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Nasg1 schrieb:habs bei utube hochgeldaden aber man sieht immer noch nix![]()
wie lange braucht das denn hatte es kürzer in errinerung
NIN-KIDD schrieb:Stimmt,sasuke ........![]()
(natürlich gehörst dazu^^)
Man,das wäre ein Traum![]()
Arbiter Elite schrieb:THIS IS LIVING! ATOM!!!![]()
Nach dem SMG Trailer habe ich meine Meinung geändert. Die Sig fliegt morgen raus!weird schrieb:Und das von einem Nintendohasser!Du wechselst deine meinung ja schneller, als Nintendopatante einen Sony-Aufkleber bekommen!
Arbiter Elite schrieb:Nach dem SMG Trailer habe ich meine Meinung geändert. Die Sig fliegt morgen raus!![]()
- Playing Collin Learns Courage through Strength song from Twilight Princess
- Bill Trinen introduces Eiji Aonuma
- Designed dungeons in Ocarina of Time, including the Water Temple
- Eiji Aonuma made director during Majoras Mask
- 2004 talked about Zelda series philosophy
- 2002 found a shift in his work
- Japanese version of TWW done in end of 2002
- Sold 1 million copies in North America by E3 2003
- Did not sell well in Japan
- Game Drift became apparent in Japan
- This gave birth to Nintendo DS
- Convinced the toon-shading doomed TWW
- No changes to core gameplay since jump to 3D
- Miyamoto felt this is why the games did not sell well intimidating to new players, too common for seasoned vets
- TWW 2 was born out of this concept
- Innovation not limited to Zelda
- New style of gameplay needed
- GBA -> GCN Link was born out of this new idea
- This was utilized in TWW as the Tingle Tuner first
- There was no game that used it as the primary gameplay
- So project was made to take advantage of this
- Four Swords Adventures came about
- E3 2003 response was positive
- The results though, were not good, when it went on sale
- Believes this came from the reason for everyone needing to have a GBA and GCN->GBA cable
- Suffered from seeming too complicated as well
- No matter how innovative the gameplay is, gamers will not be interested if it is not intuitive
- E3 2004 unveiled the realistic Zelda game made by the TWW 2 team
- Why it changed he asked NOA
- The toon-shading was giving the impression that this Zelda was for a younger audience, and that older gamers were being alienated
- Aonuma was worried about TWW 2 since it originally used the same presentation
- Needed to present a new way of playing
- End of 2003, Aonuma told Miyamoto he wanted to make a realistic Zelda
- Miyamoto said start by doing in it what you couldnt do in OoT
- Start by making Link be able to use his sword on horseback and go from there
- Link could swing his sword against enemies on horseback a few months later
- Surprise trailer at E3 2004 received standing ovation
- Still in very early stages
- Had to live up to expectations of North American fans, or else it could be the end of the franchise
- Announce it would be released in 2005 then
- DS was announced, and its direct control and touch screen and two screens might be a suitable platform
- Aonuma was deeply involved with Realistic Zelda, so he didnt consider a DS Zelda
- But Miyamoto felt it was time to make a DS Zelda
- FSA team was already working on DS Zelda in 2004
- Upon returning from E3 2004, Aonuma learned DS could do toon shading.
- Aonuma asked his team to make toon-shading on the DS Zelda right away
- Showed off a 3D toon-shading Link moving on top screen, and controller entirely on the bottom screen
- First major innovation in 3D Zelda gameplay since Ocarina of Time
- Direct control would be easy to entice new gamers
- In order to appeal to seasoned veterans, they added online multiplayer
- Had to make a decision about the realistic Zelda to innovate it
- Couldnt figure out a way
- If they changed the gameplay just to change it, it may alienate everyone
- 2004 was approaching its end
- So at the end of 2004, they suggested to change the environment of changing between Light and Dark
- This is when Link changing into a wolf was proposed
- Idea came from A Link to the Past (Rabbit in the Dark World)
- Wanted him to have both wild and heroic traits
- Miyamoto scolded Aonuma for making a 4-legged character only an amateur would do this
- Aonuma was called off to work on another project
- He came director of The Minish Cap
- The GBA market was healthy in Japan, so it was an important title
- Because it involved going between the Minish world and the human world, Aonuma was very passionate about it
- Gave Aonuma a way to take a break from realistic Zelda
- No timeline to connect the events in realistic Zelda by E3 2005 demo
- Nothing special about the game, about the movements, about the gameplay
- Miyamoto heard the response from fans, and said realistic Zelda needed to be 120% and had to exceed Ocarina of Time
- Aonuma doubted this could be done, but would do his best to achieve Miyamotos goal
- Aonuma became the games director after E3 2005
- At E3 2005, response was huge at the booths. But Aonuma thinks it was due partly to presentation
- After E3 2005, Aonuma still didnt believe the game was as innovative as Zelda DS
- So Miyamoto suggested using the innovation of the then code-named Revolution via the pointer
- So they started with the bow and arrow trial in the latter half of 2005
- Felt great, but it would alienate the GCN fans
- So they would release it on both versions
- This mean two versions but it would be impossible to create both before the 2005 release
- Miyamoto negotiated with the higher-ups, and in the end, though it would disappoint the fans, they decided to push
- Iwata made the final call, and they would develop both for the launch of the Revolution
- Aonuma begins to call it the Wii version in the session from here on out
- Now the development schedule was not easy to figure out
- But transferring data from GCN to Wii wouldnt be a big challenge
- Once the game was stable enough to work on GCN, they would begin work on the Wii version
- Miyamoto and he began to think about how to change the game controls in the Wii versions
- Aonuma loved the aiming, so they polished this control in early 2006
- Miyamoto wanted to eliminate the 3D stick as the camera control in the 3D version (for first person)
- Two styles of control; joystiq or cursor control
- Shows off a video of using the boomerang from E3 2006 build
- You can see the circular mark
- If the point is only moved in that area, the camera wont move. If moved outside of it, it will move
- This control was unlike anything used before and took time to get used to
- This was a very direct and effective control style
- Next was the motion sensor
- Aonuma considered using the Wii Remote to swing the sword
- They changed the perspective to first person to fight with the sword (early 2006)
- It was ackward, and it wasnt very effective
- Link has a variety of movements, but they were lost in this mode
- Brought the control back to 3rd person but found problems
- The player character Link is left-handed, and holding the controller in the right hand felt weird
- It might seam trivial, but it has to match up on screen, or it would have no effect and would be extraneous control
- So they settled on the E3 2006 controls
- Felt it was not inferior to the GCN version
- Awaited the response in Japan to the E3 2006 report
- Feedback was positive, but evidence people think the controls are too hard
- Miyamoto returned and said the d-pad control for the items was too difficult, and the camera moved around too much in first-person item mode (aiming)
- Only 4 months left to fix all of this
- What would you do if you get this negative feedback?
- Aonuma said people didnt have enough time or were too used to GCN controls
- So Aonuma played all the E3 Wii titles and found something to be missing
- The controls were forced and not easy and intuitive
- Miyamoto and Aonuma began rethinking the controls completely after E3 2006
- Everything pointed to the player needing reassurance
- If it takes too long to get used to, it is perceived as too difficult
- Aonuma realized they needed to make changes
- The pointer control was changed
- Couldnt refine it as-is, and because pointing was key, the decision was made to change the pointer control style to what it became in the final build
- Kept the vertical camera control, and returned lateral movement to the control stick
- Added text to tell player when the pointer was outside the range
- Were not able to fulfill Miyamotos wish of uniform camera control, and it probably will never be achieved in Zelda
- They hope FPS developers adopt Miyamotos vision
- The D-pad controls were addressed next
- Holding the d-pad led to players hitting other buttons
- But in trying to fix this, the team got stuck
- They ended up deciding on the current setup (B hold item, d-pad to swap out items)
- Made the gameplay much easier
- Until then, the B button had been used as the sword control
- So they decided to go with what users wanted; giving motion-sensing swings on the Wii Remote
- So they decided to make Link right-handed
- They would have had to redo Links character in 4 months, which wouldnt be possible
- So they decided to mirror the game to solve this
- Some of the staff criticized this as interfering with artist intent
- But after a week, most complaints died down internally
- Most began to think it controlled better than the GCN version
- In the beginning, they wanted vertical and horizontal swings
- But in the end no matter which way you swing the sword, he would swing it one way.
- Players wouldnt be able to figure out when engrossed in a game to swing the right way quickly, and it wasnt worth the hassle
- So ease and comfort was the priority
- To test it, they held an internal play test
- The female employees could defeat bosses easily
- Initially, Aonuma was bitter after E3s negative response, but was happy in the end with the changes he was forced to make
- Creating is about suffering
- Aonuma was reprimanded by Miyamoto for not upending the tea table enough
- He feels that the Japanese reception was not well enough, and that Zelda needed to change even more
- So Zelda DS will be the answer.
- WiFi enabled battle mode explanation
- WiFi Hide and Seek is the nickname for it
- Number of players is 2 (1 on 1)
- Goal is to collect Force Gems
- One is The Phantom Guards (Defense) and one is Link (offense) Phantoms also the name for the defense
- Aonuma is playing as Red Link in a demo (offense)
- Top screen does not show the enemy to the offensive player
- All you see is Link
- Phantom Guards do not appear on the map normally
- You can see the guards when you pick up the Force Gem and carry it around
- The Red Link changes between lifting the Force Gem and throwing them so you can move faster you walk slower when carrying items
- This is intentional to make the gameplay more in-depth
- If you place a Force Gem in the base, you get a point
- The bigger the Force gem, the more it will slow him down
- The points are dependant on size of Force Gems
- Phantoms will attack automatically, but Link cant attack
- Players now switch sides
- Blue Link is on defense now
- Lines are drawn on the lower screen map to move the three phantoms
- The phantoms can always see where Link is
- Link cant be seen in safe zones, and Phantoms cant enter when Link is in them
- Aonuma says the Blue Link is a much better player than he
- Link can disappear when he is on his base as well
- The player must use predictions and the map to be successful
- After a few turns, the game is over
- The longest possible game is 12 minutes in length
- The game is very addictive
- Zelda has been labeled too difficult once, Aonuma must continue to get more creative and be proactive
- One day in the Aonuma household
- Wife says games arent worth it
- Like Miyamotos wife
- Doesnt understand Aonumas hardships
- Aonumas son wanted a Wii Remote
- He wanted a Wii remote, not a Wii
- He had no idea it was connected to a game machine
- Aonuma brought home a Wii and Wii Sports for them to try out
- Had his son play first
- His five year old could play Wii Sports very easily
- His son finally saw Twilight Princess and wanted to try it out
- Aonuma let him play Twilight Princess
- His son took time to get used to it, but eventually he got good at it
- His son wanted to play more the next day this was shocking for a 5 year old to play Zelda
- Aonumas wife was playing the next day fighting a monster with his son cheering her on
- His son was too scared to fight them, so the wife took over.
- They didnt want to see the Game Over screen, so they kept playing
- Watching someone else play makes you want to play.
- His son wont leave Ordon Village because he is too afraid of monsters.
- As a follow up to Twilight Princess, he shows off the new trailer to Phantom Hourglass.
"Waiting for the Miyamoto keynote to start, Im sitting three rows from the front. Close enough to see Nintendos resident BMOC, Reggie Fils-Aime at the front of the crowd, working it with his trademark smile and good will. He poses for pictures, he signs Wiimotes, he presses the flesh with a goodnatured ease that would make even the most seasoned politician weep with envy.
Kick his ass and take his name! someone shouted from a few rows behind me.
Who? answered Reggie in mid-autograph.
Phil Harrison, front row! Sure enough, there was Phil Harrison, seated dead center, front row. Looks like he could show up on time for Nintendos keynote, but not Sonys.
With a grin and a chuckle, Reggie replies, Some would say weve already done that.
Touchdown. The crowd goes wild".
Evil_Dragon schrieb:Arbiter Elite wechselt seine Meinung wie seine Unterhosen.
(Alle zwei Wochen)
War ja auch meine Rede.Some of the staff criticized this as interfering with artist intent
Arbiter Elite schrieb:Nach dem SMG Trailer habe ich meine Meinung geändert. Die Sig fliegt morgen raus!![]()