Nintendo E3 2014 - Non-Specific Pika Edition

Ich liebe Yoshi.Die Level sind sehr einfallsreich und einfach super.
Hat echt lust gemacht,wo ich die zu geguckt habe.
Und alles sieht so fantastisch süß aus.
Dank der E3 hab ich jetzt wieder nen neuen Ava :D


(sollte er noch nicht dargestellt werden, das da oben wird er werden :) )
Schöner Avatar! Hab ja auch schon einen Splatoon Avatar. Das Spiel muss in Erinnerung gehalten werden.
Majors Mask:

Schreier: I have to ask... I asked readers what questions I should ask you, and the number one question was that you've hinted so many times about a new Majora's Mask or a Majora's Mask remake for the 3DS—will we ever see that?

Aonuma: I do know that fans want to see Majora's Mask. I've heard that voice, it's very, very strong, and I'm always listening, is what I would say.

Schreier: I think people reacted to the teaser in A Link Between Worlds, the mask in the house. People saw that and thought it was a hint for the future, so that's why people are excited about that.

Aonuma: Maybe I was toying with them a little. (laughter) I'm doing everything I can. I hear the voices of the fans. There are so many out there. It's very loud, and just to acknowledge the fact that the need, the want is out there, I put that in there.
so gehyped ich jetzt gerade bin wird mir langsam trotzdem bewusst dass es jetzt ersteinmal lange nichts neues auf der wii u zu spielen gibt.
2014 war/ wird definitiv nicht das jahr das die wii u brauchen würde...

zwischen februar (donkey kong) und juni (mario kart) kam nichts und jetzt gibt es ersteinmal garnichts wesentliches bis september wenn ich das richtig verstehe und nichts übersehe. ein richtiger blockbuster kommt erst zu weihnachten mit smash bros... :/
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Majors Mask:

Schreier: I have to ask... I asked readers what questions I should ask you, and the number one question was that you've hinted so many times about a new Majora's Mask or a Majora's Mask remake for the 3DS—will we ever see that?

Aonuma: I do know that fans want to see Majora's Mask. I've heard that voice, it's very, very strong, and I'm always listening, is what I would say.

Schreier: I think people reacted to the teaser in A Link Between Worlds, the mask in the house. People saw that and thought it was a hint for the future, so that's why people are excited about that.

Aonuma: Maybe I was toying with them a little. (laughter) I'm doing everything I can. I hear the voices of the fans. There are so many out there. It's very loud, and just to acknowledge the fact that the need, the want is out there, I put that in there.
Klingt so, als wäre es in Entwicklung und darf noch nicht verraten werden.
Oder es klingt so, als wolle er es für die Fans tun und darf es nicht xD
Oder er hört die Fans und kümmert sich nicht drum, ohne das explizit sagen zu wollen :D

Würde mich aber auch nicht wundern, wenn wir im Laufe des Jahres noch eben diesen "Megaton" in einer Direct sehen werden ;-)

@ Zig: 3 Monate noch, dann gibt's genug^^
2015 wird dafür - wenn nicht noch mehr Verschiebungen kommen (und die können quasi nicht mehr kommen :ugly:) - richtig genial, mit relativ vielen Spielen :D
Interview zwischen Kotaku und Miyamoto, Bill Trinen und Shinya Takahashi über die Zukunft von Metroid:

Stephen Totilo, Kotaku: I can’t ask you what’s going on with Pikmin, because you’ve answered that for the last couple of years in a row. I can’t ask you what’s going on with Star Fox, because you answered that this year. So… what is going on with Metroid?P

[everyone laughs]

Shigeru Miyamoto, Nintendo: The original creators of Metroid and the director who was the director of the Metroid Prime games who worked under me when I was producing those both now work for Mr. Takahashi, so you’ll have to ask him.

Shinya Takahashi, Nintendo: So it has been a while since we released the last one and we’re having discussions internally about what we can do next. So at this point we have two different types of Metroid games. We have the Prime style of Metroid game and we have the more traditional style of Metroid game. We feel that we do need to take care of both of these styles of play. And the hope is that at some point in the near future we’ll be able to share something about them.

Bill Trinen, Nintendo — who had been translating for our interview: Mr. Miyamoto was prompting him to say, ‘Which of these two styles do you like best?’

Totilo: It’s been so long that I miss both of them. They’re both great, but it’s been a long time. The [2D] Metroid people don’t really much anymore. The only one like that recently was a Batman game made for the 3DS and the Vita that was created by some guys who used to be at Retro. So I miss that style of game. As for Metroid Prime, nobody at all makes anything like that. So in other words, if you don’t do it, no one will.

Miyamoto: This falls into your question before of remaking the same franchises.

Totilo: I’ll get back to that in a second, but which of the two styles do you guys like better? The 2D or Metroid Prime?

Takahashi: I like them both. They both have a different style of appeal.

Miyamoto: I have the New Super Mario Bros. series [for 2D], so I like Prime. I think there’s still a lot of new things that could be done with the Prime series.

Quelle: http://

Sieht so aus als würde das nächste Metroid wieder in Prime-Richtung gehen. Möglich sind dennoch beide Stile (2D/3D). Beide sollen erhalten bleiben. Gefällt mir so am Besten :goodwork:
Und damit ist Treehouse sowie die E3 nun offiziell vorbei :(
War eine geile E3, hatte glaub ich wirklich schon seit Jahren nicht mehr eine so tolle Show, von vorn bis hinten. Top gemacht Nintendo. Top Hype im Forum hier, hat auch super Spaß gemacht. :happy2:
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