug 2010
Xbox Live


Erscheint Ende 2020 u.a. für PS4 (TBA)
Nicht alle Rev 2 chars werden zurückkehren, die Story wird aber fortgesetzt. Das Gameplay wurde von Grund auf neu entwickelt
Musik von Ishiwatari


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neue infos gibts übrigens am 27-29 september beim CEOTaku

weitere infos
Some other bits from the interview. Some of it could be wrong so take with a pinch of salt etc;

- Undecided if it'll be a new numbered title or not

- Not an Xrd game either. Rev 2 is considered the conclusion to the Xrd series

- Continuation of Rev 2's story so not a reboot

- Doesn't think every character from Rev 2 will return due to it being made from scratch. Doesn't sound like anything from Xrd will be reused asset wise

- New guy has something to do with the history of Guilty Gear

- Gameplay/systems are being completely re done from scratch

- Wants this to be played by a wider audience

- They're still developing with arcade sticks in mind but it seems like they want to focus on pad players. Seems like there'll no longer be harder combos

- May is a little older but not too much. Seems to be set not long after Rev 2

- Ishiwatari is in charge of music again

- Seems like stage transitions are an actual system and not just a feature

- Playable at ArcREVO. PS4 is confirmed but is not exclusive
Throws sind jetzt quasi ein eigener input und kann whiffen so wie in BlazBlue usw.
Finde ich sehr gut.
In den früheren Guilty Gears war es nämlich so dass du in der Luft P+H spammen konntest und bei whiff eine schnelle safe light attack rausgehauen hast und bei Kontakt automatisch ein airgrab. Risk/Reward Ratio war zu gut, mit der Änderung wird das jetzt mehr balanced.
Dass man nun aus dem Dash aus sofort blocken kann ohne Faultless Defense zu verwenden finde ich auch besser.
Am besten finde ich außerdem dass die Wake-Up Time nun universell ist. Das war immer ranzig die OKI Optionen je nach Matchup auswendig zu lernen.
Ende 2020 :/

und jetzt 2 monate für nen Faust trailer warten? naja.... :coolface:

im spoiler nochmal der gleiche trailer, aber mit publikum im hintergrund
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

Where we are right now at ArcSys, in terms of rollback netcode, is we haven't really arrived at the conclusion that we'll need a super programmer as much as the engineering team is kind of divided actually. There are some that say this would be really good and others that say "You know, implementing this wouldn't really work with the Guilty Gear system. And it makes sense for a game like Street Fighter, but how Guilty Gear is designed—this wouldn't really fit the bill." So we're actually right in the middle of investigating on the engineering team how that might look.

[The current game, Guilty Gear Xrd, used delay-based netcode, which creates generally inferior results to rollback netcode. For more on the differences, and how rollback works, you can check out our deep dive. Here's a video clip from that article showing how the frame delay can fluctuate.]

Where we are right now at ArcSys, in terms of rollback netcode, is we haven't really arrived at the conclusion that we'll need a super programmer as much as the engineering team is kind of divided actually. There are some that say this would be really good and others that say "You know, implementing this wouldn't really work with the Guilty Gear system. And it makes sense for a game like Street Fighter, but how Guilty Gear is designed—this wouldn't really fit the bill." So we're actually right in the middle of investigating on the engineering team how that might look.

[The current game, Guilty Gear Xrd, used delay-based netcode, which creates generally inferior results to rollback netcode. For more on the differences, and how rollback works, you can check out our deep dive. Here's a video clip from that article showing how the frame delay can fluctuate.]
tl:dr "Wir sind nicht bereit, unsere Engine für etwas neu zu re-programmieren, das den japanischen Markt nicht beeinflusst."
Typisch japanischer Entwickler wieder einmal. Du musst denen täglich über Social Media auf die Nerven gehen bis sie eventuell wirklich einmal etwas für die Online Experience außerhalb ihrer kleinen Inselbubble tun.
anhand der beta kann man davon ausgehen, dass das spiel dieses jahr nicht mehr erscheinen wird.... da läuft soviel falsch, abseits des styles ...
Die Songs während den Kämpfen sind so unglaublich scheiße. Guilty Gear zählte für mich vor Xrd zu den Serien mit einem der besten OSTs da draußen. Strive sieht aber zumindest gut aus :kruemel:
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