Nintendo GDC: Shigeru Miyamoto Keynote

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It's Miyamoto's Mii! We're seeing how it was made. Now he's in the big room with Jamil and Bill. And he's on stage!

20:02.44 -
It's Miyamoto's Mii! We're seeing how it was made. Now he's in the big room with Jamil and Bill. And he's on stage!
20:02.44 -
It's Miyamoto's Mii! We're seeing how it was made. Now he's in the big room with Jamil and Bill. And he's on stage!
Nihilist schrieb:
war nur spass ;)

Wir machen das halt im Nintendobereich durch ohne MEGATONthread im WAR meinte ich das.. wird hier wohl nix kommen was für nicht interessierte interessant wäre

aha ok! :blushed: :blushed: :blushed:

immer wenn ich was poste is schon eine seite vergangen, da bekommt mann ja garnichts mit! :lol:
20:02.44 -
It's Miyamoto's Mii! We're seeing how it was made. Now he's in the big room with Jamil and Bill. And he's on stage!
20:03.35 -
"I'm amazed that it has been eight years since we had the chance to talk. You haven't aged a bit, just like me," Miyamoto is joshing.
20:03.35 -
"I'm amazed that it has been eight years since we had the chance to talk. You haven't aged a bit, just like me," Miyamoto is joshing.
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