Nintendo Game Developers Conference 2006 --- [Nintendo - Conference]

Geil ich hab Telefonquali mit dem guten alten Windows media Player :o
Naja fast Telefonquali^^ aber Klar und deutlich
jack_the_rat schrieb:
also bin von winamp auf mediaplayer gegangen und das is gute quali.. ohne stören..
alles klar, danke für den Tipp, höre jetzt in super Quali mitm RealPlayer :)

irgendwie läufts nur mit WinAmp nicht vernünftig :-?
10:18 AM PDT- GameDaily arrives. People are filing into the auditorium for the keynote, with plenty of Nintendo DS systems in hand and the line going all the way around the corner. PACKED. A fanboy is walking around wearing a sign "Iwata dropped the bomb!", and on the back it said "Revolution is the only solution!". Inside, three screens are on hand for the presentation, one big one in the middle and two on each side, all with the Nintendo logo. There are four tables present, each with Nintendo DS development kits on them.
Wann lernen die Leute es endlich, bei Liveübertragungen Fernsehr bzw. Lautsprecher ausmachen!! Immer das gleiche!
Shorty17 schrieb:
10:18 AM PDT- GameDaily arrives. People are filing into the auditorium for the keynote, with plenty of Nintendo DS systems in hand and the line going all the way around the corner. PACKED. A fanboy is walking around wearing a sign "Iwata dropped the bomb!", and on the back it said "Revolution is the only solution!". Inside, three screens are on hand for the presentation, one big one in the middle and two on each side, all with the Nintendo logo. There are four tables present, each with Nintendo DS development kits on them.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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