Nintendo GDC: Shigeru Miyamoto Keynote

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Tahlis schrieb:
20:27.42 -
A photo of a museum in Kyoto now. Can't possibly spell the name. It's a museum for a game that blends playing cards and ancient Japanese poetry. Again, can't spell it. Nintendo is one of the companies that makes the cards.

kA was jetzt Nintendos "Hanafuda" Karten mit dem Wii oder der GDC oder der Keynote zu tun haben sollen aber abwarten :-?

Es kommt ein Karten Channel XD
20:28.59 -
Hmm... Is he going to announce anything new at all?

fragen wir uns glaub ich alle grade^^
Hoffentlich kommt da mal was :neutral:

Will Trailers zu MP3, SSBB, SMG usw. :o
Miyamoto helped design the museum - it's got LCD screens on the floor. As you walk around, you get a modified DS which keeps track of your location in the museum. You can press buttons to change the images on the screens at your feet.

oh man so geil da werde ich auf jedenfall mal higehen
20:28.59 -
Hmm... Is he going to announce anything new at all?

jetzt gehts endlich los :D
20:28.47 -

Miyamoto helped design the museum - it's got LCD screens on the floor. As you walk around, you get a modified DS which keeps track of your location in the museum. You can press buttons to change the images on the screens at your feet.

Geil :lol:

doppelt hält besser :blushed:
kennste noch nicht? gabs lange zeit schonma auf der webseite.... is sehr nice nur eben in japan XD

Miyamoto helped design the museum - it's got LCD screens on the floor. As you walk around, you get a modified DS which keeps track of your location in the museum. You can press buttons to change the images on the screens at your feet.

oh man so geil da werde ich auf jedenfall mal higehen
ich denke mal gaaaanz am Ende platzt noch ne Bombe... vorher ne Runde vollschwafeln, und wenn keiner mehr was erwartet, kommt das FFVII Remake :D
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