Nintendo GDC: Shigeru Miyamoto Keynote

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"Players themselves seemed to only want more of the same kind of game. We as developers felt we had to make these games in order to sell them, so this was a period where Nintendo and myself found ourselves at a crossroads."
The topic for today is the creative vision - and Nintendo's creative vision. "No matter how clear your own vision it must resonate with your company." Luckily Miyamoto and Nintendo have always matched.
The topic for today is the creative vision - and Nintendo's creative vision. "No matter how clear your own vision it must resonate with your company." Luckily Miyamoto and Nintendo have always matched.
Ich würd seinen Garten wirklich gern mal sehen. Da stehen bestimmt Gartenzwerge in Form von Mario und Luigi rum. Japaner stehn auf Gartenzwerge! ;P
20:09.17 -
The topic for today is the creative vision - and Nintendo's creative vision. "No matter how clear your own vision it must resonate with your company." Luckily Miyamoto and Nintendo have always matched.

das stimmt ;)
Shane: "I think I just saw someone in the front row pass out and get carried out by a security guard like at a Michael Jackson concert in Eastern Europe."
There are 3 elements to Nintendo's corporate vision. First, the expanded audience. "Maybe you've already heard too much about it by now..."
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