Wii Earth Seeker

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Monster Hunter meets Opoona meets Xenoblade ?

Der Charme der Artworks geht verloren. Vielleicht wäre cel-shading besser gewesen?
Mmmh... mal schauen, haut mich vom Sti her nicht um. Ein Mix aus dem althergebrachten. Wir aber wohl Japan only bleiben.
Noch ein paar Infofetzen:
- mankind was forced to leave earth due to a black hole
- thousands of escape ships were created, big enough to hold full cities
- these are the ships where earth's treasures were stored, and then sent out
- a gamma ray burst killed everyone aboard one ship, but the computer systems continued to function
- the contents of that ship didn't react well with the planet it came in contact with, with made for an emergency landing
- Earth Seeker takes place a thousand years after this event
- the main character is a new type of human that was created by the ship
- two creature names: Protopros and Mamuma
- Mamuma is the combination of a dragon and a light bulb, likes dark locations, soft body that can absorb bullets
- the field of play is a mixture of nature, artificial objects and ruins
- learn more about the ruins as you play
- Time Stop Battle system: move around in real-time, and press A to freeze the action and input commands
- when you are spotted by an enemy/when you spot an enemy, you and your guardians will head into battle

Und die JP-Homepage
also mir gefällts. technisch wohl nicht das schönste wii-spiel aber wen interessierts?? auch schön, dass es ein Action Adventure wird und kein RPG :-)
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